I'm trying to find Anna Besholova (I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong :)). I've been looking all over for here, but I can't find her. Can anyone help?
I'm trying to find Anna Besholova (I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong :)). I've been looking all over for here, but I can't find her. Can anyone help?
Welcome to the board! Try Freeport. Be aware that you need to bring in all of your weapons blazing.
speaking of missions, can anyone tell me how to start the azdgari mission string? Or where to find soldiers to assist the slave revolt on a voinian planet?
Azdagari Missions starts at the South Tip Station. Slave Revolt-try the U.E. Outpost the closest to Liadon.
Sometimes the Adzgari mission string only starts if you go to South Tip Station with a delivery.
Three rings for the
I wasn't aware of that. You must be talking about the Vellos. Can you give me an example?
Well once I was trying to get that mission and I kept landing at South Tip Station and taking bounty hunter missions, but I could never get the Adzgari mission until I got a delivery to South Tip Station. I hung around so long that my combate rating was ultimate and I'd saved the planet around 40 times, so I dont think I could've gotten the mission without the delivery.
Three rings for the
yeah i've gotten about 30 bounty hunter/save planet from renegade missions, but i cant get an azdgari mission. Where can i pick up that delivery from?
Basically anywhere your little heart desires. It has to be at least two jumps away from South Tip Station, though.
Three rings for the
Thanks for all your help. I have another question, though: Now I'm supposed to find the A.S.S. Something-or-other, that has been terrorizing Igadzra shipping. Anyone know where I can find it?
Originally posted by Jedi44:
**Thanks for all your help. I have another question, though: Now I'm supposed to find the A.S.S. Something-or-other, that has been terrorizing Igadzra shipping. Anyone know where I can find it?
Go to Racet. Be sure to be there long enough it jumps in.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions
Again, thank you. I have another question, though I got the mission to defend Station Raelian form the Adzgari attack, which I did. I thought. However, when I go back to Igadzra (which the mission tells me to do after I have defended Station Raelian), nothing happens. It's not that I can't get the next mission, it's that they don't "accept my report" or in any other way acknowoledge the mission. Am I missing something?
Hmmm...strange. Try jumping into hyperspace and then going back to Igadzra or get a delivery to go to Igadzra. If that doesn't work you might have to abort the mission and do it again.
Three rings for the Elven-kings...
I've tried jumping to hyperspace and going back severeal times, and still no luck. Tomorrow I'll probably try just aborting the mission and doing again, but... I'd rather not
Originally posted by Jedi44:
**I've tried jumping to hyperspace and going back severeal times, and still no luck. Tomorrow I'll probably try just aborting the mission and doing again, but... I'd rather not:p
Do you have a ton of escorts? If so, if they launch all their fighters, they might fill up the amount of ships allowed in the system, and therefore the mission ships (the ones you need to kill) might not be able to jump in.
That's assuming they're not already in the system.
"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."
Bomb, I don't think my escorts are the problem. I'm flying a UE Cruiser, and I have two Igazra Escorts and a Crescent Warship escort, so my combined ship total is only 7 ships. Thanks for the idea, though.
When you are in space, see if you can find anymore Azdgari ships. Sometimes that happens to me. Every now and then I have to land then exit again to finish off all the attacking ships.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel
Originally posted by Jedi44:
**Bomb, I don't think my escorts are the problem. I'm flying a UE Cruiser, and I have two Igazra Escorts and a Crescent Warship escort, so my combined ship total is only 7 ships. Thanks for the idea, though.
You forgot to mention UE Fighters. Becuase UE Cruisers have 5, your ship count will be 12. Not that it matters though, just giving a correction.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions