OK guys.....I've managed to get through everything to date except the Tome.. Now, when I killed the last Cyclop, I received a key??? Well, after saving and returning to the game later, the key was gone? I went back to an older game (before he killed off the Cyclops and did it again....And, the key once again mysteriously disapeared?? When I went to the Crypt, it said I didn't have the key, "step back". When I was the swordsman, that Crypt didn't need a key and yet in this one as the Ranger it does and the key is gone?? I can't get up to High Garendall without that crypt? I had read someone else's regarding the key and they were told to go East, and cross a bridge. Well I go as far east as I can and the trees cut me off? What's the deal??