Ambrosia Garden Archive
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      Originally posted by leahleah:
      hey thanx for your help guys . i've now did that whole string . i've did teh strands and now the voinians, where do i get the nebula misssions? i've heard about it uphere but have no clue where to go to get them help me again plz

      The "explore Ji/Proxima Nebula" missions start at a Miranu scientific outpost somewhere waaaay up north, I believe. I think you get approached by a Miranu who tells you they want to expand their trading empire but the nebulas are getting in their way...

      An unrelated question: Any suggestions for defeating the renegade fleet at Troub? I'm in an Igadzra I--- (the big yellow ship with the I-name) that seems to be able to take on pretty much anything -- EXCEPT for being swarmed all over by about 30 kraits at the same time. The Igazdra's fancy new weapon, which shoots what look like puffs of smoke, doesn't do much good against them, which is odd since it was supposedly designed for use against those really fast little Azdgari fighters (I'm bad with names).

    • The Plasma Siphon doesn't do much good against anything.
      In my opinion,it ain't that good.
      Anyway,where can you start the North Tip Renegade Missions?
      What prerequisites are there?
      I've tried everything(nearly).

    • I am a semi-newbie(a month) and have played both EV and EVO for a while. Currently I am playing EVO, and I came upon one of the big missions, but am completely baffled by what to do. The mission, "Track down and destroy Terra's Dark Foe", is for the Regenades. Does anybody know what to do?

      Thanks to anyone who knows anything about it!


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      Originally posted by shayborg:
      **You shouldn't need an Apple ID to download it ... But, of course, as I am such a wonderful person, you can get it here, in 19 parts.:)


      OK, but it says that i need to have os 7 to install 7.5.3 so i dont know if it will work or not. but i will try. any suggestions? I'm using Macsoft 2000 or i guess fusion for windows.

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      Originally posted by The Space Between:
      **Well, this is actually a question, sinse I can't register for a username with Ambrosia right now (DAMMIT):
      So, after I put the plug-in (There can only be one in there at a time right??) in the EVO Plug-Ins folder, do I need to click on the plug-in to start the game? Or the game icon itself? Or does it matter??

      You can have several plugins in the game at once. This will usually be no problem with small plugins such as Beyond the Crescent, Mars Colony, Kill Engine Mass, and Dark Station... for example. I have played with up to seven plugs in the game at once, with no ill effects.

      If the plugins try to make use of the same resources (which is more likely with larger plugs), then the plugin that loads last will overwrite the earlier ones. This might cause problems such as making it impossible to finish a mission set. Some plugin authors have named plugs that theirs won't work with - check the 'read me'.

      You may find that a pilot file which has been used with a plugin will no longer allow you to play after you remove the plug... so make duplicates of your pilot files before you start playing with a new plug.

      (Finally, note that for Reign of the Voinians II, it is essential that you have ROTV I still in your plugins folder.)

      (url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

    • :frown:Sorry but I am reposting my problem.... 😕

      (I dont mean to be rude or anything...)

      I just got the "Track down and destroy Terra's Dark Foe" mission for the Regenades. As I said before, I am 😕 at what to do. Can anyone help???

      :frown: • :frown: • :frown: • :frown:

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rosswp:
      **:frown: Sorry but I am reposting my problem.... 😕

      (I dont mean to be rude or anything...)

      I just got the "Track down and destroy Terra's Dark Foe" mission for the Regenades. As I said before, I am 😕 at what to do. Can anyone help???

      :frown: • :frown: • :frown: • :frown:**

      First of all, that's not a renegade mission, it's a bounty hunting mission for any independent planet -- "Terra's Dark Foe" is a renegade ship, as the name seems to say. Second, you should find it in one or two jumps from the system, just like it says in the mission briefing.

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too." -- Julia Roberts

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rosswp:
      I just got the "Track down and destroy Terra's Dark Foe" mission for the Regenades. As I said before, I am 😕 at what to do. Can anyone help???

