OOC: Now, I'm no mod, but I think RMA's last few posts are TOTAL CRUD!!!
All stuff in post cleared by Esponer.
A fleet of 100 newly built ships hyperspaced into Twyus, catching the Galactica fleet by surprise and hailing them with massive long range and then close range gunfire. The Galactica fleet was exhausted and needed repair, but the Confeds gave them none.
Just a few short hours later, the Galactica fleet attacking Twyus had been incinerated, and the Confeds had lost only 50 vessels.
But the Confederate fleet that had been attacking Saffera had not been destroyed.
Instead, they had simply gone to Grivok to refuel and rearm. Jumping back into Vethair, they hailed the Galactica fleet with hoards of gunfire and pure energy, forcing them to withdraw quickly. The Alliance fleet had sustained a 50 ship loss, and were requesting some reinforcements if possible to hold their position.
Meanwhile, in Zidagar, the battle raged on but the Confeds had suffered heavy casualties. Finally, the Galactica fleet was starting to crumble as 4 of their warcruisers were incinerated by the compined power of multiple Alliance flagships.
The Confeds kept on Galacticas tail, never letting them get very far away, and making the use of Gravity Wells extreme difficult because the Confeds were always too close to them, and they couldn't get away because Confederate ships were usually faster. The Galactica fleet was pounded and pounded, not being able to use their main advantage.
The Galactica fleet regrouped and charged, with about 200 damaged ships. The Confeds had about the same, but the 50 ships that had been in Twyus were now returning to Zidagar to help reinforce it, and they would be there quite soon...
Lythrawn frowned as Esponer left. "There was no reason for that, but your decision is your decision.
"Look at this way, Casene. If I hadn't changed, I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be off in Andromeda helping the Prylak prepare for the next invasion of both the Milky Way AND Ross 154. I don't think you want that to happen, and I'm glad that that didn't happen either. I want to HELP with the damage I caused, but that's hard when no one likes you, so that is why I am trying to show everyone that I really have changed and am willing to help them."
Lythrawn chuckled at Casenes last statement, then got deathly serious. "Well, I have a number of reasons for being here, but I have one that is more urgent than any other..." He got close to Casene, really close. "Ever heard of Andromeda?"
"It's a Prylak Galaxy, a BIG Prylak galaxy."
Casene said nothing.
"I've been telling everybody else that there is no way into Andromeda from here, but I forgot to mention that there is a small wormhole that leads to Andromeda that was not sealed off by the Prylak when the Haorn attacked. It is located in a rift in part of Jumpgate 01. It leads to Andromeda, the place of the largest warship in existence; the Prylak Supercruiser.
"Believe me when I tell you that just one of these ships could easily annihilate all of Ross 154 and the Milky Way. These ships are massive, over 20 kilometers long, and carry a group of 6 Prylak Dreadnaughts, massive vessels even stronger than my ship. They also carry a MASSIVE amount of firepower including 24 Prylak Battlecruisers. My ship is a Battlecruiser actually, and a powerful one.
"Now, you can see how much a threat these ships prove. Unfortunately, I don't know how or if the jumpgate can be closed, but I do know that the Prylak can easily travel through it UNLESS a black hole or something has disrupted the jumpgate."
While Lythrawn was talking, Captain Tretheck had Kenra, her friend and the 100 guards beamed aboard (in small portions of course
What Lythrawn, Casene, Tretheck, and everyone else didn't notice however was that Commander Ravaer had sneaked out to where Esponer had gone...
Following Esponer quickly, the Haorn followed him to his quarters, and knocked. As Esponer opened the door as gasped when he saw Ravaer, the Haorn backed off a little and crouched down. "Sorry, I-I just wanted to say hello to you. Isn't too often I get to meet a person in the military my age, most of the men in Lythrawns fleet are veterans or non-Prylak..."
Meanwhile, on Mirava, Grundulator was met by a cloaked character which gave him a message from the Federation...
Capture a Galactica Missile, any version. Either that or give us the specs. Return to Mira with cargo intact and you will be paided heavily.
If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-17-2001).)