Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Golden Horizon

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      Moderated by Captain Carnotaur

      1. You may control only your own character unless another character has stated that you can control his/her character.
      2. No total destruction (i.e. no annihilating the universe in one fractured sentence)
      3. Your posts may only account for one weeks time and one day's action (action as in battle/fight/whatever)
      4. No undefeatable protections (such as invincinaughts)
      5. Tech and Civil advances are made during the set timeframe and are regulated by the moderators.
      6. Lifepads (small modules that you can strap to your belt) give the character invincibility but he can still be captured and stunned. They may be used for one day at a time.
      7. Thread Moderators may revoke any part of your posts at any time if they do not follow these rules.
      8. Anything acquired or developed must be noted. Background developments are allowed only by moderators.
      9. Economy Reports are controlled entirely by the moderator(s).
      10. There are 20 ships per each system that you control. This is a max, you don't just suddenly make 20 ships just as soon as you colonize a system.

      STORY MAP: (url="http://"")

      STORY INFO: (url="http://"")

      STORY WEBSITE: (url="http://"")http://www.carnotaur...izon/index.html(/url)


      Before the black tide of horror came, there was the Red Horizon. There was Rooster - a mercenary pilot, Thunder - leader of the Kayan Alliance, Rima - leader of the Miranu, Arada Pilot - emporer of the Azdgari, Daedalus - leader of the Renegade Alliance, Nova6 - emporer of the Voinian Empire, Lonevoinian - second in command of the Voinians, Captain Carnotaur - leader of the Captains of S-570, REDchigh - commander of the North Tip Renegades, and Titan - leader of the Zidagar.

      These pilots were part of a vast and ever changing galaxy. Now, there isn't much left.

      This is what happened.

      After many events, battles, meetings, and occurances, Rooster retired back to his home planet of Saalia. Lonevoinian died in a weapons testing accident but was resurrected by Voinian scientists. REDchigh died when his fighter was picked off by Azdgari Azdaras.

      But then, several Azdgari Aradas scouting beyond the crescent disappeared without a trace. But when the Kayans offered to help Arada Pilot search for the scout fleet, they met with an unexpected result; the entire Kayan search team and escort Azdara Azdaras was destroyed by a race (which had also apparently destroyed the scout fleet) far more powerful than anyone previously encountered; the Edien Empire; an evil alien race bent on destruction and conquering.

      The Ediens easily destroyed the Azdgari patrols and swept through Azdgari space. Soon they had conquered most of the entire outer crescent. There was no stopping this black tide.

      Then the Azdgari, Voinians, Miranu, Captains of S-570, Kayans, and all the other races and governments banned together and assembled a massive armada to stop the Ediens. The fleet was sent to the Feviry system, and engaged an Edien battlefleet head on. However, after the first wave of Edien warships was destroyed, the Ediens returned even stronger with another larger fleet and forced the armada to retreat with heavy losses. The plan had been a failure.

      Later, Arada Pilot was killed in a battle between an Azdgari/Voinian battlefleet (which he was commanding) and the Ediens. There now seemed no stopping the Ediens. Their weaponry was superior, their armor and shields were superior, their speed was superior, everything about them seemed superior.

      With the Ediens closing in, the Miranu coreworlds in ruins, and the strand homeworlds abandoned, the Captains of S-570 and Voinian Empire were just barely holding them off while the refugees continued to pour into the South tip, which was being defended and used as a haven for the victims of the Edien War. These refugees also left behind billions of tons of resources and supplies. The Captains of S-570 used these supplies to build up their navy and forces and soon was born the Federation Alliance, the new Captains of S-570 in other words.

      As billions upon billions of refugees poured into the South Tip, the Kayans were having trouble supporting them all and room was rapidly running out. Then, Kayan scientists developed new technology which allowed them to travel through a sub-space rift which had an end point in Akreyhek. However, it could only be used at one particular time, and that time was fast approaching.

      The decision was then made to take the Miranu, Kayans, what was left of the Renegade Alliance, and the Zidagar refugees through the rift to another galaxy that would be free of the Edien Empire. The Azdgari, Voinians, and Federation Alliance would stay behind to fight the Ediens.

      But then, there was an unexpected change made to the plan. The Azdgari soon arrived at South Tip Station and told the Kayans that they were coming to. Their defeats at the Battle of Azdgari and the Battle of Gadzair, during which Arada Pilot was killed, had left their navy badly crippled. Faced with imminent destruction by the Ediens, the Azdgari were forced to flee.

      So, at the correct time, the Kayan device was activated, and the sub-space rift opened. Then, for two straight days, billions of refugees entered through the rift and exited on the other side in the Large Megallanic Cloud Galaxy. Though most of the refugees arrived in the Deneba system, the remnants of the Renegades and some Igadzra ended up in Rigel, another system some distance away. However, after this, the rift endpoints closed, sealing off the Milky Way.

      From there the refugee governments set out to build themselves a new civilization. Meanwhile, in the Milky Way, with help from the sub-space technology the Kayians had developed, the Federation and the Voinians developed a myriad of new technologies. Within a year, the Ediens were safely contained and the Voinian and Federation defense lines were stable.

      That was six years ago.

      Today, the Ediens are stilled held back by the Federation Alliance and the Voinian Empire, both of them now with totally new technologies and bearing little resemblence to the Voinians and Federation six years ago.

      Meanwhile, the refugee races have built up their governments and are now thriving. However, there is still more to explore, and the pirates and Akrahd empire always pose a constant threat.

      Today, there are new technologies to be developed, alliances and enemies to be found and made, and at every corner danger and the threat of invasion by the evil Edien Empire.

      The Golden Horizon has come. But will it survive these dangers?


      1-The Igadzra Union, Renegade Alliance, Raiders of New Azdgari, Miranu Freedom Alliance, Free Worlds of New Zidagar, and the Kayian Alliance currently have no enemies or allies except for the Pirates and the Akrahd Empire.
      2-The only government which is capable of creating the technology that would allow people to go to and from the Milky Way and the New Galaxy is the Kayian Alliance.
      3-There is absolutely no way anyone can get to the Andromeda galaxy except for the Ediens.



