Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Cheating... (money, stats, etc...)

      Those who want to cheat should go ahead. It makes the game uninteresting and unchallenging very quickly, but everyone has the right to choose for himself.

      I have found a RAM Editor for Macintosh, with the quite innovative name "RAMEdit", search for it at "" or such. In theory, you can change any stat or property of your game with this app, while running. Have a look at "" for a better explanation. As for me, I will hopefully use this litte tool only for changing my name which I misspelled right at the beginning... :frown: soon as I find out in which format the stats are saved. So far, I was unable to find out how to change the stats, they seem to be well hidden.

      If anyone can find the key, post it here! 😉

      boom-dingy what now?

    • Well, I think it isn't worth trying to find the locations when you can use Pandora's Box to edit the stats anyway. Actually, the values displayed by Pandora's Box might give you the location, but I doubt it.

    • Well, I agree with you about the money and the rest, but I really would like to change my name somehow...

      boom-dingy what now?