Poll: j00 = n00b or j00 = 133t H4x0r? (9 member(s) have cast votes)
j00 = n00b or j00 = 133t H4x0r?
n00b133t_H4x0rNeither! I AM NOT AN ANIMAL! I AM A HUMAN BEING!
(9 votes [100.00%])
Percentage of vote: 100.00%
Does anybody ever actually take the time to find out what speed what ship moves at or how powerful which ship is?
Most of the people that post here that are actually contributing to the discussion are extremely good with EV(C, O, N, whichever) without the use of cheats. When cheats or plugins are used, they are usually used tastefully by the members of this group. I ask you all this:
Why do people still insist on asking the questions instead of opening the files up with ResEdit themselves and doing the math? A good look into the EV Bible(s) will give you all the spying information you need. It will also (hopefully) give you the necessary skills to change the information you do not like about the game. Think the shiny green beam is cooler than the dull yellow one? Change it! Wish SAD modules didn't weigh anything? Make it so! Tired of Matt Burch creeping up on you in EV with his mighty Kestrel? -1 -1 -1 -1!
So, in conclusion of this rant, how many of you actually do this stuff, rather than complain about it? Let me know.
cin >> j00;
if( j00 == 133t_H4x0r || j00 == n00b )
j00 == n00b;
while( j00 == n00b );