      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-21-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-21-2001).)

    • Carnotaur looked at the latest tactical reports for the Federation/Edien front. Though the Ediens were contained and they couldn't launch any successful offensives, however, Carnotaur had noticed that the rate and strength of Edien attacks was increasing. Not only that, but the Federation could simply not handle all of this, and many of the admirals in the Federation Navy wanted to strike at the Ediens in a major offensive. However, the Federation just couldn't do it because it was already heavily strained.

      The Voinians were the only other availible option. They were holding their borders well, but only because the Ediens had not yet increased their attacks on them yet. However, Carnotaur knew this wouldn't be the case for long. Sooner or later, the Ediens would increase their attacks on the Voinians, and soon the same problem would come up again.

      Not only that, but there was also the threat of a major victory for the Ediens in one of the other galaxies. If so, or if one of the governments that they were fighting was conquered, the Ediens wouldn't need so many ships fighting in that galaxy and would send them to attack the Federation.

      With these thoughts still weighing heavily on him, Carnotaur got up from his presidential chair and walked out past several security doors, then walked out onto the sidewalk for a nice, long walk. They always helped Carnotaur relax and make big decisions a lot easier.

      Carnotaur was a swift walker and good athlete, and this hadn't changed in the last six years. Many things had happened in those six years. However, it was empty somehow. Some part of it seemed missing, empty.

      Carnotaur knew what is was of course. It was that four of his friends were gone, and it seemed like they would never come back. Two of them were, of course, Arada Pilot and Daedalus. Daedalus had died in a raid, and Arada Pilot had died valiantly fighting the Edien empire. The other two were different. Carnotaur could get over the death of Arada Pilot and Daedalus, but there was two others. Two others that had left six years ago.

      Rima and Thunder.

      Carnotaur sighed as he though back upon the memories. Rima, whom he had captured when one of his ships had attacked Outpost Alpha, and who ended up being the leader of the Miranu, was a very dear and close friend of Carnotaurs. Carnotaur had even slipped a farewell card with a picture of himself, Nova6, and a few other friends of Novas and Carnotaurs. Then there was Thunder, who almost ended up being the enemy of Carnotaur but in the end the two of them became good friends.

      He missed them both. But there was something eriee about it, knowing that they still were alive millions of light years away, but yet Carnotaur didn't know a thing about what they were doing or even where they were. Federation scientists had speculated that it might have been one of the megallanic cloud galaxies but it was never conclusively proven.

      During the first few months after Thunder and Rima had left Carnotaur barely slept or ate. He couldn't stand them being gone. Finally he got over it, but his life was still never the same after they left. Carnotaur finally shook the thought from his head and continued on walking.

      As Carnotaur walked along the sidewalk, he stopped to look at the surrounding forests. As birds flew in the air, and wind rustled the leaves, Carnotaur turned around to look at the city; New Severna Park. Carnotaur watched as childen played on the sidewalks and adults walked from place to place and chatted with others.

      "I can't let the Ediens win. Not now, not ever. They'll destroy this all and everyone in this galaxy," Carnotaur thought to himself.

      Once he got back to the presidential building Carnotaur quickly walked into his office to quickly look over a few tactical reports. As he was doing this, Scorcher, one of Carnotaur's best friends, walked in. "Hello Mr. President," he said.

      "Scorcher, for seven years I've been telling you to stop calling me that. Just call me Carnotaur, you know I can barely stand 'Mr. President'," Carnotaur replied.

      "Sorry Mr.... Er, Carnotaur. What are you doing now?"

      "Looking at some reports before I go meet with the military Cheifs of staff."

      "Are you going to issue a decision in the whole offensive thing?"


      "What is it?"

      "Can't tell ya," Carnotaur said and winked.

      While Scorcher shrugged, Carnotaur took up a few papers and went into a nearby meeting room. There was Vice President "Admiral" Bendon, the second-in-command of the Federation, the army cheif-of-staff, the navy cheif-of-staff, and four other admirals. Sitting down, Carnotaur spoke. "Gentlemen, after careful considering, I've decided to approve an offensive against the Ediens. Not a big one, just a small one to test how strong the Ediens really are and to give us some time to organize another, larger offensive."

      Then Carnotaur turned to the navy cheif-of-staff, Mark Jackson. "I want you to work with the Voinians to plan an offensive against the Ediens near Miranu space. I want it to hurt their moral, cripple them in that area of space, and buy us time to organize a big offensive. Understood?"

      Jackson nodded.

      "As for the rest of you; work with Jackson. MacDouglas," Carnotaur said, turning towards the army cheif-of-staff, "We'll be doing some invading planets in this offensive. Work with Jackson and the Voinian Army to coordinate this.

      "As for the rest of you, Fleet Admiral Hill, Fleet Admiral Greens, and Admiral Rocker, I want you to increase raids and attacks on the Ediens in this area of space while trying to sustain the least amount of casualties possible. Work out better defense plans, work out better attack strategies, work with the technilogical department to create better shield and armor designs. Dismissed."

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-21-2001).)

    • A young Kayan in casual military dress, but wearing a star-shaped security badge around his neck, peered into a large room marked "Office of the Prime Minister" through a small window on the door. Soon a smile lit up his face, and he pushed the door open, carrying a computer pad in his hands. He strode across the room to a relatively young man looking out a window on the far wall.

      "Prime Minister Thunder..." he said, in a tone of voice indicating he wanted to catch Thunder's attention. Thunder turned around, and greeted the boy with a smile.

      "Yes, Kyala?" Thunder said.

      "I've got the latest intelligence on the Pirates. I thought you'd like to know."

