Very cool topic. I unsurprisingly have a few questions and comments 
1. You mentioned that the Voinians destroyed some Human colonies before the battle of Sol. How much farther west did Human space extend before contact with the Voinians?
2. There is no faster than light communication in Override right? I vaguely remember that being mentioned somewhere before.
3. Did you ever come up with stuff like how long the various races live and stuff like that?
4. The stuff about the Council's plans and future actions was very cool. Were there ever any specific characters or actions in Override that show the Council stepping in to maintain the balance?
5. Why did the Igadzra attack the Miranu research planet near the southern nebula during the Nebula penetration missions? They are hesitant to investigate strange objects one or two jumps away from their homeworld, but they sent a warship way down into renegade space to pick on a Miranu research post? Just seemed a bit odd.
6. I've always loved the balance of the Override universe. One of the things I think you did really well was increase the apparent technology of the races in the Crescent without making it glaringly obvious or unfair. It is neat how going with one race's best ships and weapons could be overcome by mixing and matching technologies from the entire galaxy.
7. I love EVO's way of dealing with secondary weapons. They were powerful enough that the player would want to buy them, but at the same time the limited ammo and cost made sure you couldn't just sit back and kill everyone by flinging long range missiles at them. You normally had to balance your long range weapons with up the right kind and number of primary weapons. If you went all primary weapons warships would out last you and kill you, if you went all secondary then fighters would swarm you.
8. EVO's fighters were also very well done. I loved how EVO's fighters worked well when you launched them at enemies, but if you really wanted to you could fly them yourself and actually do a lot of damage.