Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
**its a mission you get at the stror base, you are supposed to stop him, but dont, as there are missions if you dont.
Well...I Tried! to stop him, but thanks to the wonderful stupidity of pursuit missiles, he escaped. I've advanced further along the string, too! And
I'm flying an Arada, the bastards. My wonnerful crescent warship is now a pitiful escort, and it makes me wince every time it does...something. Next, I got the Azdargwhatchathings. Yeah, they're fast, and the shield recharge is amazing, but the darned things have too little space (For the shield boosters, shield regeneraters, guns AND fuel tanks/scoops.) The style of combat needed for it (isolate ships the make repeated passes) isn't what I'm used to, since I enjoy tumbling up in a crescent warship or UE Cruiser and just blasting the **** out of everything. I too often find myself zipping into a phased beam and exploding. So I bought an Arada, and I'm actually very happy with it. It's got massive room of upgrades, but it fast enough that I don't fall asleep doing something like...oh...turning around to land.
Do-spect armor? Hah!
I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.