      "Thanks," Thunder replied, "go ahead and set it on my desk. I'll review it in a few minutes." Thunder returned to looking out the window. Kyala joined him. It was an impressive view; New Kayia was a picturesque planet to say the least. The window looked out from the capitol building over the city - the spires and skywalks that were typical of Kayan architecture filled the downtown area, and beyond that was a large prarie interspersed with farmfields. It reminded both men of Kayia - one of the reasons the planet had been chosen as the Kayan capitol. Still, Kyala, who had been Thunder's cheif aide for the last two years, couldn't help but wonder what was on Thunder's mind.

      "What's the matter?" Kyala asked

      "Nothing... I'm just... wondering."

      "Wondering what?"

      "About Kayia... about the people who went to F-25... About the Voinians and the Federation... About the galaxy we left behind. I wonder if they're still okay... or if the Ediens have wiped them all out. We'll probably never know."

      Kyala was silent. Both he and Thunder stood and looked out the window for nearly a full minute longer. It seemed like an eternity before Thunder broke the silence.

      "Well, I should probably review the intelligence report you brought me, Kyala. The militia will definately want a statement within the hour."

      With that, Kyala left the room, and Thunder returned to his desk to review the intelligence information.

      Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

    • Two glowing orbs of blue shone out from the darkness, almost penetrating the haze that surrounded, this place. It was a sanctuary, there really was no other word for it. Over the last six years Hk'ryund had slowly begun to modify it, deep within the layers of earth on Edien Prime. Of course, Hk'ryund was obsessive about it. A place to gather his thoughts, away from the general population of Ediens. A private place. And General Grathon was invading it.

      Only the flesh around the Emperor's eyes were visible; uneven, a strange mixture of gray and blue. The Emperor was one of the most recognized and celebrated figures of Edien history. A member of the Rigadaz family, advisors of the Emperor, Hk'ryund had fought in the Milky Way Galaxy, helping lead to the downfall of that primitive galaxy's lesser species. During that time frame, Hk'ryund's father had killed the Edien Emperor, and ursuped power. When Hk'ryund returned, he took his ailing fathers place. A few months later, his father mysteriously died. While many believed his death was accidental, perhaps caused by the mysterious ailment that had affected his last few weeks of life, a few of the members of the Edien Military council, including Grathon, were convinced that Hk'ryund was responsible for his father's untimely death.

      The Military Council, consisting of the Emperor, his second in command, and ten of the most experienced Admirals and Generals in the Edien Military, was, in therory, supposed to make decisions regarding the offensive and defensive tactics used by the Ediens. In all reality, the extremely arrogant Emperor did what he chose, using the council as his personal advise society. General Grathon was sure that the Ediens forces, numbering over thirty million vessels, was a bit too much for a single Edien to handle.

      Moving quickly through the ever present darkness, Grathon finally reached the Emperor, and bowed down before him. "My master, the plans for the Dreadnaught are coming along quickly. Within a relatively short time frame, it should be completely researched."

      "Excellent," the deep voice of the Emperor all but hissed.

      Grathon was nervous. He hated to admit it, but he was afraid of Hk'ryund. "Our forces in the milky way are slowly succeeding against the pitiful remnants of the Alien governments, and our scientists are working on improving the range of the inter-dimensional jumpgates."

      The Emperor was silent for a moment, staring off in the distance. "How are my fleets in the Milky way galaxy?" he asked, an odd tone coloring his voice.

      "We have just under 2 million vessels in the Milky Way currently, sir, plus, we are sending a relief force of over 1 million. They should quickly put out the flame of resistance in that area of space," Grathon told him.

      "Good. General, I ask that you organise a meeting of my military Council. Ensure that Grundulator, my second in command, is present. We must begin our planning now if I am to bring an end to the pathetic resistance of the Milky Way." Emperor Hk'ryund Rigadaz proclaimed between evil, decisive laughs.

      When did I go Insane?

    • Suddenly, a lieutenant appeared, barely noticable in the dark light. "Who are you?!" Grathon hissed.

      "Lieutenant Rhath," the Edien replied, then he turned towards Rigadaz. "My lord, I have just gotten a report from intellegence; they just interrogated a captured Igadzra using mind probes. They discovered that the Igadzra had an encounter with a mysterious alien vessel which disabled one of their patrol craft seven years ago, before we invaded."

      "What is so important about that?" Hk'ryund hissed in reply.

      "The Igadzra did an investigation into the matter, and they discovered something unusual; a mysterious weapons trace. They didn't know what it came from, we do; the Sladerei."

      "WHAT!??!!" Hk'ryund roared, his eyes glowing bright. "The SLADEREI! Impossible!! Emporer Revzan Myrk'Thyr conquered them over 200 years ago!"

      "Maybe sir, but look for yourself," Rhath said, handing over a data pad. "The weapons signature fits the Sladerei Trans-Kinetic Turret perfectly."

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Hk'ryund stared around the room. This building was constructed by his father, seven years ago with the intent of holding monthly Military Council meetings. The room had a single purpose, military strategy, and was thus not decorated by anything, save a large, overly ornate table. In the last seven years, a lot had changed, including the make up of the council. In fact, only two of the original councilors were still sitting at the table today.

      Sitting elevated a few feet above the rest of his companions, Emperor Hk'ryund Rigadaz looked around the table. To his right was an empty chair. Normally occupied by Grudulator, Rigadaz was annoyed with the absense of his second in command. He had found Grundulator an extremely trustworthy and reliable commander. To his left was General Grathon, who, almost unique among Ediens, was constantly nervous and worrisome, however, Grathon was recognized for his incredible technical ability, plus that fact that he was in charge of all research. He, along with Rigadaz himself, were the last of the original councilors. Next was General Jericone, an intense and strong Edien, who, while not extremely brilliant, had a good grasp of common sense. Beside him sat General Fors'ont. Fors'ont had years off experience in the Military and had led several conquests, and was heavily involved in training young Ediens for military service. General Kli'cyeg was next, and the elderly Edien was notorious for finding and exploiting his enemies weaknesses. Then there was General Bevlif, who was head of public relations, as well as recruitment into the military. On the other side of Grundulator sat Admiral Zraesh, who was almost an encyclopedia of Edien weaponry and vessels; knowing all capablilities of every ship. Admiral Slifoz, who sat next to Zraesh, oversaw all monetary aspects of the Edien Empire, nick named the "calculator". Next was Admiral Ly'rak, a young and greedy Edien, who's family had served the Empire since the Edien Civil Wars. Ly'rak was the single most brilliant Commander in the Empire, despite his extremely young age. Then there was Admiral Tach'usd, the only female on the council, and head of intelligence. Finally, there was Admiral Razonew, whose cheery disposition placed him at odds with the other councilors. The Admiral was the historian of the Military Council, and quite a capable tactician.

