Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • EVOGR - Release Poll

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      Poll: At what stage should I release EVO Galaxy Replacer? (31 member(s) have cast votes)
      At what stage should I release EVO Galaxy Replacer?
      Release it now, you slow bastard!
      (2 votes [6.45%])
      Percentage of vote: 6.45%
      Finish all of the UE/Voinian missions first
      (2 votes [6.45%])
      Percentage of vote: 6.45%
      The above, but finish at least Strand space if not the missions
      (3 votes [9.68%])
      Percentage of vote: 9.68%
      Finish all missions & space but don't go into amazing detail
      (6 votes [19.35%])
      Percentage of vote: 19.35%
      Finish all missions & space and put a ribbon on the box
      (18 votes [58.06%])
      Percentage of vote: 58.06%

      Before you vote, please consider-

      *It is unlikely that EVOGR will be entirely completed, including missions for ALL of the governments. It is a very big project and I'm doing it on my lonesome.

      *So far, only UE, Voinian and renegade space has been completed. Already this is a hundred more systems than the EVO galaxy, but I haven't touched on the Crescent yet.

      *I don't want to release a half-arsed version full of lame missions, I want full storylines and challenges. I will release it earlier than I want only if you guys are sufficiantly impatient.

      *If I can get someone to help with at least the Strand missions, it is likely to get released a lot quicker

      Comments would be handy as well as votes.


    • Basically, I believe you should only release the plugin when it is ready. Rushing things as a crowd-pleaser will compromise the project's worth. I believe that you should release your older projects that were never released, and release this one when it's good and ready.


    • Consul Bob, on Nov 24 2005, 09:50 AM, said:

      Basically, I believe you should only release the plugin when it is ready. Rushing things as a crowd-pleaser will compromise the project's worth. I believe that you should release your older projects that were never released, and release this one when it's good and ready.

      View Post

      From experience, I would dissagree. Having a plug which people actually use is a hellova motivator to keep on working and improving it, plus you'll get vital feedback and suggestions and that's invaluable.

      As soon as you go down the perfectionist, 'I'll release it when it's done' road, you'll never get it finished. Most likely, you will lose interest.

      So release it now, even it's still rough (provided you point out that it is a WIP). You'll get lots of suggestions, maybe even offers of helps from other developers. Even if you don't finish it, you will at least have something to show for it, which is more than can be said for a lot of plugs/TCs around here (mine included!).

    • Consul Bob, on Nov 24 2005, 01:50 AM, said:

      Basically, I believe you should only release the plugin when it is ready. Rushing things as a crowd-pleaser will compromise the project's worth. I believe that you should release your older projects that were never released, and release this one when it's good and ready.

      View Post


    • tycho61uk, on Nov 24 2005, 06:45 AM, said:

      So release it now, even it's still rough (provided you point out that it is a WIP). You'll get lots of suggestions, maybe even offers of helps from other developers. Even if you don't finish it, you will at least have something to show for it, which is more than can be said for a lot of plugs/TCs around here (mine included!).
      View Post

      Ditto. (Or "dido," if you prefer. :p)

    • Dr. Trowel, on Nov 25 2005, 08:43 AM, said:

      Ditto. (Or "dido," if you prefer. :p)
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      Is it, now?

    • Don't release something substandard just for the sake of releasing it. Do it properly or not at all, I would say.

    • Mazca, on Nov 27 2005, 10:20 PM, said:

      Don't release something substandard just for the sake of releasing it. Do it properly or not at all, I would say.
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      Oi, my work is far from substandard you cheeky get. It just isn't finished 😉

      On the whole, I'm not sure what to do. I can't release is just yet because there's not enough missions (only about 70 so far) and I want to really kill it on the storyline. However, I might just do a universe that only has humans and Voinians, and keep Strand space as a future project. Possibly even something like the 'Kade' system, with another galaxy locked off but that can be explored in future mission packs.

      I will see how it goes, thanks for your votes.


    • If there isn't a ribbon on the box, I will cry.

    • Rameretz, on Nov 24 2005, 10:42 AM, said:

      Dido.View Post

      I so read this incorrectly. 😛

      pistgavin, on Nov 28 2005, 06:42 AM, said:

      On the whole, I'm not sure what to do. I can't release is just yet because there's not enough missions (only about 70 so far) and I want to really kill it on the storyline. However, I might just do a universe that only has humans and Voinians, and keep Strand space as a future project. Possibly even something like the 'Kade' system, with another galaxy locked off but that can be explored in future mission packs.View Post

      If you have are struggling, then complete just one entire storyline, and make the Strand missions a future project. I'd gladly play just one storyline.

      hands EVula a hankie

    • Callide, on Dec 2 2005, 05:31 PM, said:

      I so read this incorrectly. 😛
      If you have are struggling, then complete just one entire storyline, and make the Strand missions a future project. I'd gladly play just one storyline.
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      Not a bad idea that....


    • pistgavin, on Nov 24 2005, 08:23 AM, said:

      Before you vote, please consider-

      *It is unlikely that EVOGR will be entirely completed, including missions for ALL of the governments. It is a very big project and I'm doing it on my lonesome.

      *So far, only UE, Voinian and renegade space has been completed. Already this is a hundred more systems than the EVO galaxy, but I haven't touched on the Crescent yet.

      *I don't want to release a half-arsed version full of lame missions, I want full storylines and challenges. I will release it earlier than I want only if you guys are sufficiantly impatient.

      *If I can get someone to help with at least the Strand missions, it is likely to get released a lot quicker

      Comments would be handy as well as votes.

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      **I say finish it entirely before releasing it. Rushing it out incomplete will probably make a few people happy now, but for your own sake its better to try and complete it on the first shot.

      I say this out of first hand experience; back in the early days of EVO when the community was huge and plug-ins coming out were anticipated as much as new games themselves (how times change) I chose to rush the original version of F-25 out. Most of it was solid, but there were a few god awful bugs here and there that more play testing and editing would have smoothed out. I was so unhappy with the result that I ended up re-doing this entire thing, providing a scenario that was a thousand times better and cleaner, but by then any anticipation or desire for it had ceased. Ironically, the original, flawed version has probably been played much more than the second, which is something I regret to this day. Being in MacAddict contributed to the spread of the first, no doubt but those were different times. Here and now, I think to make any sort of splash you'll have to release a complete, phenomenal scenario.

      But thats just my opinion.

      Of course, I could be wrong. Reign of the Voinians was something I wrote in three days when I was bored writing F-25 planet descriptions. And that little scenario is by far the most popular I ever did.

      So basically, ignore any advice I give. Its inherently flawed. 😉



    • Make the plug as you would like to play it yourself.
      If you make it really good, it could generate a lot of attention, and more people than the 20 or so, who have posted in this poll would play it.
      Hell, I might even shell out for a new copy of EVO if you manage to finish it, as I can no longer find my code, neither do I remember the address I registered with.