Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • ~vIsitor~, on Dec 4 2004, 09:29 PM, said:

      Can we please just let this thread DIE? Our contined babble will not speed up MT's progress, nor will he tell us any more than what we alrready know. Patience shall be rewarded, not haste. IF good ol' MT is going to listen to our suggestions or tell us more he will do it on his own time. Now is not that time, so be quiet and wait. Hype ruins games and mods alike, do not spoil FH2 for yourself, savor the time it eventually comes.
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      **Along those lines, rudeness never helped progress towards anything, either.



    • UE Crusader, on Nov 20 2004, 08:43 PM, said:

      Remember the place you went to graduate early on in the game? I think that's where you need to go.
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      It's a weird place in the southwest (as said above), it's something like a galactic archive, I'm prety shure it's one of 2 moons orbiting a planit, and I think it's name is a combination of letters and numbers, like U2O or something.

      It's been a while since I played it, I played it when it first came out, and never figured out how to beat it a second time.

      Anyways, is this going to be the same galaxy as the old FH, or is it going to be completely redone?

    • n64mon, on Dec 21 2004, 04:26 PM, said:

      It's a weird place in the southwest (as said above), it's something like a galactic archive, I'm prety shure it's one of 2 moons orbiting a planit, and I think it's name is a combination of letters and numbers, like U2O or something.

      It's been a while since I played it, I played it when it first came out, and never figured out how to beat it a second time.

      Anyways, is this going to be the same galaxy as the old FH, or is it going to be completely redone?
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      It's about twice as big. More worlds than Nova but fewer systems.

    • Martin Turner, on Dec 22 2004, 12:00 AM, said:

      It's about twice as big. More worlds than Nova but fewer systems.
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      At long last the hero returns...

      Twice as big you say? Hmm, that's twice as many chances for hiding easter eggs and twice the chance of finding an outside and/or humorous reference, twice as many places for mind-boggling riddles, and twice the time necessary to properly explore the FH universe. Speaking of twos, are you going to add anything involving those two 'early warning' stations on the galactic rim? There are yet many mysteries untold within the FH galaxy, some with little or no refrence to them. I think I'll go spend twice as long admiring MT's creative genious. 🆒

      And now to continue this topic's dormancy

      2+2=4, 2-2=0, 2*2=4, 2/2=1, 2ˆ2=4, ?2=1.41213562..., etc.

    • Hmm, now that you mention it, I'm going to have to go back and play just to figure out what these so-called easter eggs, references, etc. are...