      Alone, these twelve people controlled the entire Edien Empire, spanning across two galaxies. And alone, these twelve people understood the mechanics of the interdimensional Jump Gate.

      Admiral Tach'usd began whispering towards Ly'rak. As their private conversation continued, Emperor Rigadaz stood up. 6'4 and strong, Rigadaz was not to be taken lightly. "I have called you here," he said in his usual deep voice, "Because some important matters need to be dealt with. As soon Grundulator arrives, we can begin this session of the Edien Grand Empire Military Council."

      The high ranking Ediens waited in silence for the appearance of Grundulator.

      When did I go Insane?

    • Dave looked outside the window of the RA's only flagship, the RAS Reidl. Dave watched the Crescent fighters, helians (Now a heavy fighter) and arada's buzz around, gleaming silver in the sunlight. A lot had changed in the last few years. The Ediens had swept through the milky way, the rift, the new galaxy, everything had changed. It was almost hard to believe that this majestic govt used to pillage innocent traders. Dave was lost in his thoughts, and didn't even notice the shadowy figure sneak into the door, and dart to the darkest part of the room. "Premiere, sir, here's the report you wanted." It was Jess. one of the RA's best pilots and sabatuers. Dave is haned the report, and glances over it. Operation Silverstreak was finished. Nothing too important, it was just a plan to cover every RA ship with a thin layer of silver. Armor was considered, but it wasn't really what Dave wanted. He just had a dream of a silver fleet, and wanted it to come true. The weopons were done, and outfitted too. Silverdart, a fairly new primary, was basically an extremely small warhead, coated in silver, that did equal damage to shields and armor. The glimmer missile, which was like a cross between the needle and the pursuit missile, was also a tech that was only developed in the last three years, since Dave became Premiere of the Renegade Alliance. The scanners on the ships were upgraded too, but it was done by the militay branch before Dave took charge.

      Dave looks up, and sees Jess still at full attention, while Dave is lost in his thoughts. "You are excused, private."
      "Yes, sweety" Jess smiles, then leaves.
      Dave shakes his head and smiles. They always enjoyed flirting, but nothing more. yet.
      anyways. Dave has been busy, anyway. The new galaxy was still not recorded yet.
      Dave decides he could use information, so he sets a public broadcast, on a human frequency, easily translated by original races from the milky way, somewhat understandable by other races. its on a low bandwidth so it will go further.
      ::Public Broadcast::
      From: Premiere Dave of the Renegade Alliance
      Greetings. I am of the Renegade alliance- a govt with decent firepower and a high amount of honor and thirst for knowledge. I am sending this in hopes someone is interested in an alliance. Reply for more information.
      ::end transmission::

      Dave remembers his dream of the silver fleet, and sends a message to his engineers to create a new weopon, by digging up the original plans for the SAD module, make it a lot more powerful, give it a little bit better tracking, and, of course, make it silver. Everything was supposed to be silver, and it was easily done, since the bioengineers managed to make an actual plant that secretes silverdust. a lot of it too. There were thousands of acres on the various worlds, with the silver plants and the black lights to supply the silver to the govt.
      Research Initiated: SDM (Silver Destruction Modules)
      An upgraded SAD, that will be a special tech, only on the largest of ships. the SDM's will be many times more powerful than the standard SAD, but will weigh many mor tons. Will be launched in Salvoes like the old SAD's.
      Development: 3 posts.
      Prototype: 2 posts
      Research way to mass produce and outfit: 3 posts

      Carno: What about funds? How much money do the gov't's have?
      The Future never was, yet is always to be, no one ever sees it, nor ever will. And yet it is the confidence of all to live and breathe on this blue and green terrestrial ball.
      "OOOWWWWW!" (Still stinging from the Karmaslap)

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 07-22-2001).)

    • The Kisani are an ancient and proud race, old when the Strands came to be. It was said in their texts that they defied even the Council itself. They at one time spanned thousands of light-years, their advanced technology allowing them great strides in exploration. Their government was like that of a kingdom, with each system ruled by a chosen lord, and at its heart all bowed to the Council and its chancellor and the High King. Amazing how a shattered race had once been this grand.

      The Kisani were like Bajorans in appearance, except amazingling beautiful; indeed rarely were there any who bore disfigurement. They were perhaps the closest alien race in the galaxy that resembled humanity. Yet there were many differences. One was the fact that they were long lived, living centuries before dying; and they reproduced more slowly with a woman giving birth once or twice in a life time, four at the very most. They were also religious people, valuing art and literature above war and greed. Today a Kisani relic or book from that time would be basically priceless to the Kisani and would fetch billions in the market amongst the other races. There were three major castes: Warrior, Religious, and Worker (sound familiar), which help to run the Kingdoms of Kisani.

      The Kisani believed in the Fates, a dozen major beings and nearly two dozen lesser ones, who were thought to guide their children. Most other races think them gods or merely myth, but the Kisani of both elsewhen and today believe them real as the ground they tred. And they are right...oh yes they are right. The Kisani fates do exist and they are neither gods or an alien race, but they are divine. They allow their children to forge their own destines and only intervene if something major from outside the race were to intervene. Everything else is mystery about them.

