Well, not that its fully my fault, and there are actually several reasons, but I haven't registered EVO even though I've had it for >100 or >150 days. So, here I am, flying about the galaxy when I see the old Helian belonging to Captain Hector. He flys up to me a gives me a hail as always. Only this time it read "Prepare to die non-shareware playing punk!" and starts shooting me non-stop with his blaze cannons (2 or so). I'm plenty shocked by this and try shooting back, only to find my shots still flew clean through him. I have an incredibly strong ship so I just treated him like an annoying insect, but eventually had to leave once I got to 10% armor.
BTW, anybody ever wonder who Hector was in real life? He's mentioned in Aperion too so I figure its a employee.
If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...