Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Mr. Gleep - If I remember correctly, all you need to do is destroy all the Voinian ships in the area and deliver the Marines. If you have done this and it's not working, you might have to abort the mission and start over. One thing you could try though: take off from Gualon and kill every Voinian in the system. Sometimes, one bad guy can get away even though you think you've gotten all of them. This used to happen a lot with this mission in particular, but I don't know why. Either way, when you finish your part of the mission and go to the right place, the mission is finished: it doesn't rely on the attack on Obron. Good luck.

      Is your name a reference to the Robert Asprin novels?

      Paradigm, Captain of Industry
      (It's important for us) to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet._ — George W. Bush, 10/24/2000, as quoted in the Los Angeles Times

      (This message has been edited by Paradigm (edited 07-23-2001).)

    • Is your name a reference to the Robert Asprin novels?

      No - and even though everybody asks, I've never even read them. 🙂

      If I abort the mission, will I be able to go back to Outpost Gamma (I think that was it) and get it again? Or have I forever blown this one? I delivered the Marines; if I abort, does Commander d'Orlen give me more?

      Doesn't the fact that I can land on Gualon Station suggest that the Marines were successful? Though I never get a message saying they were successful ... I tried demanding tribute from Gualon itself but the defense fleet blew me away.

      About the some ships getting away -- well, that explains something else I'd been going to ask about. Thanks.

    • so, i heard from somewhere(so nobody gets bashed if its wrong)that playing EVO, i can only do the missions with 1 government and when i'm done with the mission string for that government thats it, i have to start a new pilot file. Is this true or can i play every single mission EVO has to offer with one pilot file without making copies of the original and choosing a different government. thanks for the help in advance.

    • I think some of them are mutually exclusive - like UE and Voinians, or the Strand races. But I've done Miranu, UE, and Emalgha missions with my current pilot file (Dale Cooper, flying the Sheriff_Truman, for any Twin Peaks fans out there). I suppose you could do UE missions for a while, get nice and strong, then turn around and start attacking UE ships... not sure if that would get you on the Voinians' good side or not. I don't know if you just have to have a certain legal standing to get the missions, or if you also have to have expressly NOT done the UE missions.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Bobby:
      I'm having the same problem with the shades of evil plug as Genghis. I have looked for about 4 hours, and still can't find anythinng, please help.

      If there is a red arrow you must land there and then move on I think


      Joe Rickerby

    • I'm going to reword my earlier question as a more general question, then hopefully it'll be useful to more people -- can you abort a plot-driving mission (as opposed to one of those Defend System recurring missions) and go back and get it again, or are they one shot only?

    • Mr Gleep - I believe that you can abort the mission and restart it. People have done this in the past when they had trouble with it. Aborting it might have some negative effect on your legal status, but when you finish it, you should get that status back. I still think that one of your opponents probably got away, and you just need to kill him the next time he's in the system, because he should reappear.

      Just because you can land, doesn't mean that part of the mission is complete. Any time you have a mission to a given stellar, you can land there even if it would usually be forbidden. As for the Marines being successful: this doesn't matter. When you finish the mission, the Marines are successful. Until then, the Marines do nothing: the program is not calculating odds of their success or anything like that. They are merely a plot device. If you abort, restart, and then complete the mission you will be told that the Marines were successful.

      Falcon_21 - The way mission strings work in EVO is that when you finish one mission, another can be blocked. The UE mission to rescue the Voinian defector is one of these. When you finish it, you block yourself from ever working for the Voinians. However, some people have noticed that you can work around this. If you get this mission and then get the first Voinian mission before finishing the defector mission, you can work for both sides. You can also do the Voinian missions and then return to work for the UEs. In general though: UE blocks Voinian and all Strands block each other. But there is a way to accept and complete two of the Strand missions so you can work for both of those (similar to the defector mission trick I mentioned), but I don't believe it is possible to work for all three Strands without a plug-in.

      Paradigm, Captain of Industry
      It's all comes down to your definition:
      "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness." George W. Bush, as quoted on CNN

    • Can someone please tell me how to get human renegade and strandless missions? I have characters who have among them done every single mission except those and its really pissing me off.

    • to get the human renegade missions:

      1. Make EVERY planet in UE space mad at you and then go to lothe.
      2. Bribe your way into lothe prime and go to the bar.

