Are you sure Azdgari ships can't be communicated with? I thought they could. I know that Igadrza ships don't communicate though, and in that case they are either orange Aradas or yellow, um, phallic shapes. Igadzra Arada and Igazra, respectively. To get the former you must capture one. To get the latter you may capture or you may go to Kitrak and do a mission about River Eels. Follow through for a while until you can buy the Igazra.
The Azdgari Warship cannot be purchased, but the Azdara can, when you're in the Azdgari string which TAC already mentioned. If you want and über ship from that string then wait till near the end and capture an Enhanced Arada.
Speaking of Aradas, they are very good ships. Of the ones that can be captured at any time, I like the Azdgari Arada best, and the Zachit Arada a lot as well, especially for escorts.
The third strand, Zidagar, has purple ships. This strings starts at Outpost um... Plogok? Something like that, maybe. Up north by Miranu space. Almost in Zachit space, even.
And I disagree, Apple Cřre. Everything should be possible in a shuttle!