Voinian Missions
This review is incomplete.
Aid the Vonians! (Voinian Recruitment 1)
Start: There are unusually few humans in the bar for once - you feel rather unsafe. You feel even more discomfited when one Voinian in a dark corner signals for you to join him. Will you?
Agree: "We Voinians require the help of such human mercenaries as you from time to time. If you can prove your loyalty we can make many missions available to you in the future. To begin - we will clear you record across Voinian space if you 'intercept' the cargo that a Frontier Express ship will be bringing into the Bakka system soon, and divert it's cargo here."
End: You deliver the cargo via a rarely used docking bay, and it is hurried away. The Voinian you spoke to in the bar approaches you. "You did as well as could have been expected, human. Return to Pax again soon, we may have another job for you."
Analysis: This mission is good- it starts the Vonian mission string, it gets you money, it opens up all the Voinians missions, and you should do it right away. You can get this mission only on Pax Station. Be sure to get this mission while you can- it won't be available if you work for the UE too long. I suggest you do this mission immedately, as it will not hurt your rep too much, so that you can always continue the Voinian missions at Pax no matter what happens.
Aid the Vonians! (Voinian Recruitment 2)
Start: Your Voinian contact is at his usual table. He waves you over. Will you find out what job he has for you this time?
Agree: "We have another mission for you, human. In a few days the shuttle Ship Name will pass through the Eltor system, carrying a human admiral on a tour of the frontier outposts. Destroy the shuttle, and you will be paid 100,000 credits, and granted clearance to visit some Voinian planets and stations."
End: You are met on Pax by your contact, who hands you the agreed sum. "I have informed the other branches of the Voinian military of what you have done. They may offer you some missions if you go to Voinian space. The intelligence branch has also arranged for Voinian Heavy Fighters to be available for you to purchase."
Analysis: This mission is good- it clears your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, it opens up all the Voinians missions, but it turns your UE reputation to 'Criminal'. If you look at where the shuttle jumps in, reload your pilot, renter the system, and get to that spot (it will probably be the same) you can easily destroy the shuttle in a shuttle with extra blaze cannons and an afterburner. Be warned however- the ship will jump out VERY quickly, so be sure to get to it fast. You can get this mission only on Pax Station after the first Voinian Recruitment mission.
Transport Cargo to Destination
Start: A severe-looking Voinian officer approaches you. "Human, as you are probably aware, no trading is permitted in Voinian systems except by specifically sanctioned individuals. We has a shipment of luxury goods which needs to get to Destination , but no available supply ships heading in that direction. According to Special Services you can be trusted with such a task. If you make this delivery, you will be given sanction to carry further shipments." Do you accept this mission?
End: "The cargo seems to be in resonable condition," ruminates the officer who accepts the delivery of the shipment. "I will arrange for some papers to make you a sanctioned cargo transporter. The Supply Corps will also consider permitting you to purchase Supply Ships.
Analysis: This mission is good- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it continues the Voinian recruitment missions and gives you acess to Voinian mission computers and the military missions, and you can complete this mission in any ship with 20 tons of cargo space.
Raid Outpost Alpha
Start: A Voinian with the uniform of the military approaches you determinedly the moment you enter the bar. "Human, the Grand Military Arm of Voinia has decided to offer you the opportunity to assist Voina in greater things. Are you prepared to join in a raid on UE space?"
Accept: The Voinian grumbles oddly. "We have detected a build-up of UE vessels in the Bakka system. This force must be eliminated and you will join our fleet in accomplishing this. Destroy the UE Warfleet and return to the Ylynn outpost for you debriefing."
End: Another officer of the Voinian military greets you at the Ylynn outpost. "Well done, human. The Voinian Military is pleased with your performance." You are handed payment of 150,000 credits. "Additionally, it has been decided that you shall be granted access to purchase Frigates, and lower level military technology."
