Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • ATTN: Tycho

      I just downloaded your Helian wars application, and deduced from the frequent nilobject exceptions that you wrote it in REALBasic.
      Anyway, I'm working on a somewhat similar game, and I wanted to ask:
      How the hell do you want to make the socket work?
      You do know that a sprite surface blocks all other processes?
      Please tell me how you intend to do this. I might be able to assist you with your applications in several ways (AI).

      "I'm beginning to see the flowers from the wrong side"

      -The prophet Zarquon, shortly before passing away

    • hi, my name is sebek and i am the developer of ev/olib a realbasic lib to handle ev/o plugins and data files.

      actally there is a way to implement sockets firing while a sprite surface is running. just thread the sprite surface. this problem was extesively discussed on the rb developer lists. i posted a feature-request to realsoftware today. i hope they'll add this as soon as possible.

      so run your sprite surface from a thread this is slow but the only way at the moment.



    • I don't think the spritesurface actually does stop all other processes. I haven't tried the socket yet but I tried using the modem control to dial a number while the spritesurface was running and it worked.

      Beats me. I'll do more tests later.

      Join #evh on efnet to talk to me about this.


      Where the Hell's my roof?

    • of course you can get rb to dail the modem via serial! the problem is that you won't recieve any data. events don't fire and socket.lookahead returns nothing.
