Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
Nope. Specops said that he annexed the planet, built a shipyard on it, and said that the inhabitants were psychics. I don't want any bloody shipyard on my planet, even if it does get dississembled, and I don't want my people to by psychics. And the very fact that these people made contact with the Emalgha and that they had to negotiate to make them leave screws up my storyline which involves having them made no contact with any race outside their planet.
You aren't making things very easy for me :). If there isn't any way for us to preserve the storyline from the last EoD I'll be fine with just ignoring that part somehow. But first I want to see if we can't find some way, any way, to get both.
I also don't see why the planet is such a bit part of Specops story and why that actually means anything in the sequel. Specops isn't even playing in the sequel.
Well, it was... you just have to have read it I guess. The whole deal would be of pretty big importance to the Emalgha of the sequel.
It would make perfect sense just to say that they annexed another planet, which they then built a shipyard on and found these psychics.
Except that they did annex another planet. They annexed all of the other planets they came across! And it wouldn't make sense to skip one, unless they couldn't see it somehow.
Which brings me to my next idea: Would it be possible for us to create a second planet, hidden somehow during EoD, in that system? Say, invent some kind of sensor disturbance, or ion storm, or something that keeps you hidden from the rest of the galaxy? I mean, it seems like this would be best anyway, you get a planet where you want it, the story remains uncorrupted... and you don't have to deal with the question of why your little species was passed over during all the binges of exploration. Plus you don't have to worry about someone coming along and nuking your planet until you are ready to reveal yourself.
Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush
(This message has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (edited 03-06-2003).)