Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • You know you're an EVO fanatic when...

      108 228 3282

      1. You go to church and pray for the conversion of the Voinians
      2. You wonder why the President pays so much attention to the Mideast crisis when there's a much bigger Strand war going on
      3. You win the $21 million Ed McMahon sweepstakes and then say into the camera: "I'm gonna by a Crescent Warship!"
      4. You have a "Borb for President" bumper sticker.
      5. You have a "McPhearson for President" bumper sticker.
      6. When you see a map, you don't see cities and roads, but systems and hyperspace routes.
      7. You spend all your days searching the backstreets and alleyways of both Lima and Lyons but you still cannot find the meeting place of the UE Parliament.
      8. You're the one who holds up the "Free the Hinwar!" sign at protest rallies.
      9. No matter now many (real) bars you go into, nobody wants to give you a mission.
      10. You brag to your girlfriend about how you Monty Pythoned a Voinian Dreadnought with a Krait and when you whisper sweet nothings in her ear you make obscure references to the UE-Voinian war, Izgadra ships and Miranu trade routes.
      11. Your girlfriends is jealous of this Anna Boleshiva (sic) you always keep talking about
      12. When your ex-girlfriend says "You've got a cold heart," you reply "actually, it's Frozen Heart, and I've got Femme Fatale, too."
      13. You speak fluent Voinian
      14. You speak fluent Mirnau
      15. You speak fluent Emalgha
      16. You speak fluent Zidagar, Igazdra and Azdgari
      17. Even though they try to sympathize with you, the local right-wing militia extremists can't make sense of your "Free Huron!" banners
      18. After playing MAGMA ๐Ÿ†’ , you ask Meowx to revise your school picture
      19. You go to NASA and fly up to the International Space Station, only to be disappointed at the fact that it does not have a bar, shipyard, outfit supply, commodity exchange, or even a mission computer- and your armor and shileds are not repaired either!
      20. You get ticketed for speeing and you tell the officer things like, "I don't have to pay money to YOU- you have to pay tribute to ME! I dominate this world! I wiped out your defense fleet and I get (whatever) credits a DAY from you! huh!"

      Feel free to add your own (I suspect a lot coming ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I have to go to bed now. :frown:

      God bless,

      UE Patriot


    • How long did you spend making those up? ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Any opinions expressed in this post are probably rubbish and any mistakes
      are deliberate and included only for amusement value

      (This message has been edited by Minderbender (edited 11-01-2000).)

    • What language do the Renegades speak??? ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜›


      Viva El Guapo

      (As you might guess, I like the ones about language...)


      1. You make out extensive plans to upgrade the family car with a hyperdrive, shields, and some heavy missile launchers.

      2. You sit down at your keyboard and your right hand automatically lands on the thrust (arrow) keys, and your left hand automatically touches down on the "target select" (tab)and "secondary weapon trigger" (shift) keys.

      #22 has happened to me MANY times, people...

      KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!
      Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe (url="http://";=TechFolder.sit")http://www.ambrosias...=TechFolder.sit(/url)

      (This message has been edited by ElGuapo7 (edited 11-01-2000).)

    • 23. You get sudden complusions to hunt renegades when you get low on cash.

      Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
      Alien's famous tongue...
      "Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
      AIM: StrikerDragon

      1. The bank tellers give you funny looks when you ask for "Pirate Parrot Insurance."
      2. You fall victim to "Forditis" at least once a week.

      "What makes you think she is a witch?"
      "Well, she turned me into a newt!!"
      "A newt?"
      "I got better..."

      (This message has been edited by Jim_S (edited 11-01-2000).)

      1. You go into a room and say "Hey, pรซrs!"
      2. When you want someone to explain something, you ask for a better dรซsc
      3. You use the word "spรถb" 50 times in your astronomy paper.
      4. You refer to organisations as dรผdes
      5. Your name is OctoberFost ๐Ÿ™‚
      6. You spend 24 hours a day on the ASW Webboards
      7. You have all 1800+ member's signitures memorized
      8. Anytime you go on AIM, day or night, you have at least 5 people you can talk about EV/O with on your buddy list

      "If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
      AIM-OctoberFost (b)
      (url="http://"")October Development(/url)

      1. When you are doing another game you keep pressing Z causing you to get a veiw left instead of afterburners to escape the mothership.

      2. Every time you go to a vehicle dealer you ask if they have any used shuttles you can buy for less then five thousand credits.

