Okay, what the heck is a Monty Python? Everyone talks about it, but I can't figure it out.
Okay, what the heck is a Monty Python? Everyone talks about it, but I can't figure it out.
The Monty Python, called this due to the infamous line "Run awaaaay!!, is when you get long ranged weaponry, get ahead of an enemy AI ship, match its speed, and fire your weapon while remaining just out of range of their weapons.
It's in general considered cheating, and highly immoral
Oh, and searching under title, with the words "monty python", gave me a +10 list of topics, where people have asked the same.
The search feature is your friend.
(This message has been edited by Opalius (edited 05-31-2004).)
Originally posted by Opalius:
The Monty Python, called this due to the infamous line "Run awaaaay!!, is when you get long ranged weaponry, get ahead of an enemy AI ship, match its speed,
To make this clearer, you match its speed in reverse as it goes towards you and you flee the ennemy ship while firing. Sometimes you don't even need longer-rang weaponry, as it may not even fire on you while it thinks you are too far while you know you are in range (there's a law of reciprocity at work, even counting your relative speeds, if you can hit it with one weapon, it can hit you with the same one.
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Originally posted by Opalius:
**It's in general considered cheating, and highly immoral
I don't think that it's cheating all the time, some plugins make it totally impossible to stay alive exept by that means. And in Warfare it would be a valid stratagy to flee the enemy firing backwards with longer ranged weapons. However, if you are taking advantage of the bug in the AI, that is cheating. (I once killed a UE destroyer in a shuttlecraft this way!) That is a nono
Cmon people, the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
Ah, that's true.
Someone should make a plug that plays this whenever your MPing.
True, but you're the first one who's put it right there for me to get, I'm too lazy/stupid/forgetful to go looking for them.-Rickton
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No car, no license, no cash, no life. Coincidence?
The "cheating" aspect of MontyPythoning has do with firing while moving in EV and EVO. In those two games, if you have one ship following another ship, the leader's rear-firing range is apparently greater than the the follower's forward firing range (with the same weapon). It's this discrepancy that makes it easy to pick off ships this way. However, it wouldn't really be cheating (more a tactical advantage) if the leader's weaponry naturally had a longer range.
(This message has been edited by Starfish (edited 06-02-2004).)
I am playing the plug "Empire, War w/o End" and there are some awesome battles! Is it cheating when I stay out of range of the major battle and send my fighters in to take out the carriers? It keeps up my shields, and allows me to pick off the faster UE fighters and battleships with beam weapons, thus doing double damage to UE. I thought cheating was using a "cheat" plug.
Sorry, I don't do Windows.
I wouldn't call that cheating. Normally cheating is when you are deliberately abusing a bug, or having altered the game in some fashion.
Originally posted by wondergirl:
**Is it cheating when I stay out of range of the major battle and send my fighters in to take out the carriers?
If that's cheating, then the United States Navy definitely cheated during WWII.
And the Imperial Japanese Navy definitely cheated at Pearl Harbor.
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Yeah, that Overlord stuff is definitely cheating...
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The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.
That's a bug? And here I am thinkin' that the AI's just stupid...
-Vive diuque prosperat.