If any of you newbies have a problem just post it here!If you use my helo in a Plug please put:Thanks to Aircad Software for tech help.
Aircad inc.
If any of you newbies have a problem just post it here!If you use my helo in a Plug please put:Thanks to Aircad Software for tech help.
Aircad inc.
I'm not exactly a newbie, but how do you know what number to put in for the feild "Ammo Type"????? I've never understood what it meant in the EV Bible.
"ammo type" refers to the kind of ammunition a weapon uses. For example, a laser cannon or blaze turret don't use ammo, so the number there is -1. Rocket launchers use rockets. So, look in the outfit resource and see what the ID is for "rockets". Then, note that number and put it in the "ammotype" field for the weapon.
Dan! The food's gone!
I know what it's for and everything but I looked at torpedos then missiles and then heavy rockets. torps use ammo type 3, missiles 4, and rockets 11. What is the pattern here? and I know you don't just use the resource number of the outfit called "torpedo".
"Some people are just stupid."
-Tristan Moyer
I am and old newbie, and soon to be veteran. I just need to know how large the landing pictures are, like 500x300? I just dont know!
Admiral Zombat
"What does not kill me, only makes me stronger."
-Some person
Originally posted by Admiral Zombat:
**I am and old newbie, and soon to be veteran. I just need to know how large the landing pictures are, like 500x300? I just dont know!
It's actually 333x271.
The ammotype is only relevant if two weapons should use the same ammo (which doesn't work very well anyway).
You can set them to any number you like, just don't set it too high (<256) and don't use the same number in two weapons.
"I'm beginning to see the flowers from the wrong side"
-The prophet Zarquon, shortly before passing away
Considering Lance started this thread offering help to newbies he's hardly helped anyone yet
Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I'm schizophrenic
And so am I.
website: [www.jpw.op.nu
](http://www.jpw.op.nu "External link")
Originally posted by Troopa:
**I know what it's for and everything but I looked at torpedos then missiles and then heavy rockets. torps use ammo type 3, missiles 4, and rockets 11. What is the pattern here? and I know you don't just use the resource number of the outfit called "torpedo".
I just use the actuall outfit ID, works fine (e.g. if you ammo has 136 for it's ID, than you would set the "AmmoType" to 136)
Excuse?I just got here now.And i don't know everything but i could have answered some of those.
Aircad Member
Ok, all I did was put in "3" and it works. Thanks
"Some people are just stupid."
-Tristan Moyer