I can't help thinking that an SW Episode I plug would have to be pretty darn short, given that a LOT of the movie doesn't take place in outer space. Lets review.....
-Jedi arrive at TF station, get attacked
-Jedi flee to Naboo
-Jedi & company leave Naboo, end up at Tatooine
-Go from Tatooine to Coruscant
-Go from Coruscant to Tatooine, blow away the Trade Federation base.
That's about it.....several travel trips, one space battle. I don't see how its possible to simulate any of the other action; the pod race, lightsaber battles, etc.
I could be wrong, but I don't know if one can really make a worthwile plug out of so little material. Even the universe would be hard to craft, since Episode I gives us very little information about the state of the galaxy back then. So that would be guesswork, to an extent.
The best SW plug is good because its based on many Star Wars books; there's lots of material to draw from there. But with Episode I, the scenario is actually rather limited in scope.
That's just my take, however. If you think you can make something good, go for it.
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