      Strandless missions:

      1. Make EVERY planet in the vicinity of Hizdridgar mad at you then go to Hizradgar.
      2. Bribe your way on to the planet and go to the bar.

      WARNING: There is only a 25% chance or so of getting the strandless missions.

      Maybe this will FINALLY fet me that 2nd karma point.

      You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
      rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
      (url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
      AIM: Ferazel17

    • Hey all,

      I am almost at the end of the Igadzra missions but cannot seem to complete the "cleanse the tolb system" mission. I go to tolb and defeat all non-Igadzra ships but when I return to the appropriate system (can't remember off the top of my head), I never get the mission completion text. Help!

    • what is the oldest OS that will run EVO? I'm using Macsoft 2000 as an emulator and i need to find an OS but i need it to be a small file because i am low on hard drive space. what would you recommend? I was thinking about 7.6 or something like that but its pretty big and thats the Highest OS that Macsoft will take i think.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Falcon_21:
      what is the oldest OS that will run EVO? <snip>


      Originally posted on EVO Questions board:
      EV Override works on any Macintosh with a 256 color display, 13" or greater and at least 6Mb of free memory however, because EV Override uses the entire screen when you play, players with larger monitors will need more RAM. A 68040 or PowerPC Macintosh is recommended, but not required.

      This seems to imply that OS is not an important consideration. My guess is that Ambrosia has found that any color Mac has an OS capable of running EVO. I would still suggest you use at least 7.x, because performance might suffer below that. I'm pretty sure that I used to run EV on 7.5, so at least that should be safe.
      mc whitebread - Try aborting and restarting the mission. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but sometimes that's the only way to get it to work properly.

      Paradigm, Captain of Industry
      It's all comes down to your definition:
      "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness." George W. Bush, as quoted on CNN

    • get Mac OS 7.5.5. you can get 7.5.3 off the apple ftp site for free and then get the 7.5.5 updater for free. 7.5 NEVER takes up more then 20 megs (unless u add extentions) of HD space.

      Tycho Maudd

      I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Tycho Maudd:
      **get Mac OS 7.5.5. you can get 7.5.3 off the apple ftp site for free and then get the 7.5.5 updater for free. 7.5 NEVER takes up more then 20 megs (unless u add extentions) of HD space.

      Tycho Maudd


      well, now here is the dilema, I dont have an apple I.D. because i'm on a pc and i need to download the os from them. could you post a link to the download page that has OS 7.5.3 on it? thanks for the feedback though.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mr Gleep:
      **I'm having a problem with one of the Hinwar missions. I met the alien on the captured Voinian outpost and took him to his planet; all well and good. I meet Commander d'Erion and take his Marines to the Gualon system, fight off all the Voininans in the system and drop the Marines off on the station.

      However, the mission still shows up as uncompleted. I can land on Gualon station - the station shows up as friendly, the planet does not. I've tried going back to Outpost Alpha; nothing. I assume the Marines succeeded; did the attack on Obron fail? What do I need to do to complete the liberation of Gualon?

      MrGleep (**

      hey another question about the hinwar where do i meet this commandor and take the marins to gualon, i landed on krotun but i didn't take the marines, i've got a zidara(not to much cargo space(15) but can i still not take the marines? help me!!

    • i think you get them at alpha outpost or the one way down there, i forgot its name it starts with a y.


      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 07-29-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by falcon_21:
      well, now here is the dilema, I dont have an apple I.D. because i'm on a pc and i need to download the os from them. could you post a link to the download page that has OS 7.5.3 on it? thanks for the feedback though.

      You shouldn't need an Apple ID to download it ... But, of course, as I am such a wonderful person, you can get it (url="http://"")here(/url), in 19 parts. 🙂

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too." -- Julia Roberts

    • Quote

      Originally posted by leahleah:
      hey another question about the hinwar where do i meet this commandor and take the marins to gualon, i landed on krotun but i didn't take the marines, i've got a zidara(not to much cargo space(15) but can i still not take the marines? help me!!

      Outpost Gamma, in the Yandros system.

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too." -- Julia Roberts

    • hey thanx for your help guys . i've now did that whole string . i've did teh strands and now the voinians, where do i get the nebula misssions? i've heard about it uphere but have no clue where to go to get them help me again plz

    • I think i got an escort mission is that it? because i did the first an then i got another one(to protect against zidagar) but when i arrived at himgro there was no note that i did well and i didn't have any active mission why is this

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