Something strange happened to me when I was playing EVO, terrorizing the North Tip Renegades in my dospoct Azdara. I had taken a search and destroy mission(non-Zachit). After reducing the Jade Dragon to space dust, I returned to Hizdriar, where I had gotton the mission. Jumping into the system, I spotted a R. Crescent Fighter almost directly in front of me, and had started attacking it when the usual three renegades ( the ones that follow you everywhere when you take a bounty hunting mission) jumped in behind me. Instead of attacking me, they finished off the other renegade, and left to attack a frieghter, completely ignoring me. Is the (Strandless) Renegade attacking (Strandless) Renegade thing some sort of bug?
To err is human.
To err and blame it on someone else, is even more human.