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    • My next ship

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      So.. I was lookign for some advice.

      I currently have a Helian for my ship and frankly.. haven't been that pleased. I was thinkign about trying to repalce its blaze cannons with phase ones to up its power a little bit, but then started thinkign about what my next ship would be.

      I was wodnering what you all reccommended for my next ship? Currently i have not yet started on any story tracks,, sicne that affects the available ships. What do you suggest?

    • Definitely a Lazira. It's considerably more expensive than the Helian but superior in every way.

    • If you can't put off your purchase long enough to afford a Lazira, get an Arada.

      If you don't know what an Arada is , well then you ought to buy (and use) a Scoutship. 😉

    • My typical path for EVO is shuttle->scoutship->Arada->Lazira->story ship (Azdara, Zidara (or whatever their names are), or Igazra).

    • @derakon, on Mar 16 2007, 07:55 PM, said in My next ship:

      My typical path for EVO is shuttle->scoutship->Arada->Lazira->story ship (Azdara, Zidara (or whatever their names are), or Igazra).

      The last part must be challenging. I have a UE mission available (havent taken it yet)... does accepting the UE track make the Strand tracks unavailable? I don't want to take it if it does!

    • Yes, all strings progress in difficulty so you have to prove yourself worthy of the awesome ship that's offered toward the end of each string.

      If you join the UE it doesn't prevent you from playing anything else except the Voinion string. You can take missions for Miranu, Emalgha, Renegades, one of the Strands, and assorted side missions.

      In normal game play, you only join one of the three Strand sides, but there are people who have done two at once, and also joined both Voinion and UE at the same time.

    • I like the Igazra personally. I think it's one of the better ships in the game. But that's just my opinion. Crescent warships aren't too shabby either. 😉

    • I used to go shuttle until the discover the Dreadnought mission, then buy a UE Destroyer, and use it to capture a Crescent Warship. This'd serve through most of the game although sometimes I'd go up to a UE Cruiser if I needed more protection and firepower.

      Incidentally, can you still sell Crescent Fighter bays? If not, the Crescent Warship seems like a lot less appealing choice. Then again, with the new fighter AI, maybe it'll work out.

      The Igazra has imposing firepower and is the best defended ship in the game behind the Dreadnought, but then again, it looks like a big yellow ######. They make good escorts though. 18 SAE modules at once ruins anyone's day.

    • I haven't played this game in years, but I seem to recall that you could sell the bay. Could be wrong though.

      As for a ship to go for after the Helian, an Arada all the way -- it's easily the most versatile ship in the game. I always liked the Crescent ships because of their speed and versatility, though I actually usually skipped the Lazira and went straight for the Crescent Warship.

      If you want a little more adventure though, you could try buying a freighter-type ship or perhaps a UE military ship if you've done the proper missions for them.

    • Yes, you can sell the Crescent Fighter bay. Both in the original and EVN port.

      I never use it, anyway: if I'm using fighters, that's what the UE Cruiser's for. The UE Fighters can pwn a Voinian ship in seconds once you've exhausted the Voinian's ammo.

      Back on topic, I usually get a Freight-Courier after a stint in my helian, though sometimes I just jump straight to the Freight-Courier. I haven't tried the Arada; someday I will, though.

    • @derakon, on Mar 17 2007, 07:55 AM, said in My next ship:

      My typical path for EVO is shuttle->scoutship->Arada->Lazira->story ship (Azdara, Zidara (or whatever their names are), or Igazra).

      i'm with you, i usually do the exact same thing.
      sometimes i sneak a helian in before the scoutship though.

    • Personaly I'd go for an arada after a helian as they're one of the most versatile ships on the game.

      This post has been edited by egroeg5 : 30 March 2007 - 09:30 AM