Analysis: This mission is good- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it begins the Voinian recuritment missions. I highly suggest that you have at least a Voinian Heavy Fighter when you are doing this mission. I suggest that you land on Pax station, reful/rearm, jump into the Bakka system, and scan the ships. I suggest repeating this procedure until you have a few Voinian Frigates/Crusiers on your side, and on UE Destroyers against you. This goes for every raid on the Bakka system. Also be advised that you only need to destroy the ships called 'UE Warfleet' and that this fleet consits of different types of ships.
Defend Ylynn Outpost Repeating
Start: A siren sounds and Voinians rush to their vessels to defend the Ylynn Outpost from UE raiders. You run with them.
End: You are paid 150,000 credits for your part in defending the outpost.
Analysis: This mission is ok- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and repeats itself. I highly suggest that you have at least a Voinian Heavy Fighter when you are doing this mission, perhaps even a Frigate. I suggest that you reload your pilot file if there are already UE vessels in the system when you take off. Continue reloading until there are a few Voinian Frigate/Crusiers and only UE Destroyers jump in. Do these missions until you are granted access to Denlon.
Raid Outpost Alpha Repeating
Start: A group of Voinian officers wave you over. They are muttering together, sounding slightly perturbed. "Human," their spokesman greets you, "we suspect a build up of human forces at your Outpost Alpha. We are sending a force to destroy this fleet. I hope you will be a part of it." All the Voinians look at you insistently. Will you join this mission?
End: You are paid 250,000 credits for your part in the success of the raid.
Analysis: This mission is good- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it is a repeating mission. Be advised that you need only to destroy UE Destroyers and UE Carriers. You will no doubt have a few Voinian vessels on your side, as well. Only available at Ylynn Outpost.
Raid Outpost Theta Repeating
Start: A group of Voinian officers wave you over. They are muttering together, sounding slightly perturbed. "Human," their spokesman greets you, "we suspect a build up of human forces at your Outpost Theta. We are sending a force to destroy this fleet. I hope you will be a part of it." All the Voinians look at you insistently. Will you join this mission?
End: You are paid 200,000 credits for your part in the success of the raid.
Analysis: This mission is good- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it is a repeating mission. Be advised that you need only to destroy UE Destroyers and UE Carriers. You will no doubt have a few Voinian vessels on your side, as well. Only available at Savass Station.
Raid Emalghion Repeating
Start: A Voinian officer approaches you, grimacing sourly. "Human, we are mounting a raid upon the Emalghaion system. You will be well rewarded if you join us." Will you?
End: You are paid 200,000 credits for your part in the success of the raid.
Analysis: This mission is ok- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it opens up the Voinian-Emalghan missions. I highly suggest that you have at least a Voinian Frigate at this stage. The Emalghon are pretty wimpy, so you should be able to defeat them easily. Jump in, destroy any Emalghon Fighters, and run away- the other Voinain vessels should be able to do the rest. If there are only Emalghon Warships and Freighters, take out Warships until your shields drop to 15-30% and run away (Don't leave the system). If the other Voinain ships cannot handle the Emalghons on their own, wait unil your armor is repared and shileds are up until remounting your attack. Voninan ships should jump in from time to time, giving you backup. Only available on Denlon.
Raid Emalghion (2)
Start: You are approached by a rather disgruntled-looking officer of the Voinian Military. "Human, as you may be aware, the Empire is involved in a two-front war, both against your kind, and the rebellious Emalgha. Due to a short-term problem with distribution of resources, we are unable to eliminate the weaker Emalgha. The Grand Arm has a plan to reduce the threat they pose, however, and wishes you to assist in this plan." Do you agree to help?
Accept: The Voinian mumbles sullenly. "First we must get an idea of the Emalghion system's defences. You are to join a raid on the system : destroy all Emalgha vessels and scan the system, then return here."
End: A group of Voinian officers study your report at length before debriefing you. "It seems the Emalgha system's own defences are respectably strong. However we belive we have discovered one or two weaknesses. Report to the mess for your next mission soon.
