For larger map space: study the EVO Map Embigulator, or ask Ryan if you can include it. I haven't studied it myself, but I could pick it apart for you if you want. DLOGs and DITLs are easy to modify in ResEdit.
For longer side bar: there is no DLOG or DITL for the side bar (assuming you mean the status display radar bar thing), and I couldn't find a defining RECT resource. I tried simply elongating the graphics, but EVO simply scaled it to fit. It seems there is no way.
For larger mission text: I've seen it done, it's pretty simple. The DLOG defines dialog bounding size and position, the DITL defines the contents. Make the window larger using the DLOG, then resize and reposition the buttons and fields. Again, I could do it for you, but it's kind of hard to explain how in a simple post.
For larger planet and bar text: same thing. But, you can also make larger planet pictures, larger shipyard graphics, everything like that is possible. It's hard to explain in a post, but maybe over internet chat...or, like I said, I could do it for you.
I hope that helps, but it probably doesn't. Email me with further questions, so I might actually be able to explain them... :rolleyes: