Does anyone know of a good 3D Graphics Program (preferably free or under $20) that is compatible with Mac0S 7.5.3 or under? I tried Strata 3D but it says I need at least System 8.5.
Does anyone know of a good 3D Graphics Program (preferably free or under $20) that is compatible with Mac0S 7.5.3 or under? I tried Strata 3D but it says I need at least System 8.5.
7.5.3!? Jeeze! Why so old? Beats me, I don't think there ARE any 3D programs that work with something that old. Thats like Caveman days compared to now.
- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Crew of One Challenger
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation
Since beggars can't be choosers, I recommend POV-Ray. It's free, and I bet you can scrounge up an older version that will run happily on your system.
The interface is a bit complicated to learn, but there's very little you can't do with it once you know how to use it.
Originally posted by UniversalWolf:
**Since beggars can't be choosers, I recommend POV-Ray. It's free, and I bet you can scrounge up an older version that will run happily on your system.
The interface is a bit complicated to learn, but there's very little you can't do with it once you know how to use it.
a bit complicated to learn? you hafta program the damn meshes!!!!
(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
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I have the same problem as Platypus, only mines worse, I'm not running on a power-mac and I only have system 7.5.1. Do you know where I can get POV-Ray, I can always use my frinds computer if it doesn't work on mine.
Gliig bilgy tij fyture nubbulo zoo zo exat qoimlee roilys glop!!
Perhaps you could dig up an old copy of Stratavision (An older program by the same company that makes Strata 3D).
"I don't want to insist on it, Dave, but I am incapable of making an error" - HAL 9000
Try mechanisto for PPC (I dont think it's 68k). Although it says it is shareware it is actually freeware now. If you want StrataVision 4, get a back issue of MacFormat February 1998. It's the program they used to make Myst...
The cure for writer's cramp is writer's block. - Inigo DeLeon
The best 3D program I have seen that is like $20 (maybe $30), is Meshworks. It's a mesh editor, if you know how to use an illistraightor, this shouldn't be too hard to learn.
Hope you find something!
-Kyle "Vader" Blessing
-May the force be with you
Try mechanisto for PPC (I dont think it's 68k).(/quote)
Oh, I almost forgot about that piece of junk "PowerPC"!!! Mechanisto is for PPC's only, unfortunately. I tried Mechanisto on my heap of trash PPC, I could make any shape , but , I couldn't rotate or aply any transforms or move the camera . Like I said, heap of twisted fried circutry, it should work on your computer if it's a power-mac. I'm curently transfering all my files off my PPC.
(quote)Since beggars can't be choosers, I recommend POV-Ray. It's free, and I bet you can scrounge up an older version that will run
happily on your system.
But where can I get POV-Ray!!!!!
The best 3D program I have seen that is like $20 (maybe $30), is Meshworks. It's a mesh editor, if you know how to use an
illistraightor, this shouldn't be too hard to learn.
"" (/quote)
Vader!!!! , your link is broken!!!!. I neeeeed a program!!!!!! please fix the ******* link!!!!!!
These D**n Quotes Won't Work!!!!!!
Gliig bilgy tij fyture nubbulo zoo zo exat qoimlee roilys glop!!
(This message has been edited by Capt. Editor (edited 03-24-2001).)
(This message has been edited by Capt. Editor (edited 03-24-2001).)
(This message has been edited by Capt. Editor (edited 03-24-2001).)
(This message has been edited by Capt. Editor (edited 03-24-2001).)
Woa!! Easy there Capt. Editor! One angry smilie would have said the same thing. And since Vader's link is broken, I suggest that instead of yelling at him, you go to (url="http://""), or some other search engine, type in "Meshworks", and see what comes up.
"I don't want to insist on it, Dave, but I am incapable of making an error" - HAL 9000
I found the ultimate 3D program website! It has links to nearly every 3D program!!!
Go to (url="http://"")http://www.chickenfi...dresources.html(/url)
Gliig bilgy tij fyture nubbulo zoo zo exat qoimlee roilys glop!!
(url="http://"") is the link.
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