      :frown: • :frown: • :frown: • :frown:**

      Though I'm at a loss as to what some of your smileys mean, most of those missions just involve flying around neighboring systems at random... the ship you're looking for is usually within a few jumps of where you got the mission, unless otherwise specified. It may or may not attack you when you get in-system.

      I suppose this is another repost, but I'm in need of combat tips. How do you deal with fighters that attack you in groups of 20 or so, firing their blaze cannons all at once until they kill you? It seems that the Crescent Fighters and Kraits that are really easy to pick off one at a time are pretty hard to beat when they're in a group.

      I've tried hiring a bunch of Helian escorts, but they just go after the Turncoats (or Crescent Warships depending on the scenario; there are 2 of them that I have yet to get past) and leave the fighters to me. I'm dubious about getting my own fighters, because this seems like an instance where it's much better to have an AI calling the shots: I really don't have time to tell my fighters which target to attack, because by the time I get them to attack that one, the other few dozen will have killed me.

      On a completely different note, does anyone else wish they could just load up with about a dozen phase turrets and blaze turrets and Emalgha cannons and dispense with secondary weapons altogether?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MrGleep:
      **I suppose this is another repost, but I'm in need of combat tips. How do you deal with fighters that attack you in groups of 20 or so, firing their blaze cannons all at once until they kill you? It seems that the Crescent Fighters and Kraits that are really easy to pick off one at a time are pretty hard to beat when they're in a group.

      I've tried hiring a bunch of Helian escorts, but they just go after the Turncoats (or Crescent Warships depending on the scenario; there are 2 of them that I have yet to get past) and leave the fighters to me. I'm dubious about getting my own fighters, because this seems like an instance where it's much better to have an AI calling the shots: I really don't have time to tell my fighters which target to attack, because by the time I get them to attack that one, the other few dozen will have killed me.

      On a completely different note, does anyone else wish they could just load up with about a dozen phase turrets and blaze turrets and Emalgha cannons and dispense with secondary weapons altogether?**

      I might be wrong, but I think you can order your escorts to defend you instead, so they can keep dogfighting with the fighters while you go take down the warships. Another option is to buy extra fuel tanks and fuel scoops, cloak, uncloak near them and blast a few, then cloak again and go to the edge of the system, then uncloak and fill your fuel tanks a bit, then repeat. Or you can always use space mines; illegal in UE space, but they're really effective on fighters.

      On the second note, that's what I do. Secondary weapons are for wimps who can't get close enough to their targets. 😉

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too." -- Julia Roberts

    • Thanx for answering my question! I've almost got it.

      P.S. I know I made a mistake - it wasn't a regenade missioin... oops! thanx...



    • Hi All,
      I am using EVOGod, and such editors to have a bash at making my own plugin. I edit things like weapon statistics and such, yet when I save the plugin and drop it into the EVO plugins folder it doesnt seem to load at all because nothing is changed.
      Any ideas?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Moonlight:
      Hi All,
      I am using EVOGod, and such editors to have a bash at making my own plugin. I edit things like weapon statistics and such, yet when I save the plugin and drop it into the EVO plugins folder it doesnt seem to load at all because nothing is changed.
      Any ideas?

      EVOGod is a developmental program, and hence may have some bugs. Check to see if any other plug-ins work... Maybe your preferences file got corrupted. In that case, throw it in the trash.

      Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence

      (This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-05-2001).)

    • could anyone tell me something about the Council planet? i cannot seem to find a way onto the planet, and if I demand tribute nothing happens save a reply claiming you arent worthy or something similar to that (been a little while since i have played EV/O).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by shadow_01:
      could anyone tell me something about the Council planet? i cannot seem to find a way onto the planet, and if I demand tribute nothing happens save a reply claiming you arent worthy or something similar to that (been a little while since i have played EV/O).

      If I remember correctly, you can only land on Council Station if you accept a delivery mission to it. In theory, if you killed lots of renegades in their system, they might eventually like you enough to let you land, but I've never heard of this being done. And you won't be able to demand tribute if your CR isn't high enough.

