Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Is it cheating?

      12 17 2405

      answer yes/no

      Poll: Is it cheating to... (33 member(s) have cast votes)
      Capture a Dreadnought (or other mission ship)
      No (You could realistically do it once.)
      (28 votes [84.85%])
      Percentage of vote: 84.85%
      Yes (No, it's not meant to be done.)
      (5 votes [15.15%])
      Percentage of vote: 15.15%

      Hey, a survey.

      (Thanks, bomb.)

      This post has been edited by -REDCHIGH- : 05 April 2006 - 09:09 AM

    • Anything allowed by the mechanics of the game is legitimate. Modifying the game mechanics is cheating.

    • In a single-player game it's impossible to cheat anyone but yourself. With an open plug-in architecture, modifying the resources is a legitimate means of entertainment.

      That said, once you modify the resources you're no longer playing the same game as everyone else. So if, for instance, you want to tell people about how you, say, completed the Destroy The Rock mission in a shuttle, then you'd damn well better not be using a modified game, lest no one should respect your accomplishment.

    • Sometimes abusing things like that ruins the game for me. It is okay the first time, like when you first get the game, but there is more than destroying everything with a fleet of Dreadnoughts.

    • Yeah, really in EVO I preferred a fast ship with carefully selected outfits to a powerful ship with a bajillion guns. EV and EV Nova the emphasis is more on power than careful choices.

    • Heh, I didn't know you could redo the dreadnought mission after aborting it. ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Um, the salvo turret and interceptor bay outfits don't even exist so there's no need to sell what you don't have.

    • @guy, on Apr 4 2006, 05:31 AM, said in Is it cheating?:

      Um, the salvo turret and interceptor bay outfits don't even exist so there's no need to sell what you don't have.

      They don't have outfits, so they have no space...

      Theoretically, you should get space when you lose them... so sell them.

    • It's cheating when you change the game the resources. I never used to cheat because I want to play the game as the author created it, but after a while dominating planets gets boring, so now I will sometimes change the def ship quantity just to speed the game along. And I've used the forklift on those missions where my escorts get wiped out and my turrets are inefective. Yeah, I'm a cheater. ๐Ÿ˜›

    • I don't think forklifts are cheating. In fact, I always considered only pluggins cheating.

      I do admit however that making the "Kestrel V" (in ResEdit) was indeed cheating. It was too good, but everyone's done that, by pluggin, or by editing.

    • If you go to the outfitter in a Dreadnought all of those special outfits go away, and you get the extra space.

    • Sorry Rameretz, Redchigh is correct. When you land on (or is it take off from? I can't recall) any spรถb after capturing a Voinian Dreadnought (as with any ship possessing weapons sans corresponding outfits) the weapons disappear. Since there are no outfits associated with them no space is gained when they vanish.

    • My opinion: After beating most/all the central objectives, you can fool around with plugins to your heart's desire. One of the EV series' primary advantages is the expandability through plugins, and if it'll help you enjoy the game to a fuller extent, go for it.

      Because of plugins, EVO is different than most other games. Banjo Kazooie had gameshark-only features built in to confuse gamers, but EVO was intended to be modified. They even added a PICT resource in the main game with text "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?"

      The forklift's a cheat. It's long ranged, infinite ammo, fairly powerfull, free, and takes up no space.

      This post has been edited by n64mon : 06 April 2006 - 09:10 PM

    • Yeah, but the forklifts a normal cheat. Pluggins are installed third-party cheats. And the "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" is there as an easter egg in EVO, but it was there in EV because there's some invisible ship called "Luke" who flies around Endor (very rarely), who's picture was that. However, EV and EVO were of course made for editing, because that's exactly what you do when you make pluggins. Plus, Nova doesn't allow editing unless you register it, which fits that you're supposed to.

      This post has been edited by Buzzzzy : 08 April 2006 - 01:28 PM

    • Someone told me that if you press "x" on the title screen, you see all these acknowledgements Ambrosia made.

      My 100th post ย– wahoo!

    • Don't a bunch of bad haikus appear if you press x? Practically all Ambrosia games have an "x easter egg", usually with some random message.

      EDIT: Just found out, Nova displays the acknowledgements, but EV and EVO display the bad haikus.

      This post has been edited by Buzzzzy : 06 May 2006 - 05:58 PM

    • i find nova much more fun in a fighter-end medium ship (see: PVIV or mod starbridge). Warships such as the Raven, Auroran Carrier, and fed cruiser (is that right? the one that launches anacondas and vipers) are too slow. All you do is fly into battle, stop at a safe distance, release the fighters, and when the other ships come to you (or you drift to them) you kill them with overpowered weaponry.