Okay, I'll make this short. I went to the EVO Gallery to post a picture, and it asked for my picture's URL, what does that mean and what do I need to do? Thanx.
Never give up hope in
anything, persevere.
Okay, I'll make this short. I went to the EVO Gallery to post a picture, and it asked for my picture's URL, what does that mean and what do I need to do? Thanx.
Never give up hope in
anything, persevere.
URL means the web-address, you need to stick your pic on a webpage
Kirk - Scotty, we need more power!
Scott - I kinna do it captain, I kinna reach the controls...
If you do not have a website to post your picyure on, I'd be glad to host it. Just email me at: (url="http://"mailto:skyguy@bronzefx.com")mailto:skyguy@bronzefx.com(/url)skyguy@bronzefx.com
Universal Resource Location (or Locater, I forgot which)
The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
What am I doing? I'm Chillin™!
(url="http://"http://www.wwiiplug.f2s.com")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon
URL means Universal Resource Locater, iirc, it is the FULL address to the image, for example (url="http://"http://www.mysite.com/myimage.jpg")http://www.mysite.com/myimage.jpg(/url), everything including the http:// bit is required.
The cure for writer's cramp is writer's block. - Inigo DeLeon
Captain Editor, I tried to email you but I got this message that the server denied relaying messages or something sort of like that. What should I do?
Never give up hope in
anything, persevere.
Hmmm I don't what is going on. I've never had that problem before. Try it again using this link instead: (url="http://"mailto:skyguy@bronzefx.com")mailto:skyguy@bronzefx.com(/url)skyguy@bronzefx.com
The way the image gallery works is you stick your picture and 60x60 thumbnail online somewhere (free online services like geocities and f2s are popular or apples iDisk), then you only give Ambrosia the address of the picture (it will be like blackhole said) and the thumbnail. When people view it it is actaully just a link to the picture that is hosted somewhere else. If you can't get through to Capt. Editor email me (in my sig) and I'll host it for you, I got a real fast connection so you can just attach the image and I'll even make a thumbnail for you. Once I put it online (it will take about 5 seconds) I'll give you the URL that you need and you can psot away.
- Squinky
WARNING: THIS OBJECT DOES NOT EXIST - the existential negation campaign
(url="http://"http://www.tufts.edu/~nrolan01")My Stuff(/url)