      Paradigm, Captain of Industry
      It's all comes down to your definition:
      "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness." George W. Bush, as quoted on CNN

    • Hey, My friend got me all into EVO and then less than a month later gets rid of his mac n now has a pc jus like i do...well anyway, Im using Executor as n emulator but since i dun have any brains for mac i cant seem to start the only comes in on text format for some reason. can anyone give me jus a little push of help here? thanks

    • hey, for some reason when i went to the EVO Download page n tried to download it, its not working i even tried EV and it doesnt seem to work either, can anyone tell me if im doin somethin wrong?

    • i'm new to the forums, and haven't bothered to register, but i gots ta ask a couple of questions.

      1)what the hell is that council ship flying around in Miranu space, or pax, about, telling you to join the UE exploration corps (or something to that effect...)? is there even an exploration corps?

      2)when a mission string ends leaving you "to wonder" about the balance in the universe, is there any more? i mean, do i get to kick some weird alien ass if i explore the nebula?

      1. vonian string-are there bugs in 1.0.2? (i think there are. they say, here, you allowed buy vinian heavy fighters only, but carriers and such available right away anyway. enjoy! 😉 they asked me to blow up a fleet, so i blow it up...repeatedly...and it's still labled incomplete. i've never had this problem before, so whats the problem? if i drop the mission, can i pick it up abain?

      4)after getting the gunship for the miranu and blowing up the rock (sorry if i spoiled yer fun there newbies), is there another mission string afterwards? certain plugs i've attained to ensure allies don't shoot me have hinted at there being so.

      that's alls i cans thinks of rights nows. any help, hints, rumors, insults or suggestions would be rightly appreciated.

      working for that DAMNED sweet looking vonian destroyer 🙂

    • why is it when i try to register that it doesnt let me use my hotmail account. I see that others use there hotmail accounts for registration. whats up with that? Oh yah, why hasnt anyone made a Hitchikers guide to the galaxy plugin? It would be really cool and it could use ships from the vogans and those cool ships at the resturant at the end of the univurse.

    • what email address isnt banned from being registered? i tried yahoo and hotmail but it says its banned. whats up with that?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by INCUBUS:
      i'm new to the forums, and haven't bothered to register, but i gots ta ask a couple of questions.

      Welcome to the boards. Any questions you have can be directed to


      Originally posted by INCUBUS:
      1)what the hell is that council ship flying around in Miranu space, or pax, about, telling you to join the UE exploration corps (or something to that effect...)? is there even an exploration corps?

      What is it's name? It is probably a pers ship. A pers ship is a specially customized ship which embodies a person or government.


      Originally posted by INCUBUS:
      2)when a mission string ends leaving you "to wonder" about the balance in the universe, is there any more? i mean, do i get to kick some weird alien ass if i explore the nebula?

      Nope... They are left open for plug-in developers to continue. Try "Beyond the Crescent" - "F-25"- "Reign of the UE" - "Reign of the Voinians I + II"


      Originally posted by INCUBUS:
      3) vonian string-are there bugs in 1.0.2? (i think there are. they say, here, you allowed buy vinian heavy fighters only, but carriers and such available right away anyway. enjoy!;)

      I've never experienced this preticular problem. I believe 1.0.2 is mostly bug free.


      Originally posted by INCUBUS:
      they asked me to blow up a fleet, so i blow it up...repeatedly...and it's still labled incomplete. i've never had this problem before, so whats the problem? if i drop the mission, can i pick it up abain?

      Try aborting it. Also, sometimes you missed a ship or didn't read the directions thoroughly.


      Originally posted by INCUBUS:
      4)after getting the gunship for the miranu and blowing up the rock (sorry if i spoiled yer fun there newbies), is there another mission string afterwards? certain plugs i've attained to ensure allies don't shoot me have hinted at there being so.

      No. Again, only for plug-in developers to expand on.


      Originally posted by INCUBUS:
      I'm working for that DAMNED sweet looking vonian destroyer:)

      You must mean the frigate? Don't get it, the cruiser's much better. Also, piloting the Voinian Heavy Fighter is fun. It is my second favorite fighter.

      Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
      MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
      Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
      Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

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