I have completed the Igadzra missions and was wondering how to start the Zidagar and Azdgari strings.
I have completed the Igadzra missions and was wondering how to start the Zidagar and Azdgari strings.
You can only do 2 strand strings. You have to get the recruitment missions simultaneously and finish them each before their time limits expire. Once one recruitment mission is finished then you can no longer find the other strands recruitment missions. You can do the Zidagar and the Igadzra or you can do the Azdgari and Igadzra strand strings. Don't forget to do the Voinian string because you can aquire Bronev plating. That mission is accepted on Pax before you do any UE missions. Don't worry you can still do the UE missions later. The Strand recruitment missions are as follows.....Pozdag 3 for the Zidagr, South Tip station for the Azdgari and I think it is Kitrak for the Igadzra. That last one I may be wrong but it is one of the systems next to it at the worst. Someone will correct me on this account so check back.
Why are there no maroon ships?
(This message has been edited by Jubee (edited 08-04-2002).)
Thanks for the advise. Which mission string would be better the azdgari or the zidagar?
Originally posted by Zurg:
Thanks for the advise. Which mission string would be better the azdgari or the zidagar?
If someone can answer that without bias, I'll give them my computer.
Zidagar are my favourite Strand, but the Azdgari string eventually gives you a near-cheat device.
-Lyat Esponer Corsair
You can also play for all three Strands if you use the Triple Agent plug, available on the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/evo/addons.html")EVO Addons page.(/url)
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**If someone can answer that without bias, I'll give them my computer.
If we had a "Prove SilverDragon Wrong" contest, I know what I'd be using. The Azdgari are personally my favorite.
The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!