      A major part of Kisani history happened nearly 8,000 years ago when the Kisani were at the height of one of their most prosperous ages. A dark force came from beyond this galaxy and swept across it, intent on conquering it for themselves. They came in twelve four mile long ships which each carried half a dozen smaller cruisers only two hundred meters in length. This race was known only as the Drake Yet they had the power to duplicate themselves to the point where there were hundreds. They came head to head with the might of the Kisani Kingdoms and the war was terrible, more fierce then the Strand Wars or the Earth-Voinian War. Millions died in the first two years on either side. Within four years it was devastating. Then something miraculous happened.

      During the war, there was one person whose valor shone like a beacon in the darkness. General Rivel Daer, Right Hand to the High King, was a young leader who had the skill and wisdom to lead his people. In a sense, he was like the Admiral McPhearson and Admiral d’Elron of his day and more. In his path any Drake ship was blown to pieces as he led his forces at the head, fighting with his forces like a true leader should; because of him six of the dozen battleships had been destroyed. Yet, Daer always felt saddened that this war would destroy his people. In the fourth year of the war, he prayed for three days & nights, doing nothing else. The Fates came to him and gave him a vision. None know what he saw today and I will not speak of it now. It did however lead him to the system of Kisa, to which Daer traveled to alone at first.

      This system was unlike any other. It held eight planets, five of which were immediately inhabitable. Indeed they were large, about three times the size of Earth and having very similar climates; the moons of these five planets, each having three, were much the same. Some moons were the three times the size of Luna yet bore gravity of Luna. Only one of these worlds bore a 3G well and the others had gravity similar to that of Earth, save one. That world was Kisana.

      It was said that Kisana was a place of lush mist-filled forests, verdant meadows, and streaming rivers and streams divided by three main continents and many, many islands. It bore a small city and a mile long temple dedicated to every Kisani Fate. Strangely there were no inhabitants. Yet the most miraculous thing were the ships. There were literally hundreds of thousands of ships of various types on Kisana, in the space about the system in dry-dock, on all three of Kisana’s moons and even on two of the four other planets and their moons as well. There were designs unknown then and even now and they were incredible. The rest of this history was lost, with only bits and pieces remaining. The Drakes were defeated, oh yes, when Daer brought back a dozen of the largest ships found in Kisa. About a hundred years after the war ended, a civil war broke out between the Kisani race and broke their power and numbers. Ultimately all routes and jumpgates leading to Kisa were cut, leaving it filled with those ships, but nothing else. In time the Kisani remnants would come to dwell on the moons of Sirabor and dwell in peace, until the coming of the Ediens seven years ago when they were decimated from 250 million to nearly 25 million and the majority fled from this galaxy with the refugees to the Clusters.

      More will be revealed as I post. Note that I ultimately control the history of the Kisani race. I’m very stubborn when it comes to that point.

      OOC: Sorry, Carno, everyone esle but this is all I'm posting till tomorrow.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • Zidgara System

      A lone Edien freighter slowly made its way to Zidgara, about fifteen minutes from the planet. It was carrying much needed supplies to the colony and was reaching deadline by a hair’s width. One minute it was calmly going to the world, the next it was shaken as a trio of missiles slamed against its shields, causing them to flare.

      On its bridge, the Edien frieghter captain yelled, “Report, soldier! What hit us?” The captain had been daydreaming of whatever an Edien frieghter captain dreamt of. He was no happy sailor to have been weaken from those dreams.

      The soldier, young by Kisani standards, muttered something and said, “A fighter type ship came out of nowhere sir! An Arada configureation with a silver hull. Seems like a modified Zacha arada. Other then that, your guess is as good as mine.” The captain nodded and asked the information be transfered to his command console. He quickly skimmed the area and was about to say something when another thud shook the ship.

      As sparks flew, the captain said, “Arm weapons and fire at that Arada It is time we teach that fool what the price of attacking an Eiden ship carries.” The soldier nodded and hit his console...and was thrown back dead as the console exploded.

      “Engines, weapons and communications down, sir!,” yelled a lieutentant from behind the Captain. The ship sounded again and the crewer said gulped. “Shields down and dead as well sir.”

      “Oh damn...,” were the only words the captain said.

      Aboard the Arada, her pilot grinned as he veiwed the floating ship. Hawk motioned his hands and lights and symbols flared, bringing the Arada around for another pass. The Kisani had been informed that this frieghter bore essential and vital resources. Take the oppuritunity while its present the old renegade had always said.

      Hawk was the only Kisani left in this galaxy, other then a few hundred who had gone into hiding. When his people had been attacked and decimated, he had responded then and there after the reminates of the Kisani race had fled. Mnay fighters and frieghters had been left in shattered debris when he raided system after system. All those times he left a message bouy as a marker that he had been there.

      Bringing the ship to bear, Hawk made another motion on the light display, a cleaver and unqiue type of console that allowed greater command and options for the ship. As the Arada came by, Hawk fired the ship’s forward batteries at the freighter’s engines and sped away as the ship started to flame. Several lifepods jetisoned from the frieghter and were out of blast range. Seconds later, the ship blew.

      Hawk hit the display and a bouy was launched from the Nisim, the Arada he piloted, and opened a jump point, his tracks lost before any could track him.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • Vice President "Admiral" Benden sat in his command chair and looked out the veiwport. He was on his way to the tactical meeting the President had ordered. It was extremely boring to be in meetings. He preferred to be out on the front lines, where he was needed and didn't belong. Where he belonged was his desk, sitting around all day and talking to people. His Battlecruiser Silver Talon was supposed to have been scrap a few years ago, but he had saved it. He had realized a few days prior to that that he liked to be commanding a ship, so he had poked around in some shipyards and found a Battlecruiser that was nearly finished. Unfortunately, it had been made improperly. Its engines had been installed incorrectly, and when they had been tested, they had started to melt away the silver surrounding them. This made it apparent all over the ship that the silver had been impure. It had charred and the ship had turned black. So the ship had been scheduled to be scrapped. Benden had ordered that it be transfered to a different dock, on the other side of the shipyard. It had then gone through extensive surgery, that had cost Admiral Benden nearly 20 million credits. The problem with the engines had been partially fixed, but there was no way that silver could stand up to the heat they would produce. This meant covering the hull with DuraTitanium Alloy. So now, he had a ship and it shined. Well, sort of. He had soon led fleets into battle, and held gaurd while they retreated.

