Originally posted by Raen:
**I just started playing so bear with me. Im trying to find the Learning Tree and I don't know what to do. I'v found a place that says "Learning Tree entrance," but it doesn't do anything. I go in and the screen changes to a weird picture of tunnels or something. What am I missing?
The 'Learning Tree Enterance' is one screen East from the Learning Tree, it's just a kind of shortcut to getting to the Learning tree -- as you find more of those enterances, if you go into one you'll see all the other names (of the enterances you've discovered) and you can click on their name(s) to automatically go near to where they actually are.
To get to the Learning Tree from where you are, go West one screen then follow the trees up and eventually you'll come to the Learning Tree. Hope that helps!
- P.P.
<edit>Oh yeah, welcome to the boards! :)</edit>
(This message has been edited by Proxima Presly (edited 12-22-2001).)