Out of game: Reign of "Chaos" indeed, Thunder. In light of the current facts, I don't
think it is entirely necessary for the UE to possess such powerful ships and technology,
as they don't have to compete with the Imperium Alliance.
Thus I make the following changes for the good of the RPG:
Alpha Ships now don't exist.
Work on the Sephiroth is down to 20 cubes down of 84.
Hirogen Blazes DO exist, and they strengthen fighters considerably, so please note this
STS missiles DON'T exist, because nobody else needs them, and with the Dark Matter Launcher I can do without them.
StarLances DO exist, as Rima uses them and I use them for defensive purposes.
Omega ships number 2, as usual, and will likely not increase.
The Heligun exists, although the range of it is slightly decreased and the power is also
decreased, but the firing speed is kept as normal.
ALSO! The other RPGs on websites are all excellent. All of you who don't participate in
one yet should.
<<Message to Thunder of the Igadzra, Encryption Sequence Chi-4 Active>>
I will personally meet you on Mavs within two weeks. I shall not travel on my Zidara,
the Z.S.S Topaz, as I believe the situation calls for more formality. However, as the
UE no longer possess Destroyers, which would have been the perfect ship for my
arrival, I shall make my trip in a Scoutship equipped with the Hirogen Blaze, and 5
UE fighter escorts. I shall also inform the Zidagar of this, and suggest to them that they
also come, and turn it into a conference. Thus I advise you to invite the Voinians and the
Imperium Alliance. Two Freight-Couriers full of scientists will also come.
I will bring the blueprints for the Hirogen Blaze, but be warned that the blueprints
and Hirogen Blazes on my escorts are rigged to explode if you either a) open fire
on my ships, or
attempt to take the blueprints without authorisation.
My UE patrols on the eastern side of the UE frontier shall retreat and return to their
families. I agree to let any Igadzra vessels pass through my space as long as you have
no complaint with my having them escorted by UE military ships, and I hope this works
vice versa. I will also see Voinian and Imperium Alliance ships through my space, although
these will be more heavily escorted, as the UE Council distrusts them.
I shall hope that when I enter Histori Station you will have limited forces in the area,
but understand that a sign of force will not intimitade me, but rather give me cause to
brake off our non-violence pact.
Our position is a strange one. I will work with the Voinians and Imperium Alliance only
through you, and I would inform you that I do not trust either as much as I trust you.
Paladin out.
<<Message to Rima of the Zidagar, Encryption Sequence Chi-7 Active>>
I hope all in Zidagar territory is going well.
In light of current events which reveal that the Odine and Azdgari are indeed allied, as
perhaps your raids discovered, I have agreed to meet Thunder on Histori Station in the Mavs system.
I believe it would benefit us both if you were to join the conference with a medium
sized vessel that represents the Zidagar and some limited escorts - I suggest Humrugar
heavy fighters.
I have informed Thunder of my intent to turn this into a conference, and although I have
not received any word as of yet I believe he will agree. Together we may be able to work
on a weapon with sufficient capabilities to destroy the Azdgari and Odine.
Also, I have twice met in battle with a mysterious combatant who my spies have named as
Jade, a former human who betrayed us and sided with the Azdgari. I believe that she is
consolidating her power, and you must beware of her, for during her short stay in the
United Earth she proved to be a deadly cunning pilot and a great thinker. I shall inform
everybody else of this at the conference.
Paladin out.
<<Message to the Miranu, Encryption Sequence Ch-7 Active>>
I have recently heard of the disappearance of your leader, Taylor. I am sorry to hear of
this and offer my aid in any way I may help you.
The Igadzra have invited me to a meeting on Histiri Station. I have informed him that a
fullscale conference might be a better idea. As you lack a leader, you are not expected
to come to the conference, but we do expect you, as an ally, to accept whatever comes
from the meeting.
I hope that soon you elect a new leader, and that your people are not much harmed by the
great battle which is no doubt not far away.
Paladin out.
<<Message to BattleDoctor of the Voinians, Encryption Sequence Chi-3>>
I have little to say to a people who my entire race despise, but this.
You are the furthest away from the Azdgari and Odine, and thus I suggest that you make
a military presence somewhere closer, such as in Igadzra space. I will see 20 of your
warships and their accompanying fighters through my space at a time, and they will be
under heavy guard of 40 UE Cruisers and one squadron of UE Fighters during the time
they spend in UE territory.
Paladin out.
Paladin boards a UE Scoutship, heavily upgraded and armed with the Hirogen Blaze on it's
underbelly, and with five UE Fighter escorts - all heavily upgraded and armed with the
Hirogen Blaze - set off towards Mavs. Aboard Paladin's Scoutship are two others, his
personal advisor and d'Erlon, a famous UE officer.
Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts
(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-01-2001).)