      3. You try to establesh a new goverment party: the Voinian party.

      4. You search all the star charts you can find for the saiilia system because you HAVE to get your hands on some of that brandy.

      5. You E-Mail the goverment asking where to find New Chicago because you need to earn a lot of money fast by joining Steller Corps.

      6. Every time you do a majig show you try to pull a Hriness out of a hat instead of a rabbit.

      7. Ever morning when you get up you wonder why all this "Microsoft" stuff is still around when apple will have driven them bankrupt in the year 2400.

      I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

      (This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 11-01-2000).)

      1. You scour pet stores around the country for those lovable fuzzes everyone likes.

      2. Throughout every class, visions of systems and missions for a yet-to-be-built plug dance through your head.

      3. When you see a computer, you have to go look for new topics on the web board.

      Don't make fun of me...I actually do #32 and #33 sometimes.

      Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !
      I can't think of anything else to write...

      1. You call up the local theater and ask for tickets to the next Zidagar opera.

      God bless,

      UE Patriot


    • 35)you stay awake at night tring to figure out just what the council is
      36)you start associating the people you don't like with voinians
      37)you ask the bank teller if you can make a withdraw of 5,000 creditsa
      38)oops - the teacher's coming - i gotta go

      "Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
      "Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
      "Oh ****!"
      Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy

    • The numbering is a little messed up here...

      Bart Simpson Quote of the Day:
      Bart : Is Jacques there?
      Moe : Who?
      Bart : Jacques, last name Strap.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by skyblade:
      **The numbering is a little messed up here...


      I know...I was wondering about that. I just continued from the last post before mine.

      Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !
      I can't think of anything else to write...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by shayborg:
      **I know...I was wondering about that. I just continued from the last post before mine.

      That method would make sense, but, if you read the other posts, OF was completely ignored.

      Bart Simpson Quote of the Day:
      Bart : Is Jacques there?
      Moe : Who?
      Bart : Jacques, last name Strap.

    • 47)youve ever lost sleep wondering how you could keep walking arond in circles on council station
      48)you feel more at home when your in the captins quarters
      49)you dream of massive space battles in your sleep
      50)you have ever had delusions of mediocracy

      A jedi's strengh flows through the force  
      luke do not underestimate the powers of the darkside  
      I have acepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker my father  
      young jedi only now do you truly understand the powers of the darkside   
    • Can't believe I'm doing this

      51. You try in vain to find the afterburner when you want to overtake another car.
      52. You expect the fruit machines at your local pub to have pictures of spaceships.

      Any opinions expressed in this post are probably rubbish and any mistakes
      are deliberate and included only for amusement value

    • 53. You post a topic like this.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by skyblade:
      **That method would make sense, but, if you read the other posts, OF was completely ignored.


      Yes, I know...I just continued using Lonevoinian's numbering system, that ended at 30. It's kind of late to repair everything, unless Lonevoinian and everyone else who's posted edits their posts.

      Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !
      I can't think of anything else to write...

      1. You name your pet parrot hector ๐Ÿ˜„

      Relax, were not in trouble yet!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by shayborg:
      **Yes, I know...I just continued using Lonevoinian's numbering system, that ended at 30. It's kind of late to repair everything, unless Lonevoinian and everyone else who's posted edits their posts.

      MUST...... HAVE....... ORDER........

      really, it's ok. You're still a good person ๐Ÿ˜„

      "Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
      "The truth?"
      "There is no spoon"
      AiM: CrazyJ617

      1. You're at the VW dealership, buying a new Golf: You demand leather seats, CD player... and RCS upgrades.
      2. You wish the dashboard had a button marked 'Hyperspace'.
      3. You see the display of garden sheds at B&Q;, and find yourself wondering if they were built by the Emalgha.
      4. Everyone else an an airshow is impressed by the aerobatics of the MiG 29 - and you're thinking "Nah, my Azdara could make mincemeat of that."
      5. You've never heard of the Pleiades and you couldn't find Sirius - but you know exactly where to find Dogovor.
      6. You see a newspaper headline that says "Ceasefire Collapses!", and you don't think about Northern Ireland... you think about Voinia.
      7. You're going to attend the first international EV* convention, in Seattle.
      8. You're confused, because there isn't a planet or station called 'Seattle' on your star map.
      9. Your eyeballs have evaporated as a result of staring at the monitor too long, probably while trying to figure out 'Beyond the Crescent'.
      10. You can answer every question in the FAQ.
      11. You have already posted an answer to every question in the FAQ.

      I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!