Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Aggazarithings!

      Yeah, so I'm lazy. I just got the Agridudes (Green goblin's) first mission, where I take the cargo from the the...planet. But I slipped, and knocked on the enter button, canceling the response. Aside from my wimpy pay, where's the next mission in
      the string??

      Do-spect armor? Hah!
      I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
      Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

    • Here's the completion text of the first Azdgari mission:

      "Marvellous work," rhapsodises your Azdgari contact, Iathan, as you exchange cargo for cash. He seems to have landed on his feet, 'acquiring' a new Arada on Kayia which is now being upgraded. "I have arranged for Azdaras to be available for you to purchase at our shipyards by the way. If you wish to aid us further you should go to Muid, where our cadets begin their training." Iathan smiles with merciless cheerfulness, "It is the Azdgari way to spread our trust freely - but those who betray us never prosper."

    • ...that just about answers that, and the question "why is Blackdog's karma so high?"

      A round of applause to Blackdog for one of the most helpful and quick answers this month. Sorry to make a post with little purpose, but Blackdog needs congratulating for that.


      That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
      - SilverDragon

    • what ship are you in?

      =Spread the Chaos=

    • You're going to annoy him until he gets an Arada, eh, AP? 🙂

      hector: Joolzman is only 14, so the truth is that he is nowhere near impotence.
      xmattWerk: I would agree that Joolzman is a lamer...
      (url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url)

    • Woohoo! I feel so honored. Thank you SD! 😄

    • What do you do after you finish puttiong up the azgari secret base in the stror system?

    • Here's a hint: Don't try to stop the Zidagar photographer.

    • its a mission you get at the stror base, you are supposed to stop him, but dont, as there are missions if you dont.

      =Spread the Chaos=

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
      **its a mission you get at the stror base, you are supposed to stop him, but dont, as there are missions if you dont.


      Well...I Tried! to stop him, but thanks to the wonderful stupidity of pursuit missiles, he escaped. I've advanced further along the string, too! And 😄 I'm flying an Arada, the bastards. My wonnerful crescent warship is now a pitiful escort, and it makes me wince every time it does...something. Next, I got the Azdargwhatchathings. Yeah, they're fast, and the shield recharge is amazing, but the darned things have too little space (For the shield boosters, shield regeneraters, guns AND fuel tanks/scoops.) The style of combat needed for it (isolate ships the make repeated passes) isn't what I'm used to, since I enjoy tumbling up in a crescent warship or UE Cruiser and just blasting the **** out of everything. I too often find myself zipping into a phased beam and exploding. So I bought an Arada, and I'm actually very happy with it. It's got massive room of upgrades, but it fast enough that I don't fall asleep doing something like...oh...turning around to land.

      Do-spect armor? Hah!
      I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
      Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

    • hmm, congrats on your new REAL ship. if you want outfit advice get me on AIM (YooOe)

      =Spread the Chaos=

    • Where are you supposed to take the "prototype azdara"?(blackdog should have a higher karma)

    • You just have to get it into a fight. If anything happens, return to Xarnes.

    • I've gotten it into a fight in the next system or two over, but when I return to Xarnes the mission is still not completed. I've taken it on missions all over and seen differnet things from it but still the mission won't complete. What am I doing wrong, I wonder??


      Originally posted by Blackdog:
      You just have to get it into a fight. If anything happens, return to Xarnes.

    • but did the azdara survive the fight? (hint, hint)

      =Spread the Chaos=

    • Aaaahahahhaaahaha! I captured an Agriblahwhat Warship! Those things look so cool! 😄 Hey! It blew up! Damned phased beamers. Anyways, I ditched my Arada (poor thing doesn't like phase fire) and got me one of those awesome CWs. I DO have a question, thouh. I think I'm missing a chunk of the string, even though it told me I've completed the central objective. I never had one of the experimental shield gen's installed on my ship...hmm..anyways. Off to capture another of killer AW.

      Do-spect armor? Hah!
      I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
      Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

    • Odd... it told you you finished the central objective for the Azdgari? In that case you should definitely have got it during the missions - maybe they took offence at you having Zidagar equipment.. or at you having done over one of their systems during the Zidagar missions :).

    • Hmm...if the experimental shield gen. isn't transferable, then it's likely I lost it while slyly blowing the crap out of a AW until I managed to capture one. 😄 I DID complete the central objective, unless the game was teasing me, but the only free thing I scored for free was one of the normal generaters. Bummage! Stupid phased beams...

      PS: I think it' time I change my sig.

      Do-spect armor? Hah!
      I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
      Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

    • The Experimental Generator is transferable if you buy a new ship, but I guess it isn't if you capture a new ship :).