I thout sobody was using the ExoBattle engine to make a EV 3D of sorts.Any place i could get an update on the progect?
Aircad Member
I thout sobody was using the ExoBattle engine to make a EV 3D of sorts.Any place i could get an update on the progect?
Aircad Member
Originally posted by Blackhawk:
**I thout sobody was using the ExoBattle engine to make a EV 3D of sorts.Any place i could get an update on the progect?
I think Mikee got banned...look up one of his old posts and e-mail him.
"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"
AIM: Kwanzar26
Kwanzasoft Graphics
or if you have AIM, message him. his SN is G2uidehatr
your freindly drug addict
Whoa, Soviet Mikee got banned? What for?
Speaking of soviet, has anyone heard abotu that russian sub deal? I think it's ****ing sick of them to let 116 18 year-olds die a slow death in a pitch black sardine can, this ****ign cold war paranioa that is housed by our countries is sick, they would rather keep their pride than save 116 people, whom we could have saved if we were asked earlier.
Cotton Mouse: Helping stupid people feel secure since 1997.
Era for EV: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/rhysmctharin/erahome.html")www.geocities.com/rhysmctharin/erahome.html(/url)
Originally posted by Cotton Mouse:
**Whoa, Soviet Mikee got banned? What for?
Speaking of soviet, has anyone heard abotu that russian sub deal? I think it's ****ing sick of them to let 116 18 year-olds die a slow death in a pitch black sardine can, this ****ign cold war paranioa that is housed by our countries is sick, they would rather keep their pride than save 116 people, whom we could have saved if we were asked earlier.
he got banned for somthing, oh, just maybe posting what was on the EV3 board...
your freindly drug addict
I think him and some other guy got banned for pirating AmbrosiaSW or something like that.
Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**I think him and some other guy got banned for pirating AmbrosiaSW or something like that.
No, Mikee hacked the EV3 board and posted the results on the B&B; board... andrew understandably got pissed and banned him forever.
Adzy/Azdy/whatever his name is was banned for using an pirated reg code for Mars Rising.
"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.
AIM: ColdFusion117
Whoa, what EV3 board?
"Those tought from a book may be read like a book"
Era for EV: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/rhysmctharin/erahome.html")www.geocities.com/rhysmctharin/erahome.html(/url)
Naw, I did something I shouldn't of and I got banned for it, rightfully so. But since then I was unbanned.
As for "what EV3 board?", at this time I can not confirm nor deny it's existance. But I'll say this much, leaving ASW and the people making EV3 alone, will speed up the process.
tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - gwii@excite.com - Labor conquers all
Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Naw, I did something I shouldn't of and I got banned for it, rightfully so. But since then I was unbanned.
As for "what EV3 board?", at this time I can not confirm nor deny it's existance. But I'll say this much, leaving ASW and the people making EV3 alone, will speed up the process.
When did you get banned and when were you unbanned?
and whats this about a pirated reg code? did he like hack into the reg program for Mars Rising or something??
Originally posted by Cotton Mouse:
I think it's ****ing sick of them to let 116 18 year-olds die a slow death in a pitch black sardine can, this ****ing cold war paranioa that is housed by our countries is sick, they would rather keep their pride than save 116 people, whom we could have saved if we were asked earlier.
C'mon, Russia denied the help that the U.S. Secretary of Defense offered. Russia thinks they're still a superpower, but they're not. Russia doesn't need submarines! Who would want to conquer Russia? If they did, they would just get a bunch of debt, and people living in filth and squalor. Everbody over there wants to get out. Cold War paranoia? Yeah right, America knows that Russia's just a barren wasteland. America offered help, but Russia declined it. It would hurt their pride too much.
My other ship is also a Kestrel ...
AIM : Grundle004