It seems I made a mistake and aborted my impossible task of defeating the dreadnaught. Now I am a fugitive in my own chosen nationality. Sol hates me and all it's related systems. It is very discouraging and I have tried to win them back by taking on jobs like defeating Voinian warship buildups..which is too hard also for my ship. How can I get back in their good graces? (and after all I HAVE done for them too!! such ingrates!!) Any help would be great. I need jobs that I can finish, with planets I can land on in order to get a better ship. Thanks.
You offered to save the UE from the biggest threat ever then wussed out of it - they're understandably pissed off. Aborting the Dreadnaught mission is a big mistake, as you discovered. You have a couple options:
(1) Start a new pilot. If you haven't actually progressed that far, this might be more painless.
(2) Head to the southeastern end of UE space to the independent systems like Iothe, Hatuli and Omm. Start killing renegades... lots of renegades. Once the nearby UE systems start to like you, go there and start killing more renegades. The UE will turn blue again eventually.
(3) Make your way north of UE space. You'll find there's more to the EVO galaxy than just the UE and Voinians - soon enough you'll be able to come back and start beating the crap out of the Voinians with a better ship. That way, doing Voinian defense and attack missions on the Frontier stations will soon get you back in the UE's good graces.
Hope this helps.
or just go buy one of those wipe clean record things at a pirate place...
I would reccomend going south to kill renegades, but when you can land on the southern UE space, use a mission to land where you first accepted the dreadnought mission. I do believe you can re-get it. (Thats how you legally control fleets of dreadnoughts, right? Accept the mission, disable right before the dreadnought jumps in, capture it, then restart the mission....)
Good points about the fake ID thing at Freeport, I'd forgotten that one
@-redchigh-, on May 19 2006, 02:51 AM, said in Enemy of the State?:
I would reccomend going south to kill renegades, but when you can land on the southern UE space, use a mission to land where you first accepted the dreadnought mission. I do believe you can re-get it. (Thats how you legally control fleets of dreadnoughts, right? Accept the mission, disable right before the dreadnought jumps in, capture it, then restart the mission....)
Not quite, I think there's a minimum record required. The way you get fleets of Dreadnoughts is on the previous mission - the one where you observe the dreadnought at the test base in Isled. That one can be aborted with no record penalty, so you just abort, disable, capture, and repeat.
@callide, on May 19 2006, 06:12 AM, said in Enemy of the State?:
All good ideas. Also, every once in a while save your pilot file, like after every major mission or battle. That way you don't have to start a new pilot file.
By "save" I assume he means "make a copy of". I often find my Pilots folder clogged with files such as "Dash Riprock B4 DREADNAUGHT", as I'm too lazy to take my caps lock off.