TC plugs always gave me the most pleasure when playing EVO. My favourites would be Frozen Heart, Femme Fatale and Galaxy's Edge in that order. F25 was OK but not great. The main reason for my reservation was that there were a lot of things in F25 that didn't make sense to me - not bugs so much as discontinuities. I've recently downloaded the Babylon 5 plug but haven't played it yet so don't know what its like - anyone else know?
The not-quite TC plugs were also fun - specifically ROTV. When judiciously combined with a graphic makeover plugin they felt almost like TCs and were just as good.
The worst thing in a plug was bugs. A small plug with no bugs was always better in my opinion than a huge plug with bugs. That's generally the reason I haven't mentioned other plugs (but it could be because I didn't play them :)).
Its amazing how "tsk, tsik, nik" can mean anything from "There's a bomb in the bus, get help!" to "I'm hungry, feed me"
In case of ambiguity about anything I say - choose the nicest interpretation.