Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Annotated Templates for 1.0.2 here

      I've released an updated set of EV Override Annotated Templates that support all the new changes to EVO 1.0.2's templates -- including the superfluous data that may or may not be appended to the end of the resource! :rolleyes:

      Download them at the Lightning Bolt site or the Add-ons portion of the EVO site.

      For those of you who don't know, Annotated Templates gives Resorcerer owners a powerful way to edit and make EVO plug-ins. The Annotated Templates use all of Resorcerer's advanced features and include annotations from the EVO Bible.

      Tim Morgan
      (url="http://"")Lightning Bolt Software(/url)

      Visit my site, (url="http://"")All the EV Override Tips You Could Possibly Want(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Syzygy (edited 06-05-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Syzygy:
      **I've released an updated set of EV Override Annotated Templates that support all the new changes to EVO 1.0.2's templates -- including the superfluous data that may or may not be appended to the end of the resource!:rolleyes:

      Download them at the Lightning Bolt site or the Add-ons portion of the EVO site.

      For those of you who don't know, Annotated Templates gives Resorcerer owners a powerful way to edit and make EVO plug-ins. The Annotated Templates use all of Resorcerer's advanced features and include annotations from the EVO Bible.


      I could be wrong, but after quick examination, it seems that the new (in EVO 1.0.2) features aren't in your templates. For example, in the shďp resource, where is the built-in fuel regeneration and in the wëap resource where is the "flak style" end of life detonation.

      Is it possible you put the 1.0.1 templates in the archive by mistake?


      Durandal 7400

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Durandal 7400:
      Is it possible you put the 1.0.1 templates in the archive by mistake?

      I double-checked, and I've got the right version up. Make sure you've replaced the old template file (put v.10.2 in Private Resources and take any other EVO files outta there), and also be sure that the plug-in you're editing doesn't have any resources within itself. E-mail me if you have any other problems.

      Tim Morgan
      (url="http://"")Lightning Bolt Software(/url)

      Visit my site, (url="http://"")All the EV Override Tips You Could Possibly Want(/url).

    • Where can I get Resorcerer, all I have is Res-Edit and I would like to try something new.

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Jol'Jvik:
      **Where can I get Resorcerer, all I have is Res-Edit and I would like to try something new.



      Durandal 7400

    • Bear in mind, however, that it costs $250 or something! Not exactly affordable.


      Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
      Roses are red
      Violets are blue.
      I'm schizophrenic
      And so am I.

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    • Are there any updated templates for Res-Edit? because I'm pretty sure that if Resourcer needed a template up. for 1.0.2 then Res-Edit probably needs and up. too.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mazca:
      **Bear in mind, however, that it costs $250 or something! Not exactly affordable.


      Actually, you can download a demo. Coughsurfersserialscough.

      That's not to say that I didn't shell out the big bucks to get it, myself. 🙂

      Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

      AIM: obormot345

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zitchas:
      **Are there any updated templates for Res-Edit? because I'm pretty sure that if Resourcer needed a template up. for 1.0.2 then Res-Edit probably needs and up. too.


      There were updated ResEdit templates included with the pulic beta of 1.0.2, don't know if they come with the release version. Anyway they exist and should not be too difficult to locate.

      Joe Burnette

      "I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
      among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

    • I know the updater has them. I haven't seen the complete 1.0.2 package though.

      BTW, does anyone know what editors will be updated for 1.0.2? And which ones have been updated already?

      Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


      (Insert witty remark here)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Knucklehead:
      **I know the updater has them. I haven't seen the complete 1.0.2 package though.

      BTW, does anyone know what editors will be updated for 1.0.2? And which ones have been updated already?

      ResEdit templates and the updated EVO Bible are included with 1.0.2.

      As for editors, Resorceror and ResEdit are available, EVO Developers Map should be OK with 1.0.2, and I expect Schmelta-V can be made to work by changing file types. What more would anyone need?

      Joe Burnette

      "I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
      among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Joe Burnette:
      **ResEdit templates and the updated EVO Bible are included with 1.0.2.

      As for editors, Resorceror and ResEdit are available, EVO Developers Map should be OK with 1.0.2, and I expect Schmelta-V can be made to work by changing file types. What more would anyone need?


      Schmelta-V would not work properly. Note the additional misn flags such as StartBitSet. I believe there are more, not sure though.

      Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

      AIM: obormot345

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Obormot:
      **Schmelta-V would not work properly. Note the additional misn flags such as StartBitSet. I believe there are more, not sure though.

      Well, the way to find out would be to try, wouldn't it? I don't know whether Schmelta would choke on the additional fields or simply ignore them, leaving the developer to clean up the details of the mission in ResEdit. Using Schmelta for the bulk of mission editing would still speed up the process even if it was necessary to finish up with another program. Of course it is entirly possible to do missions with only ResEdit, just very slow.

      BTW, some other new fields in the 'mďsn' resource include 'RefuseBitSet', 'RefuseText', and 'AvailShipType'.

      Joe Burnette

      "I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
      among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer