Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter II

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      Reign of Chaos 2
      Created by SilverDragon

      Moderated by SilverDragon
      Co-moderated by Captain Carnotaur


      MAP: (url="http://"")
      Please allow 2 to 2537 days for the appropriate information links to be added (or a site made)

      1. No single post battles or major events.
      2. No controlling of other people's characters.
      3. Moderators retain the right to deny any post, without explanation (although an explanation will probably be given).
      4. No supercruisers are allowed. The Garland, Ragnarok and Savior are all BASE ships, and otherwise the limit is dreadnought. A supercruiser is generally any ship that can enter a battle against an entire fleet and win, or any ship where you'll actually actively talk about it - i.e. the Excalibur does this, the Excalibur does that, whereas Dreadnoughts or cruisers are just referred to as "the ships moved forward and attack".
      5. BASE ships cannot engage in battle, but have no size limits. It must be understrand these are like flying stations or planets - near impossible to defeat.
      6. Technology must be stated when it begins, and any moderation on technology must be accepted. Moderators retain the right to moderate a technology as late as when it is first used, if they did not understand the capabilities. You are encouraged to add how far into development a technology you are researching is.
      7. Please try and be fair in all your posts to avoid moderation and stalling of the game.
      8. Specifics are not required. Economy reports do not exist, but you are asked to keep track of when you'll be low on money.
      9. No time based technologies or otherwise invincible technologies. Also, the realms of sub-space are to be avoided (any technology that allows you to leave and re-enter the universe)
      10. No killing anyone else's character.

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-18-2001).)

    • Hawk Kael stood looking from the veiwport of the Renzokuken's canteen. The blazing colors of hyperspace highlighted his face with an eeire glow. In his hand was a half-empty glass of coffee, having come from the Zephyr; couldn't trust the stuff on a warship. The battle had been costly for the UE and Zidagar forces as well as the Mercenary Alliance. But what worried Hawk the most were the three lives cost by the fighter pilots of the Sedran's fighters. One had remained but it would need a bit of work. The Sedran would need a day or so of work...had it been berthed with Ragnorak. He set the mug down on a table and left for his temporary quarters. As he walked Hawk thought on some things.

      The three forces that had entered the war were at odds with supplies and credits. The only one who had any money was the MA, but with the pounding they had just taken, it would most likely be used for more immediate concerns. The Kisani passed many people on the way, but gave them no heed. Hawk himself had more then 300 million credits, of which 10 million had been invested, giving him 50000 credits a day. Some of that money could be used to support this campaign, but this new Alliance needed more then money, it needed materials. In his mind he recalled all ships to memory, and smiled. There was an Echo destroyer in transit, caring many supplies. He tapped his wristlink and through the Zephyr's still functioning com systems, sent out a signal to the ship, relaying new coordinates. With that taken care of, Hawk started walking again. This time he headed for his ship in the docking bay. It may have been beyond repair, but it was still liveable. Hawk also knew very much of renegade secrets and knew something very important in that fact as well.

      As he made the transit, he tapped his link and contacted Paladin. "Paladin, there is somethings we need to discuss. Could you meet me on the Zephyr in half an hour. Hawk out." With that he made his ship and entered.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • They had a long way to go, and before they reached F-25 they could expect to be attacked from both sides. They just had to keep their eyes open, and try not to be caught by two attacking sides of Galactica.

      Paladin received the message, and sighed. Hawk was always like that, but he supposed he wouldn't change anytime soon. With another sigh, Paladin sets off for the Zephyr, in the docking bay.

      After only a few minutes, thanks to the structure of the Dragons, Paladin finds himself in the docking bay. He idly wonders if the phase rifle he carries by his side as a custom will be needed. He realises that entering the Zephyr means he has absolutely no support from the rest of the Renzokuken itself.

      Steeling himself, Paladin enters the Zephyr.


      OOC: The Mercenary Alliance and Zidagar ships can decide whether they're continuing with the UE to F-25 or not, I'm avoiding mentioning it for that reason.

      That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
      - SilverDragon

    • Suddenly, the Mercenary Alliance fleet hyperspaced in just behind the UE fleet. The lead Raven hailed them. "This is Captain Firebird of the Mercenary Alliance 9th Fleet. I have been ordered by Carnotaur himself to follow you back to your base on F-25 and deliver a large amount of supplies which my ships are carrying."


      25 Ravens Built - Total: 145
      2 New Planetary Defense Cannons Built for Other Planets
      2 New Shipyards Completed in Emalghion
      2 New Cities Being built to help increase population and income
      1/2 of Mercenary Alliance fleet either scraped or refitted

      Title: Anti-Proton Cloaking Device
      Time Till Completion: COMPLETED


      Scorcher walked into Carnotaurs office, grinning. "What do you have a plan for now? Hijacking a Galactica Dreadnaught?" Carnotaur joked.

      "Hrmm..." Scorcher replied and handed Carnotaur a paper. It reported that the Anti-Proton Cloaking device had been completed and a few factories were being set up to produce enough of them to outfit on all the Ravens that the Mercenary Alliance had. "Very good Scorcher," Carnotaur replied, smiling.

      "Also, I've been thinking. The Raven is a great ship and all, but we need a bigger, more powerful capitol ship. A battleship. I had one idea," Scorcher said, and produced a potential design for a new battleship. A picture was also included and a name; the Aurora Battleship.

      Carnotaur whistled as he looked at the weapons armament. Hopefully just two of these ships could take out an entire Galactica Dreadnaught. "Very good. How long will it take to design?"

      Scorcher sighed. "A while, partially because we are kind of low on credits after all the money we put into work on the Anti-Proton Cloaking Device."

      Carnotaur thought for a moment. "Yes, I agree. Maybe the UE can help. Send a message to Captain Firebird and tell him to ask if the UE can give us either money or technology to help us design the Aurora Battleship."

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-18-2001).)

    • As Paladin entered the Zephyr, the entry hacth slammed shut, locked. A force field sparked up to further seal it and Paladin was trapped. As the leader of UE looked around Hawk stood to one side, arm raised and fist closed; around the Kisani's wrist and down the lenght of his forearm was a weapon of sorts and his eyes were flaming blue. He spoke, his voice full of anger.

      "Make one move for any weapon, Paladin, and there'll be nothing left of you but stray particles. Don't bother calling for help either, because your com is useless. Now before we get started, I don't trust you or your forces. Eighteen years ago, I raided United Earth space and left the ships I disabled largely functional save for thrusters and manuverabilty. I personally raidoed in aid for them, and left. Three days later I learn from Steller Net that those two merchant ships, carrying nearly one hundered people, were found dead in space. Amongst the remains were dead, all those who had accounted for the crew and passengers. I found out from some very damn well trusting sources that those freighters had been assulted by ships...United Earth destroyers who's names were well known.

      The rest was too deep, but one question plauged my mind: why would the UE kill innocent civillians, espically those who were defenseless. I checked the passenger lists and other contacts; there were no criminals or dissidents; I gained all cargo, which wasn't much, and there was only luxury goods, no weapons or drugs of any sort, and before I got ahold of it, I found that cargo was legaly bought. I want to make sure that you will never stoop so low as to kill innocents, even if it be war. I may be a renegade, but even I know the difference between neccesity and outright murder."

      Hawk lowered his arm and the hacth unlocked and the force field went out. With his other hand he threw a datacrystal and a credit chip at Paladin's feet. "I know how important this war is to you, but I want no part in it. As of three days ago the Zacha are at war with Galactica and that will not change. However, as leader, I will not stand and fight along side a government who once killed their own innocent citizens. The Zacha, however short we've helped, has withdrawn all support from the United Earth and Zidagar forces. We may help the Merc Alliance, but that will be all."

      He pointed to the crystal and chip at the human's feet and continued. "The chip contains 20 million credits and the deed to a Echo destroyer that comes to F-25 with materials. The crew will be placed onto Sedran and you'll have to man it yourself; the destroyer's fighters will go with us as well. The data crystal contains information on Zacha ships, technology and weaponry as well as locations for a hidden renegade base in the Hreka system, a hidden planetoid that most people missed. The base has long been deserted, but there are a few ships and a good deal of materials and supplies to last a year, no more. Once we reach F-25, my people will be going. Any attemp or attack on any of our ships will be considered an act of war, so believe me when I say that the Zachit are not a force to be pissed off. We may be small in numbers, but we repersent some of the best and deadliest pilots this galaxy has seen. Now do me a favor and get off my ship; I will be doing likewise soon. Good day, Paladin." With that the captain left the coridor and into another room. A force field sparked up in the area and stayed in place.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • Paladin smiled faintly. Just as he had suspected. However, the years hadn't made Paladin any nicer, nor any more stupid. Those civilians, those records, were not true. Paladin knew that - the UE vessels themselves were the criminals, not the civilians. Those vessels had been hijacked by renegades, and didn't exist a day after, when the UE had them destroyed.

      However, Paladin wasn't going to let it go, and he would show that. He placed the order, and the Zephyr was ejected out into space, completely disabled, with their Zacha's famous leader still aboard.

      Paladin sighed. "That child still doesn't know a thing about leadership, or realism - he doesn't have the years. I'd be glad to teach him, but there's no chance he'll learn."

      The fleet moved on, the Zephyr left behind. A single Wyvern sat just out of the Zephyr's crippled sensor range, waiting. And the Sedran, the great vessel, found itself enclosed by Dragons. It's captain had to make a choice, of some sort...

      That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
      - SilverDragon

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-18-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-18-2001).)

    • Throughout the galaxy the GNN was getting the highest ratings it had recieved since it's inception, as people everywhere tuned in to see footage of the battle between the Zidagar, UE, Mercenary Alliance, and Galactica. Over twenty minutes of live battle footage had been complied, and it was being incorporated into news flashes, and a special lengthened edition of the Nightly Breifing. The Battle of the Blockade would no doubt be the most widely broadcast battle in history.

      A lone GNN arada cruised the wreckage in the system where the great Battle of the Blockade had recently occured. Scraps of metal filled the system, here and there a burnt out wreck floated lifelessly in space. Occasional sparks lit up the otherwise silent and dark battlefield. Both governments had abandoned the system, to regroup. Certainly it wasn't over. The arada had been sent there to gather some followup footage, a kind of aftermath scene. But the captain saw another opportunity. "Ian," he said, turning to his tactical officer, "are there any other active shipls in the system?"

      "Yes - half a dozen Galactica warships on a standard patrol and salvage mission."

      "How far?"

      "Nearly halfway across the system."

      "Well then, plot a course for F-25 and engage hyperdrive. We should have enough of a headstart to make it through. If we can get live footage from F-25, we'll have the hottest story of the decade! Even bigger than the battle! Live interviews from the Zacha and the UE! Just imagine!"

      "But sir," Ian protested, "GNN guidelines forbid us to break any laws in the space we're in. That would include crossing a Galactica blockade in Galactica space."

      "Do you see any blockade here?" the captain replied. "Their blockade is a system further back. There's nothing to stop us. Now engage hyperdrive. That's an order."

      "Yes, sir," Ian replied, obviously objecting to the captain's course of action. The arada accelerated away from the debris field, disappearing into hyperspace, straight into the Ji Nebula.

      Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

    • Rima reviewed the damages of the fleet. 300 ships lost. It wasn't too bad considering what they had been up against. 25 Zakiths 75 Humrugar 10 Zidara's and 100 Kizats had been lost. Rima sighed. The poor people... She then sent 25 Humrugar out of the main fleet to stay in this system and warn if there were any ships approaching but to jump out if they were enemy ships. She then gave a few commands and all the ships headed back to F-25. Rima was anxious to see Savior again. She always was whenever she left it. Then again, Savior did hold a good percent of her people. She let the Second-in-command take over as she went to her temporary quarters to brood over a few problems they might have.

      Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.

    • Hawk looked out the window of his small cabin. In his hand was a half-read book. As he saw the veiw of the docking bay turn to stars, he almost let out a startled oath. Shrugging it aside, he closed the book and made his way out of the cabin and into the corridor leading to the cockpit. He ignored the credit chip and datacrystal and as he reached the cockpit, sat at the chair. The light display spluttered for a second then came into veiw. Tapping it without a thought he brought the shields that had automaticly come up, and deactivated those weapons systems that remained. A deft hit opened a com system to Paladin’s ship, audio only.

      He sat back and said, “It would seem we have a problem, Paladin; not many people I know are insulted by such little slights. It would also seem that you will become what you seek to fight. If you want a clean quick kill, my shields are down. The Sedran also has the slight problem of having a damaged shield grid and the fact that she’s surrounded and outnumbered. My choice of withholding support stand, however; so you can kill me if you wish, but there will be another leader. Also if you give the order to have me blown from space, think on this one fact as my ship explodes; I had the chance to kill you were you stood but didn’t, so remember that when you see my face in your nightmares. I kill only when necessary or when faced with no other choice; the choice you make in the near future will determine how the galaxy looks upon you: a war hero who liberated them or a murderer who just wanted vengence and to become what he fought. The galaxy has faced one massive overlord, they will not stand for another.” Hawk gestured and opened a channel to the Sedran. “Sedran, stand down weapons and don’t open fire if they make any wrong moves.”

      The weapons’ grid along the Sedran powered down, and both Zacha ships were defenseless. “The choice is yours Paladin. You make the call...”

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • Paladin received the message with a smile. In actual fact, Hawk couldn't have killed Paladin, even if he tried. Personal shields were commonplace, and if Hawk had fired he would have seen the ricohet across the forcefield and personal shield, and God knows what would have eventually been the target.

      As for the Zephyr and Sedran, Paladin had no intent to destroy them. The UE fleet continued on, and the forces which had surrounded the Sedran left. Nine more Wyverns had joined the original one, and they hung in space around the three ships.


      The Wyverns, of course, were not noticed by the Zacha ships. Was it not for that, they would have made contact. As it was, they were ordered to sit still until Paladin sent more commands - and make sure neither ship became destable or ran out of oxygen.

      I'm part of an organisation against men, which includes Rima, Jess and myself.

    • The Sedran remain still for a time after, as if her captain were thinking on the situation. Without a thought, the sleek ship moved slowly, her shields and weapons grid still down. She made way towards the Zephyr and quietly tractored her aboard into the docking bay. Sensors from the Sedran had picked up the Wyverns sometime ago, yet the ship made no hostile moves. With a sudden movement, the Sedran did a 180 degree turn downwards and moved away with all speed.

      The engines flared as the hyperdrive was inniated and a jump point opened. Without an thought otherwise, the Sedran lept from realspace to disaper into hyperspace. As this was done, a sudden burst message was forwarded towards Paladin's quarters. It was from Hawk and all he said was, "Remember well, Paladin of Earth, the difference between a war of liberation and a war of conquest. The former can often be confused for the latter."

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • "Ten seconds to realspace," Ian reported.

      "Excellent," the captain replied. "Open a system wide channel as soon as we enter F-25."

      "Yes, sir."

      F-25 was filled with the usual activity of Zacha and UE ships as a lone blue and yellow arada emblazoned with the GNN logo appeared in their midst. Immediately the UE and Zacha vessels heard a voice over their comm systems - "This is Captain Lafare of the GNN arada Reporter 5. Surely you've seen our news broadcasts. Well, this is your chance to be on one. Get your message out to the people of the galaxy. What do you say?"

      Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

    • MOD: If the Sedran had made a move, it would have found it's engines cut out by laser blasts. Sorry, Hawk, you're not out of this yet.


      Paladin received the message from the GNN Arada shortly after entering F-25. He was stunned that they had made it far, but had no illusions as to the danger the Arada was in. His reply message was short, and to the point.

      -Message to the GNN Arada-
      -From the Bridge of the Renzokuken-

      In several hours, over three thousand Galactica ships will be upon us. You may dock on the crashed Garland's bay, and we can speak if you wish, but understand that your life is in great danger.


      The ten Wyverns sat in space, until they received a message from Paladin, simply stating "let them go". The Wyverns sent a message to the Sedran:

      -Message to the Sedran-
      -From the Cockpit of Wyvern #342-

      You may now leave. All luck in escaping Galactica's terror.


      The Sedran was free, but the Wyverns were gone in an instant, and it could not contact any ship to make a parthian shot at Paladin....

      I'm part of an organisation against men, which includes Rima, Jess and myself.

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-19-2001).)

      TItle: OmegaCon Project
      Subject: Aurora Battleship
      Time Till Completion: 10 Posts

      Ship Specs:

      Aurora Battleship
      Shields: 1,000
      Armor: 400
      Shield Regeneration: 190
      Speed: 200
      Acceleration: 500
      Turning: 2
      Mass: 1,300 tons
      Length: 450 feet
      Crew: 829
      1 Enhanced Crescent Fighter Bay - 3 Crescent Fighters


      Captain Firebird, once he had gotten the message from Carnotaur, hailed Paladin. "I have a message to give you from Carnotaur. We are currently working on researching a large battleship type vessel, however we lack the technology to create such a ship. We would gratefully accept any weapons technology or help in designing the ship that you could give us."

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • I'm back, and I've read up on all that has happened since I left. Many thanks for writing all of both sides in that battle, SilverDragon.


      BattleDoctor sat at the head of the table in the War Room at Galactica Fleet Command. A heated debate was in progress.

      "We must move our ships forward and attack the UE at F-25, Emperor! What you have done to follow up on the battle won't solve anything!" An admiral shouted at BattleDoctor. This particular admiral was known for his ruthlessness and tendency to win at any cost.

      "I've sent 1,500 ships from DSN-2322 to strengthen the surviving force from the Battle of the Blockade, in the DSN-2791 system. With a force of about 2,000 ships in each system, we should be able to hold off a UE attack on either position. For now, this will suffice." responded BattleDoctor, significantly calmer than the admiral whom he was talking to.

      Another Fleet official piped up, "The Emperor is right, you know. Our goal is simply to keep the UE out of our space, not to destroy them."

      "And what of the Mercenaries?" demanded the admiral. "What if they attack again?"

      "The rearguard in DSN-4647 has regrouped, and reinforcements are on their way from Kirrim." stated BattleDoctor.

      Still enraged, the admiral got up and stormed out of the room.


      Work on fitting a high-powered Fusion Beam to Galactica Prime is progressing well. There have beeen a few minor setbacks to the project, and one freighter was lost due to an engine failure, but the Beam emitter should be ready soon nonetheless.

      You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
      If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

      (This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-19-2001).)

    • The Senator was quite unhappy. "They missed the blockade? The fools! They only have one choice now: to proceed to F-25. No, the fleet will not get destroyed, Tasina."

      "Very well, Senator. I will issue the order."


      Alt Ma'ose spoke to his crew. Apparently, we must go to a planet called "F-25," which is now the base of the UE forces. We may have to go through a small blockade to get there, so cloak at every system entry except for the last one, DSN-6160, okay?"

      The fleet entered the DSN-2791 and found immense amounts of wreckage there from the Battle of the Blockade. They quickly left and swept through the DSN-6008 and DSN-4689 systems, and into the most important one...

      Negative Plasma Emitter: 1 post

      "Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
      --Ertai, wizard adept

    • The Senator spoke to the Council. "You realize that if we will be in the other galaxy for any extended period of time, we will need a base ship, something like the Zacha's Ragnarok (yes, I know about this)."

      "Do you know what this would cost?" asked Councilman P'rek, representive of the Ma'ial system.

      "It is only a giant Carrier, and we have Carriers. It would be orb-shaped, similar to the Carrier, but immensely large. We would not want it to engage in combat, but it would be equipped to do so if necessary. If you have read reports on the Ragnarok or the UE's Garland, you know what I am talking about. There could be civilians on this ship, but most likely it would just be a mobile shipyard and research center. So to answer your question, we can afford it."

      The vote, luckily for the Senator, went 16-9 in favor of the "Nedra", as the mobile base was to be called. The I'ase were in desperate need of a mobile base in the new galaxy, and this could solve their problems. The next problem was building it.

      "Mats! Come over here, I need to talk to you."

      "Yes, Senator?"

      "We have a proposal to build a base ship, similar to the Zacha's Ragnarok. Can you ensure it is built?"

      "Yes, but it would take a long time."

      "Not necessarily. It could be a simple scale-up of our current Carrier, with some modifications, of course. What is your time estimate?"

      "I see. I would guess that this would take about three months (12 posts) to build, total. It would not be nearly as big as the Ragnarok, of course. It would simply be a shipyard, research center, and drydock for all of our ships there. The Ragnarok is a city, which we definitely do not need."

      "Good. In other matters, the NPE is ready, and outfitted on all of our ten Carriers, currently. They will be sent out, with two of them full of ships."


      The I'ase fleet entered F-25, former capital of the Galactica Empire. Everything in the system stopped to observe the visitors from another galaxy.
      (Esponer? Want to do anything?)

      Title: Nedra BASE ship
      Time till completion: 12 posts

      "Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
      --Ertai, wizard adept

    • Active post to come soon

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • The High-Powered Fusion Beam's emitter assembly has been completed. Now, it must be transported from construction yards at Voinia to Galactica Prime in the Galactica system. This will take longer than usual, because of the sensitive nature of what is being transported. At the moment the 10 tugs needed to haul the emitter are ready and will begin the journey soon. After transport is finished, all that will be left to do is fasten the emitter to the station.

      " Quote me, I'm cool, really. " - Cone/StarStrafer

    • Aboard the GNN arada, sensors beeped. "Sir!" Ian spoke, "It's them again!"

      "Who?" the captain asked, not yet comprehending the magnitude of Ian's statement.

      "The I'ase! A fleet just entered the system!"

      "This certainly makes things more interesting. Keep our video cameras trained on their fleet - get some good footage of their vessels. Video of I'ase ships is rare, and we could use it. Meanwhile, I think we should follow the UE's instructions and dock in the Garland's bay."

      "Yes, sir."

      Ian opened a channel to the Garland, radioing their intentions. "Reporter 5 to Garland, we will be docking shortly."

      Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"