Visitation of Death
For the fighting sides in the Shar'Nadda system, it was already too late, for the latcher that had been sent to warn them would be their own death. As it left Reta'Luda'Nurg, it had been infected by what would later be known as the X'el virus.
The virus had mutated, assimilating data from a space-born strain of bacteria into its core DNA strand. It was then able to survive in, and travel through, space. It latched onto Shar'Nadda ships, travelling from system to system in just a few hours instead of the thousands of years it would have taken the virus to get to another system on its own. Imbedding themselves into their unwilling and unaware hosts, the viruses slowly multiplied until they reached the next system, where they quickly killed the host by consuming it, releasing billions more of the deadly viruses.
Spreading from system to system, soon the viruses had infested much of the galactic north of SMC, with the exception of the quarentined (sp?) Reta'Luda'Nurg. They began to continue to multiply and multiply, feeding off space bacteria and other native life forms on the many planets they encountered.
The three most northern Shar'Nadda systems, including Shar'Nadda itself, were also infected by the virus.
And then, it struck like a whisper, unlike anything they had ever seen or heard or thought. It was death itself, and there was no avoiding it, neither by sea, land, or space. Death had come to the SharNadda.
Across the three infected worlds, the virus began to multiple exponentially, implanting itself into billions of SharNaddan hosts. Then, it began its deadly work. People suddenly fell dead as they walked. One would turn around, then look back, and see 50 people dead at his feet. In space, too, lay the drifting, rapidly decaying bodies of SharNaddan vessels, their outer skin covered in a green film, which was actually trillions of Xel Viruses feeding ravenously on their hosts.
In SharNadda, the Strand League watched as, one by one, SharNadda vessels began to fall. Though the space fleet suffered a minor blow comparatively, the planet below was hit very hard. Large scale riots, caused by the outbreak, spread across all of SharNaddan space. Huge protests, coupled with meetings of religious fanatics, caused a complete reign of chaos until the SharNadda military was able to restore some sort of order.
The virus, continuing to rapidly develope as it slowly assimilate SharNaddan DNA into its genetic fold, then encountered a strange obstacle, unlike anything it had previously encountered. They were the Strand League warships, and the virus was intent on getting at the people inside. Moving through the ships shields, which proved of little use in stopping the undetectable agents, the viruses latched onto the hull and began to slowly burrow their way through it. Adapting quickly to the task at hand, many viruses breached the hull early and began to attack the crew inside. Only a small handful of SL ships were affected at first, but the viruses were continuing to spread, and they could easily infect the rest of the SL fleet and kill their crews as well.
OOC: A few notes. 1) The virus is not unstoppable, and its expansion is limited, so dont complain. 2) Im doing this for story purposes, not for exacting revenge on Esponer or Grundy.
3) Do not underestimate the virus, however. It adapts quickly and can be a big threat, so just try different methods at stopping it, and Ill see if it works (though please go easy on trying to stop it, I want to cause some havoc
And I was finally able to write all this. Already twice before the post was wiped out, once by a power outage, the second time by a crash.
Message to: Sladerei
From: Carnotaur of the Federation
Subject: Alliance and Offensive Plans
Greetings Shayborg of the Sladerei. I've heard a lot about you, and I want to commend you on how well you've managed to build up the Sladerei from ashes to an empire. You are truely a worthy successor of Nelson Psack, the former leader of the Sladerei. In the last few days, the Ediens have proved to be a great threat, constantly raiding us and causing my fleets to be hampered in their defensive moves against the Rarkyl. In order to deal with these people, I suggest that you yourself come to the Federation capitol of Andromeda, Durader. There we can discuss some aspects of a trading pact and alliance treaty, one which was never truely written in the past, and offensive plans against the Ediens. I am in Durader now and will be expecting you. - President Carnotaur)
End Message
OOC: Shayborg, there's a wormhole the Sladerei set up from Sladerei to Rakaema. You can use that to get to Fed space quickly.
Carnotaur stepped off the Red October and boarded the waiting transport shuttle, which quickly transported him to the main Federation capitol building on Durader. Durader was only the capitol of Andromeda; a sort of base of operations for the Federation military. The true captiol was in the Saephara system, deep in the Proxima Nebula in the now-peaceful Milky Way.
Entering his presidential quarters in the capitol building, Carnotaur smiled. Rima, his mother and former leader of the Miranu Alliance, had been there a few days earlier and had fixed up everything for him. She had to go back to the Milky Way to attend some other important matters, leaving Carnotaur all to himself on Durader.
Dropping off his bags and dismissing the guard, Carnotaur walked over to the window, which overlooked the vast city of Durran. Built entirely on a very watery swamp, Durran was a beautiful city, and had somehow escaped destruction when the Federation invaded the previously Edien world.
Carnotaur then looked at some pictures on the window sill. He smiled as he picked up one of his parents, President Carnotaur and Rima. He still remembered Carnotaur telling him about his many adventures fighting the Ediens when he was a kid, and how he loved to be taken on rides on the Red October , his fathers flagship, which was now his own personal command vessel. Then he picked up one of his grandparents; Intimidator, an Azdgari shipyard operator, and Rene, a human. A tear dropped down his cheek as he thought about them, and how they had told him of all the adventures they'd had, and of how they had raised their son, Carnotaur senior. Sadly, Intimidator was badly sick, and the doctors didn't think he'd live much longer. Rene had already passed on two years before. Putting the picture back, Carnotaur began to cry softly to himself, wishing there was somebody there to talk to.
If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).