OOC: Woo for detached mini sub-plots!
Greven was too tired to stay awake. He knew no-one would remember his name anyway, much less be really interested in what he was doing.
'Twas there that he was wrong.
Unknown to him, far off in the intangible void of the internet, a secret fanbase monitored his every action. Every letter typed, since the beginning of this post, was carefully transcribed in triplicate, and sealed in encrypted files. Greven had a following, and he didn't even know.
Greven stepped onto the ivy. It was springy, like the moss at home.
Literally hundreds of pale fingers quickly noted this factoid about Greven's past, and posted it on heavily trafficked seperate boards, where it was discussed and cross examined with previous historical background. (See: "Greven was too tired to stay awake." This was originally thought to mean Greven was at a computer terminal in a ship, but now the theory has changed to a forest planet, where Greven has stayed up too late.)
Greven walked to the bar, sat down, and ordered a glass of tonic water.
New conclusions were sprung upon, that Greven must be under drinking age, that he must have been to bars before, as he seemed so at home. Might Greven have been transported to the bar at the line: "Greven stepped onto the ivy."? Could he have been in the bar all the time? If so, the previous hypothesis about Greven staying up too late at a forest planet would be false, although the theory of Greven's home planet being a forest world could still be valid.
He looked about, and saw little action in the bar. There were a few people seated at ivy-twined tables.
Greven must not have extra sensory abilities, as he would have sensed the action occurring in the station otherwise.
Greven rubbed the stone given to him by the preacher.
Many fans literally go into shock, as a sudden plot crossing/exposition takes place, linking the story of Greven to another running plot by the author Hamster about the archdemon Fettrin. The Greven boards quickly merge bases with the Fettrin Fan Club, and speculation begins on possible prior events between the two characters. The point is brought up that Fettrin under his original alias 'Father' had a school of children, but these were Vell-osian, and Greven clearly has no psychic abilities, so the point is disregarded, and all related topics are locked. Another tempting theory arises- that Greven was one of the people among the many worlds Fettrin's Nirttef slaves ravaged to siphon power while Fettrin was trapped in the sword. But this leads to questions as why the Nirttefs would spare Greven, as he appears to have no exemplary abilities.
The post suddenly stops, and PMs begin pouring in to Hamster's inbox to continue writing, on pain of all sorts of unpleasant things.
Hamster closes the post in an OOC, which alludes to a deeper meaning to the post- possibly that internet writers should never grow despondent by thought that no one reads there work. We're out there, and we see you.
OOC: Here's to all the sub-plots! Viva!