I've made a (better) readme for a8 that I've already mailed to you tycho (everyone seems to be too busy making chat programs to bother about the little things).
Screen does not refresh after a new game
Explosion sound is too overdone (well, i think so)
Fighters are prone to explode after a while of shooting the laser (especially the blue one)
Explosion is simotanues (grammer.....)
You can still move around and fire (in an invisible ship) aftter you have died for a period of about 6 seconds
The explosion graphic has the same rules applied as the ship graphic (you can be covered up by the explosion
Some ideas for final version :
Java based chat "bar" (Maybe that chat progran someone was working on would be implemented ? )
More ships
More weapons
A splashscreen
Bigger Arena
The ability to be a carried fighter
Teams (Blue or Purple or Green )
Ability to make different arenas (Can you say "Plug-in" ? :))
Special Arenas where "wars" can be carried out (say...Confederation vs. Rebels)
Clan Ladders
A info tab (like avara) where pictures and clan nicks can be put in
Combat Ratings
A secondary dialog to select different secondary weapons (Ev)
Target dialog
You can board ships and get their money
Bank accounts
Ability to buy weapons
Ability to buy upgrades/armour
Ability to transfer money from one bank account to another
Wham!Man - The original and still the best