Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Frozen heart - second port landings

      I've just got Frozen Heart, which is great - other than the fact that I can't take down traders with the same freedom as in EVO 😉 - but I can't work out how to land at the 'second port' - such as Geneva/Earth, nd Auva/Auva City - any pointers?

    • The numbers on the keyboard will select the various planets/station/moons (spobs) in a system. So, to land on Geneva, you would press 4, on Auva City, 2.

      War is peace.
      Freedom is slavery.
      Ignorance is strength.
      Big Brother is watching you.

    • do the normal numbers work, and all this time I had been using F1 and F2 and so on.....drat.......

      --The Eye is Upon you--
      If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

    • Thanks!

      It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. (Oscar WIlde)