Very nicely done, but if I may humbly critique the graphics gods
- The part with the cruiser in the beginning when it's moving onto the screen has a lot of potential, but is very boring. Have the camera move ever so slightly away and constantly point at the front annd it will make it much more ominous. I did that in my StarLance movies.
You can download a movie where I do this (url="http://"")here(/url) (11.89 MB)
- I agree that it is a bit dark sometimes, but I don't think you should lighten it. instead, add some lights to the dark side of the cruiser to make it appear much more complex and it just looks cool.
(url="http://";=000141&redirect;=")Here(/url)'s an example of what I mean.
I can see that you've encountered the problem of when polygons are constantly trying to overlap each other (see the inside corners of the cruiser wings). This causes a constant flickering when the polygons have dfferent textures/glows/lighting effects. To fix this, I usually shrink the size of the submissive polygon. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe that's that's what you meant to do, but 'tis better to cry wolf when in doubt.
The Alien fighter looked a bit plastic-like. A little less gloss and a slightly brighter texture should do a grand job.
Overall, the movie was superb. Good Job, Dave.
Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.