      The ship landed with a thud. He looked around. They were already at the spaceport. He unlatched his safety harness and walked back toward the ramp. There was a limousine with an intercepter escort standing by. He hopped inside, and sat through the ride to the capitol. Today was going to be a long day.

      "The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
      (url="http://"")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

    • Thunder walked down the hall, with Kyala close behind. Kyala, it seemed, loved spaceflight. He was a promising pilot - but for now he was satisfied to be cheif aide to the prime minister. They soon arrived in the capitol building's private docking bay. The only ships allowed here were those of the Kayan Senators and the Prime Minister himself. Thunder and Kyala walked up to a sparkling bluish-white arada (all Kayan ships were shades of mostly white, just as all Zidagar ships were mostly purple, and all Igadzra ships were mostly yellow).

      Boarding the vessel, they preped it for liftoff and zoomed into the sky through the main bay doors. Within a minute they had left the atmosphere, on a direct course for South Tip Station, the one remnant of the Milky Way that had come with them to this new galaxy. It had been placed in orbit of New Kayia when the Kayans arrived six years ago, and now, just as it did then, it still served as the Militia headquarters.

      Thunder looked out at the activity in the system; Aradas, Laziras, and a few Crescent Fighters buzzed around, still the primary Kayan vessels. Here and there a few Kayan Gunships could be seen - a design that had been conceived shortly before the gateway was opened, they had been completed and put into production five years ago. About midway between a Lazira and a Crescent Warship in size, they were the largest ship commonly seen in kayan space. A beep on the console and a tap on his shoulder from Kyala reminded Thunder to return his attention to the docking procedure as the ship lined up it's final approach to South Tip Station.

      Thunder turned the docking controls over to Kyala, as he searched his bag for the computer pad containing the text of his morning breifing. Every five days he was required to provide a routine breifing on Kayan civilian affairs to the Militia commanders, and they in return breifed him on Kayan military affairs. It was a tradition designed to enhance military readiness, and keep the military in close touch with the people.

      Today's breifing would likely be routine.

      Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

    • The Nisim broke through the atmosphere of Stor's left moon. The arada's silver hull gleamed in the system's star, invoking grace and power from those who would see her pass. The ship's destination was Sirabor and the moon of Kisal, former homeworld of the Kisani race.

      Hawk was going home after all this time.

      The young Kisani hit the light display in front of him, making guestures which caused the air to fill with images. With a sharp turn of a fist, the Nisim entered hyperspace and home.

      Hawk settled back in his seat, his thoughts heavy with memories of the past, of the course he had set. By the Kisani record, he was young, only 96 years old. When he had become of age, Hawk had gone to space on his new Arada, heading straight for Renegade space. A natural pilot and a gift at picking up skills as easily as one might breath, Hawk had become a great success in the renegade society, whic Kisani frowned upon heavily. He valued art and all things Kisani, but the pilot was unique among his race, feeling the desire of adventure and the trhill of being a renegade. In some ways, he akined himself with the young human race to the east of Kisani space. In the decades after becoming a renegade, Hawk's name was known across the whole of Crescent & Miranu Space, executing some of the greatest raids into the heart of both Zidagar and Igadzra space, leaving his prey disabled and wholly intact and alive. He was known as the Merciful, only destroying ships if need be and with great care not to hit those in the crossfire. His name was still spoken, but he had given up his trade two decades ago after a chance encounter with a wounded Zacha pilot and a miracle as his status in Igadzra and Zidagar space seemed to disaper. After purchasing a Zachit Arada and going into hiding and retirement, Hawk enjoyed luxury and ease with all the credits he had earned, which totaled nearly eighty million. He often would pass his days reworking his ship, including the light interface and Kisani shielding, which could adapt to weapons fire of any weapon configiuration. The Kisani had destroyed all records of this technology when they fled with te refugees, so those who remained here were in hiding.

      Hawk had come from retirement when the Ediens hit his home space, killing much of his people. With vengeance for driving his people from their space, he blazed through battle after battle, destroying many fighters and freighters without mercy. He was like the old Karshar, moving from the shadows to strike, then fading into the night. He had upgraded his weapons to those of modern standards and remodified a SAE module launcher. Only a message bouy left where he struck, telling any Edien who came upon the wreckage that Hawk Kael of Kisal had been here.

      Hawk dreamed these old memories as the ship traveled through hyperspace. The young rouge had had little of sleep in the last seven years...

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • BAM! The Nisim shook as an explosion rocked Hawk off his feet. Getting back up, Hawk saw what it was; an Edien fighter.

      Suddenly, a red light lit up and the cockpit was filled with a bleeping sound. "Warning! Hyperspace engiens damaged."

      Hawk muttered about the lone fighter which would now force him to turn back to Stror. The Arada turned around then headed back to Stror, with the Edien fighter still following at a distance.

      When the Nisim finally exited hyperspace in Stror, the Edien fighter hypered in behind it; along with two other Edien destroyers and an Edien battlecruiser.

      Hawk gasped at the sight of the Edien battlefleet. Accelerating to get away from them, Hawk suddenly saw another Federation battlefleet (after all, Stror is controlled by the Feds, look at the map for reference) composed of two light cruisers and three destroyers. As the two fleets closed in on each other, Hawk was caught in the middle!


      Meanwhile, back on S-570, the capitol of the Federation hidden deep inside the Proxima Nebula, Admiral Bendon was suddenly approached by a Federation captain. "Vice President Bendon?" the officer asked, Bendon nodded. "Carnotaur would like to speak with you in his office immediately."

