Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Azdgari

      I can't figure out where to get the first azdgari mission is. I have ben flying around all of the azdgair systems for 2 hours.


    • You can get their starting mission at Southtip Station in the Akrayhek system. It's down below the human renegades.
      And welcome to the boards 🙂

    • But if you have already accepted the first Igadzra mission, it won't be available.


    • Oh yes it will. But no matter which ship you fly, you'll miss the Azdgaries' mission by three days or so...iirc

    • I have a dangerous combat rating. do i need a deadly?


    • I believe you only need noteworthy.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Opalius:
      I believe you only need noteworthy.

      I think it's Dangerous.

      (url="http://"")mazca(/url), mazca, king of pork
      He is not a fundamentalist jew
      As hard as that is to believe

    • Just checked, it's noteworthy :p, however you also need to do the Diplomatic Relations missions with the Miranu.

    • Let me think. I might be right or not. I believes you need to check the systems where the Zachit lives.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by dung91:
      where is garit?

      Near the north tip of the crescent, a few jumps north of Hizdriar.

      (url="http://"")mazca(/url), mazca, king of pork
      He is not a fundamentalist jew
      As hard as that is to believe

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mazca:
      **Near the north tip of the crescent, a few jumps north of Hizdriar.


      **That'd be a good name for an EVO novel..

      "A few jumps north of Hizdriar.."




    • I am on the mission with the guy who wants who to help him with the experimental shield generator.
      I am very confused with this mission. and the shield generator is really not working. he says that he will contact me later. when is this "later."

      Welcome to the Land of Disco!!!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mazca:
      **I think it's Dangerous.


      You're probably thinking of the Zachit missions.

      (url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
      <(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Birderman:
      **I am on the mission with the guy who wants who to help him with the experimental shield generator.
      I am very confused with this mission. and the shield generator is really not working. he says that he will contact me later. when is this "later."


      Sounds more like the Azdgari mission. Keep landing on the planet you got the original mission from (Xarnez?) and check the Bar. Sometimes you are offered bounty hunter missions first. If that happens, accept the mission, then check the Bar again. Sometimes the specific mission you are looking for will them be available. Then just abort the Bounty mission. Also remember, Azdgari are raiders. I found that sometimes missions are available when you sell cargo that you "retreived" from a ship you disabled. If this doesn't help you, maybe someone else has better ideas.
