Woohoo! andrew wants to talk to me. Wait, that might be bad...
And, Bombcat, you've got me. While all the flattery is nice
it's not like you still have to convince me.
(tangental rant, feel free to ignore)
Y'know, it's kind of odd. For a long time I never seemed to be remembered, mentioned, whatever, like if someone came back after an extended EV-break, when they said who they were glad to see was still there, I wasn't on it. Of course, me, and anyone else who happened to be missing posted, and then they remembered. Anyway, it seems lately that's changed. People post regarding graphics and mention me...remember that I do graphics and what I use (reference to Kwanza's post), etc. Also, after the surprising (to me) result of the graphics competition (noone invite Onyx next time either..j/k ;)) there's even more recognition (and bomb's incessant flattery...heh). Not that I'm complaining, of course, but it's just almost overwhelming...
(/tangental rant, feel free to ignore)
I guess if anyone wants to contact me (andrew, onyx, pipey...anyone for something (note: I'm very busy. No more custom requests granted from me.)) I'll be recieving an email...
Say, whatever happened to AJ? AKA loki, but not the new Loki who's been frequenting these boards lately.