I downloaded the 1.0.2 update but nothing happend to my EVO game. It didn't up date it. Is there something else I need to do?
I downloaded the 1.0.2 update but nothing happend to my EVO game. It didn't up date it. Is there something else I need to do?
Can't help you much, thought you had to drag things places. But you probably shouldn't started a new topic for this, just post a reply in your old one. Keeps the bulletin boards from cluttering.
The Boy Who Ate Fire
There once was a boy who ate fire. He died. - story submitted in english class by Gary W. Boone in "Dogs Don't Tell Jokes" by Louis Sachar
Originally posted by KANE:
**I downloaded the 1.0.2 update but nothing happend to my EVO game. It didn't up date it. Is there something else I need to do?
I Got a file that said EVOverride_Update.bin but I dont know what to do with that
First you need to decompress it. Do you have Stuffit Expander? If not, fill out (url="http://"http://www.stuffit.com/cnet/expandermac.html")this form(/url) and download it, it's a 6MB file. Install it and drag your downloaded update onto the StuffIt Expander icon in the Finder. Open the ReadMe in the new folder created from the stuffed file and follow the instructions. You should be all set.
The Boy Who Ate Fire
There once was a boy who ate fire. He died. - story submitted in english class by Gary W. Boone in "Dogs Don't Tell Jokes" by Louis Sachar
Originally posted by KANE:
**I downloaded the 1.0.2 update but nothing happend to my EVO game. It didn't up date it. Is there something else I need to do?
I did that and I got a file called EV Override 1.0.2 Update.sea and when I try to open it it says I don't have the translations to open it. I don't get a folder or any other special file.
That's odd, SEA stands for Self-Extracting Archive. Coulda sworn you didn't need any special translations for those, but I could be wrong. And you have StuffIt all installed? Very odd, sorry I cound't help you more.
The Boy Who Ate Fire
There once was a boy who ate fire. He died. - story submitted in english class by Gary W. Boone in "Dogs Don't Tell Jokes" by Louis Sachar
Originally posted by KANE:
...I don't have the translations to open it.
Uh, do you have a PC? Sounds like it so far...
I agree with Payback; multiple posts aren't warranted.
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