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-22-2001).)

    • Dave wakes up with a jolt. Its the middle of the night. He's drenched in sweat. Ever since the civil war placed him in charge, he's been having flashbacks. 6 years ago: The RA govt was being tyrannic and hunted down by the Zacha and bounty hunters. The civilians were panicked, the Govt ignored their wants, and increased resistance and attacks on trader convoys and bounty hunters. The Bounty hunters made regular hit and run attacks on the most heavily populated planets, killing thousands of civilians every blow, but the govt ignored it.
      The public couldn't take it. They rebelled. The hundreds of thousands of trainded merc and soldiers, vs the hundred of millions of civilians. The officers never stood a chance. Dave was one of the first ones into the capital when the final seige took place. Dave was the one that placed the barrel of his rifle against the former premeire's chest and pulled the trigger. Tradition, placed Dave in charge. He "incapacitated" the leader, the position was placed on him. The public originally feared another Premeire, but Dave did everything he could to please them. Not to mention regular Elections to let the public decide minor issues.
      The public learned to love their new premeire, and followed his orders to the word. Every raid, Dave would give 40% of the profit to the people, because without them, Dave would be impeached, or worse. Dave even pardoned the original Premeire that he shot, after the former leader recovered from the stun blast. It was a bloody war, but civil wars always are the worst. The govt was different now. After billions of dollars of reimbursement to the strandless, bounty hunters, and Zacha, peace was finally made. Gone were the attacks on freightor convoys, gone were the retaliations by bounty hunters. Sure, it was boring, but it enabled prosperity. or, thats what the advisors said. Dave wanted a battle, everyone knows that wars bring out the best in a government. Dave couldn't go back to sleep, so he checked his messages, there's a short one from the engineers in weopon dev. HQ, telling how the techs are having trouble with the price, the projected cost will be about 800,000 per launcher, 1,450 credits per module. Dave wonders why they bother, and sends a reply telling them to go ahead and keep working, and make it so a single SDM can easily blow up a standard fighter, and a salvo of say, 3, can take out a destroyer clas vessel. its been a week, the should be working. Dave sends, plays a game called EV nova that just got released a few months ago, and goes to sleep.

      Research continued: SDM (Silver Destruction Modules)
      Development: 2 posts left
      Prototype: 2 posts
      Research way to mass produce and outfit: 3 posts

      The Future never was, yet is always to be, no one ever sees it, nor ever will. And yet it is the confidence of all to live and breathe on this blue and green terrestrial ball.
      "OOOWWWWW!" (Still stinging from the Karmaslap)

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 07-22-2001).)

    • Hawk muttered a curse in Kisani, something about the captains of the warring vessels parentage of blindside bat and a weasel. With a casual flick of his wrist, the light display flared up and two SAE modules launched from the Arada, hitting the fighter hard. The Edien ship flew backwards and hit the battlecrusier. With another guesture, the Nisim did a 180 degree flip downwards and headed in that direction. With his hyperdrive damaged, he one other choice.

      A few minutes later, Hawk actiavated the system's jumpgate and lept into hyperspace, heading straight for Sirabor.

      The Nisim lept from hyperspace into realspace. During the five hours he had spent in hyperspace, Hawk had gone through the menial task of bringing up the hyperdrive. It had been a tasking but necessary job, considering his exact location. His ship would pass unknown amongst the traffic, unseen by sensors of any type. Hawk sat at the light console, his hands guesturing with speed and style. Through the cockpit window, the Kisani could see traffic coming and going from the moons. Kisal lie within sight, and the Nisim flew straight and true. Hawk's destination was not the starport on Kisal though. He passed unknown through atmoshpere and down towards the planet.

      Hawk wacthed with awe as the arada headed down. Kisal was a moon of extorindary beauty, full of mist-filled forests, clear lakes and rivers, and meadows. It was a world that was in constant forms of cool springs and falls and warm summers. It also had the amazing ability to keep pollution from the air and water and surface, and nature was one with the world. Winter was unknown on this world, though it did rain. What Hawk had chosen as his destination was a valley in a forest far from the star port, on a western island. The Nisim landed lightly on the valley floor, which was a verdant meadow in itself.

      The hacth opened and the young rouge walked down the gangplank, setting foot on his homeworld for the first time in years. Hawk breathed in the air, and relaxed.

      He was home...

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • Thunder stepped forward and pulled up a chair at the large breifing table across from a dozen militia officers, including Militia Commander Kenyra Lasin. When Thunder had been elected Prime Minister three years ago, Lasin had succeeded him as Militia Commander. Thunder looked and pulled out his computer pad and began his standard breifing. He spoke about a recent merchant convention, imports and exports to and from other local governments, news stories of interest, and even the score from the Kyvaball championship game (Northwest beat South by the narrowest of margins, 13 to 12).

      As he completed his breifing, Commander Lasin rose to speak. "As you know, Prime Minister," he began, "Our race has enjoyed relative peace since our settlement six years ago. Only six hostile ships have been recorded in Kayan space in the last two weeks, and no casualties resulted."

      "That's just as well," Thunder interrupted, "because in case you haven't noticed from popular culture and opinion polls, our people have developed quite a distaste for war since the Renegade War and the Edien slaughters."

      "Yes..." Lasin continued, "but it does pose a problem for the military; namely, how to spend our funding when no ships need built or replaced. In an effort to find a more productive use for our funding during an era of relative peace-time, we've come up with this:" A militia lieutenant pushed a button and a ship schematic appeared as a holographic projection above the table. It looked like a Crescent Fighter that had been stretched forward slightly to form a rounded point in front, with small, tapered fins added along the sides. Still, it was a small ship - scale markings indicated that it was only 2/3 the size of a crescent fighter. "Behold - the Kayan Firefly. As I'm sure you're aware from your days as Militia Commander, the Crescent Fighter is disturbingly underpowered as a fighting vessel, not to mention notoriously inefficient with hyperspace fuel, incapable of more than three jumps without refueling. Even our Kayan variants were never able to carry more than ten defense pods or half a dozen pursuit missiles before sacraficing both speed and agility. It would be ideal if we could retire the crescent fighter from use altogether, transferring it's tasks to sturdier Aradas and the more agile Firefly. The Firefly is designed to alleviate the crescent fighter's weaknesses, acting as a true light fighter, and a ship ideal for exploration and scouting. We can design it to take advantage of our powerful scanners. It will be lightly armed and lightly armored, but highly agile. Here are the schematics for your review."

