Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Unusual Request... maybe

      Hi all. I have half-finished a Total Conversion for EVO called 'Balance of power' (I'm just finishing off the game graphics now, which just leaves me the rest of the missions to do). I just started writing some background stuff for the docs and I thought it would be good if I could put in a couple of pics of what the alien races that I have actually look like.

      The problem I have is drawing them. I don't have a 3D modeller that I can make convincing aliens in, and I'm not much good at drawing them freehand. Anyone able/interested in drawing up a few?

      All applicants considered 🙂


      "Only two things are infinite -- the universe and
      human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."
      Albert Einstein

    • A few things....

      Have you ever done a REAL plug before?

      I am confused, you said you finished the graphics and are left with missions for a TC plug, those are just a small part of what is needed for a real and good TC plug. Otherwise it is just an expansion.

      PS: The Universe is only infinite if time is 😃

      Someone needs a life

    • Believe me, it's got everything. I worked, debugged, cursed EV-Edit and made systems till I was blue in the face. All of the original resources have been replaced, save a few, i.e. I've done ships, systs, spobs, descs, outfs, etc, etc, etc.

      All that's left is five or six ship graphics, a couple of stations and the missions.

      Oh, and those alien pics. Any offers?


      "Only two things are infinite -- the universe and
      human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."
      Albert Einstein

    • Have you tried Amorphium?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Sephyr:
      **Believe me, it's got everything. I worked, debugged, cursed EV-Edit and made systems till I was blue in the face. All of the original resources have been replaced, save a few, i.e. I've done ships, systs, spobs, descs, outfs, etc, etc, etc.

      I'm working on a really neat gunboat on Infini-D right now... 😉 Texturing is a b*tch, but the modelling part works more or less...


      Originally posted by Sephyr:
      Oh, and those alien pics. Any offers?

      You can use my Miranu picture as long as you use it for the Miranu themselves, or for a comparably civilized, advanced, peaceful alien race. Just credit it in the readme file and give me a PERS ship. 😉

      I'm going to produce more ships and aliens as soon as those semester vacations begin (in a few weeks).

      -- Cinga
