Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Why not turrets and guns?

      Hello everyone, I'm new here but used to play this game way too much. The thing I can't figure out is back when playing EV and with the older version I had of EVO, my ship was able to have a maximum number of turrets and a maximum number of guns. Now I can only have half the firepower as I can either have 4 turrets, 4 guns, or a mixture of the two. Why was this changed, or for that matter, was it changed (or is my computer screwing something up). This is making the Defend Station Raelion mission (in the igadzra mission set) extremely difficult, as well as the mission where you defend the nebula scanner research project from the renegades. My crescent warship is mincemeat when it goes up against 20+ fighters that it can't outrun or shoot down easily without a nice set of turrets+guns. Any advice?


    • Because they wanted it different for a change?

      In the mission, get a fighter.


      I'm so sorry it happened. I should have done more...

    • As of EVO 1.0.1 each turret takes up both a turret AND a gun slot. What I've been told is that this was to make the game more difficult.

    • I always thought it was silly giving large warships forward-firing guns, when you attack with warships like UE Cruisers, it seems stupid to have the same forward firing weapons as a crescent fighter on a ship several hundred times the size.

      Beneath the "s" key on your keyboard is a miniature telescreen. I am watching you.

    • I was looking in the addon section and found a plugin that supposed to fix that problem. I don't know what it's called or if it works.

      Bounty hunter? Bounty hunter where? Right behind me. gulp

      (This message has been edited by Capn'Pete (edited 10-07-2001).)

    • Thing I always do for those missions, I just equipped my Igazra with a permament afterburner. As soon as you jump in, turn around and hit the burner, flying away from the center of the system. This strings the fighters out so you can engage them one or two at a time. If they come too close, flip around and burn a little further. Good tactic, even if an afterburner shouldn't really work for both a CF and a CW. Also, some Dospect and/or Bronev plating goes a loooong way in the Strand, as phase turrets can't do diddly to armor.

      Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The Thought Police:
      **I always thought it was silly giving large warships forward-firing guns, when you attack with warships like UE Cruisers, it seems stupid to have the same forward firing weapons as a crescent fighter on a ship several hundred times the size.


      I don't think it's that silly -- I mean, bombers today generally have forward firing guns, not turrets, and turrets on ships weren't introduced until the U.S.S. Monitor was created in the Civil War (if that's correct).

      It would make sense to be able to put these guns on there anyway -- it's like taking a modern-day warship and put a big, non-turnable gun in front (you generally bombard targets to the front anyway).

      In EVO terms, though, yeah, it's basically to prevent a ship from getting excessive firepower (I was able to equal the firepower of a Crescent Warship with an Arada in 1.0.0).

      Mike Lee (Firebird)