      Thunder took the pad containing the schematics and reviewed it. It read as follows:

      Ship - Kayan Firefly
      Shields/Armor - 17 sheilds, 3 armor
      Armament - 3 swivel phase cannons, 10 defense pods w/ 1 launcher
      Top Speed - 475
      Acceleration - 450

      "I like it," Thunder replied. "Hey Kyala, how'd you like to pilot one of these someday?" he said, motioning toward the holographic image. Kyala's reaction was definatively positive. Turning back to the commander, Thunder spoke again, "How long do you think it will take to put these Fireflies of yours into production?"

      "Several weeks, probably at least a month and a half (about 10-12 posts realtime). Do I have your permission to continue with this project?"

      "It's the Senate you'll need to convince," Thunder replied, "but I'm all in favor of it. I have a feeling they'll have no complaints either. Good luck, and may design and construction go well."

      "Thank you, Prime Minister."


      OOC: The Kayans, the Strands, and the Miranu refugees are all on friendly terms since they all arrived in the new galaxy together, right?

      Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

    • Please note the following as a representation of the views of the Webstory Developers Commune (WDC):

      WDC statures dictate that a notation of ownership will always be present upon Rooster's Law in all context. As well, this story has been officially reregistered and should avoid any notation prone to misunderstanding of ownership by another party (Rooster).

      Thank you, and good day.

      EVEA Administrator

      It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
      (url="http://"")EVEA Webstory Board(/url) -- (url="http://"")
      My fave 'THEY' rendering : <rooster> heh, pringles can't make more pornographic RPGs

    • Grunadluater flies the Dark Voyager near Edien.For the last 5 days he and his scientists had been working on the blueprints of the Edien Atomic Wave Transmiter (EAWT). finialy the blueprints were done.
      "The device should be ready in 5 or 6 weeks."
      "Good. In the time being, we shall goto the Milky way galexy to check out some planets.I need a new base of operations.just remember that nothing you hear leaves this room."
      "of coarse , sir."
      the Dark Voyager activated the Jumpgate and flew in.The rest of Grunadulaters fleet flew in to as they warped to Pozdag.
      Suddenly Grunadluater remembers that he must have a conference.
      message to Igor Rigadaz encrypted

      im sorry i cannot attend this meeting in person, i am terrably busy with the EAWT and other matters. i will however send a hologram see you there.
      EAWT will be complete in 5-6 posts.


      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 07-22-2001).)

    • Rima was wandering through the halls of a Miranu Gunship watching the crew and listening to their conversations. They didn't really know who she was since they only heard about her and barely saw. Going about in plain clothing helped her see what her people wanted.Usually she did this on the planets but she needed to know about the pilots too. She made a note to make a few small stations sometime that would relieve the boredom of patroling. Finally she went back and gathered up the conversations.She started on plans for a new ship and sent a few brief skimatics to The Researching department.The ship would be bigger than the Crescent Warship but not too big.She only had a brief idea at the moment but the Researchers took it hungerly. They said it would take almost 2 months( lets say 13 posts).Rima nodded and watched space go by.

      ooc: Sorry I didn't post before.I was in Rhode Island and I live in New Hampshire so long drive.

      The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

    • Once again, Hk'ryund stared around the room. With Grundulater's holographic image, all the leaders were present. Good.

      "Admiral Tach'usd, It has been brought to my attention that other alien species have had encounters with the Sladerei. I want a full intelligence report by the next session," Emperor Rigadaz started off. Admiral Tach'usd gave him a quizzical stare. Hk'ryund knew that Her, Grathon and Ly'rak were convinced he had killed his own father.Which was untrue, of course. Rigadaz knew that jealous members of the deceased Admiral Tohohr's family were responsible. Which was why he had every Edien even remotely related to Tohohr brutally tortured and killed. However, a little amount of fear never hurt anyone.

      "Yes sir," She replied after a short pause.

      "General Grathon, how are the designs for Dreadnought coming?" Hk'ryund asked.

      "Excellent, my lord. This vessel, once completed, will be the greatest warship ever designed. It will literaly crush all resistance in any system. Also, Chief researcher Vikror is close to expanding the distance of the interdimmensional Jumpgate."

      "Good. I want the researchers to be pushed to the limit. We must devolp more technology!" the Emperor roared.

      Admiral Ly'rak spoke up. "Sir, we are recieving an unusual amount of resistance in the area around the Zacha system. It is my feeling that the Voinians and Federation are planning something."

      "Okay Admiral, You will organize a defense fleet to test out Federation offensive tactics. When they arrive, the million vessels scheduled to supplement our forces in milky way will be of great assistance to you." Hk'ryund hissed.

      He listened as each of the Admirals and Generals gave reports and listed statistics. After a few hours, the session had ended, and Rigadaz went back to his sanctuary.
      The Edien interceptor slammed back into the Edien battlecruiser, crippiling the interceptor and damaging the battlecruiser.

      "Launch our interceptors," the cruiser's commander ordered as a modified arada jumped into hyperspace.

      "Sir, that is impossible. The interceptor destroyed our fighter bay. We can't launch anything." the weapons officer said.

      "Then have our destroyers move into flanking position, delta attack pattern, surrounding the alien vessels. Fire our ion beams at the nearest of the Federation's vessels."

      As red beams lashed out at the Federation destroyer, the Edien captain waited for the critical response of Federation commander.

      When did I go Insane?