This is an idea for a plug that could be damn near impossible to make.
I started thinking a plug were you could battle various ships from various plugs. I'm just scratching on what I want this to be, unfourtunately I'm no ResEdit God, and can't put this together myself. This is what I have:
Starts out in the EV Universe, unchanged, Rebels and Confeds are still going at it, when a strange new system appears out of nowhere. The system is Pale and no one knows it, you scope it out, come back and your contact says, "hmm very interesting" Well ships begin to change around the EV Universe and they eventually integrate in the Pale ships (Most of the EV ships were replaced by the graphics in Pale).
Then the Planets are jumping out of nowhere in the northwest part of the Galaxy, its the EVGE Universe (or part of it). Soon after new ships begin to appear to aid both sides(Confederate & Rebels) these are some of the Final Battle ships. The New Diphidia and Astex Corps ships from Galactic Scourge.
All of a sudden a warp gate appears from the Sol System and it goes to... the.... the... the.... Escape Velocity: Override Galaxy, the galaxies are basically going "what the hell?" so you decide to do some missions for UE and a Warp gate appears the connects the two Kelmaon Systems accross the Galaxy, New Systems and ships appear where the Miranu discovered a new planet using the Nebula Penetration Device and it the F-25 Systems and ships.
2 new gates appear in the Sol Systems and they Both lead to the same place the Sol of the Frozen Heart, and you all are wondering why there are 3 earths and all these wierd systems and ships begin appearing, until another gate opens leading from the all the Earths into the middle. You are asked to go there and your greeted by a message saying something about other beings wanting to inhabiting your galaxies, for thier own benefit, you amass forces from all the various Plugs and governments (differences will be settled with the fueding gov'ts) and you destroy the first wave of ships, you then find out that theres another jumpgate and it lead to their systems you must destroy all of them with a huge fleet and destroy them rather than being destroyed.
Well thats impossible to do unless you can support over 100 ships instead of 64. I think it would be a cool Plug.