Analysis: This mission is good- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it opens up the Voinian-Emalghan missions. I highly suggest that you have at least a Voinian Frigate at this stage. The Emalghon are pretty wimpy, so you should be able to defeat them easily. Jump in, destroy any Emalghon Fighters, and run away- the other Voinain vessels should be able to do the rest. If there are only Emalghon Warships and Freighters, take out Warships until your shields drop to 15-30% and run away (Don't leave the system). If the other Voinain ships cannot handle the Emalghons on their own, wait unil your armor is repared and shileds are up until remounting your attack. Voninan ships should jump in from time to time, giving you backup.
Locate Emalgha Mines
Start: "Human," a booming-voiced Voinian informs you, when you arrive at the arranged time, "while the Emalgha are well-prepared in military terms, our reports show them to be short of many vital ores in their home system."
Accept: "We suspect that the Emalgha have a small mining colony to the galatic north of their homeworld. Human, you are to locate this world, land discretely and plant a probe there, and the return to Denlon."
Kelemon: Your ship, hovering low over Kelmaon, it's cargo bay doors swish open and the small planetary probe, about a metre in diameter, is launched out. It bobs towards the horizon, making odd bibbling sounds as it transmits it's reports back to Denlon.
End: You are informed on return to Denlon that the first reports from the probe have been received. You will be contacted in the bar if there is another mission for you.
Analysis: This mission is good- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it opens up the Voinian-Emalghan missions. You do not need any weaponry to complete this mission, and you will be able to refuel on Kelemon, so you should have no trouble completing this mission in any ship capable of jumping 4 systems.
Divert Emalgha Fleet
Start: A small group of Voinian officers call you over. "Human, we have decided to make an attack on the world of Kelmaon, thus crippling the Emalgha economy. We have a particularly special job for you."
Accept: You job is to divert the attentions for the Emalgha fleet. You are to attack the Emalghion system, and eliminate any and all vessels that might go to the aid of Kelmaon."
End: You are greeted on return to Denlon by a high-ranking Voinian who murmurs hideously as he speaks. "The operation was a success, the Emalgha mining facilities at Kelmaon have been utterly destroyed. Human, you have proved yourself a trustworth servent of the Voinian Empire, we have decided to give you access to purchase all Voinian military technology, including the mighty Voinian Crusiers themselves!:
Analysis: This mission is good- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it finishes the Voinian-Emalghan missions. I highly suggest that you have at least a Voinian Frigate at this stage. The Emalghon are pretty wimpy, so you should be able to defeat them easily. Jump in, destroy any Emalghon Fighters, and run away- the other Voinain vessels should be able to do the rest. If there are only Emalghon Warships and Freighters, take out Warships until your shields drop to 15-30% and run away (Don't leave the system). If the other Voinain ships cannot handle the Emalghons on their own, wait unil your armor is repared and shileds are up until remounting your attack. Voninan ships should jump in from time to time, giving you backup. After this mission, get the Voinian Crusier - it is the best Voinian ship there is! (Except for the Dreadnought, which you cannot buy.)
Destroy UE Convoy
Start: A hulking Voinian suddenly looms over you. From the austerness of his uniform you guess that he must be of high rank. "Human," he booms softly, "the time has come to begin the first stages of the great offensive against your kind. Soon the humans will all live in fear of us once more."
Accept: "We shall begin by increasing the regularity of our raids. Intelligence indicates a large convoy will be arriving at the human Outpost Alpha soon. You are to participate in it's destruction."
End: "Clearly our sources are deluded!" seethes the Voinian commander when he has heard your report. "Still, we shall not let this stop us from crushing the human scum! I will have another mission for you soon."
Analysis: This mission is hard as hell- it helps your reputation with the Vonians, it gets you money, and it restarts the Voinian-UE missions. I highly suggest that you have at least a Voinian Cruiser. This is a extremly difficult mission, so be sure to upgrade your ship significantly and get many escorts. Available only at Ylynn Outpost. You will have to use a viriety of tactics to defeat the fleet - it was not a convoy, but a battlegroup! Never mind that. Just be sure not to target the enemy unless you have to - try and draw them into crossfire as much as possible.
EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
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