oh just as an extra note i thought i would add some helpful things is discovered
if you personally use a ship from a race that someone hates (example you fly and igadzra the azgardi and zidagar will attack you) but if you use those same ships as ESCORTS you will have no problems
escorts might be confusing for you if you are attacking the people from that race especially if these ships are very fast (for instance you capture a zidara and then fly into a mission with a bunch of zidaras in the system even though you won't be able to attack you it's very confusing)
You can capture the dreadnought! during the battle or RIGHT after it's disabled you cancel the mission (WARNING! This give you a bad rep in UE space!) then board and attempt to capture. if it doesn't work reopen you pilot file and try again, i did this mission in a ue cruiser, the capture usually 1% but jumped as high as 6 or 8 during some tries, i got lucky and got it on like my 30th try, i recoend using it as an escort because if you use it as your ships it warps really slow, and upgrading loses you all the standard weaponry for some reason
despite what i have heard i do not seem to be able to sell mass expansions
you can release escorts. option tab to target them press contact button (y) and click release escort button
hopes this helps other players!