Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Reign of Chaos - Continued for Posting Ease

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      Oh, forget it. A lot has happened lately - RMA and I had a sort of flame war over
      AIM, I closed this forum (not officially, I don't have the right) and so on.

      But I don't really have the right to close this in any way. You're all playing this,
      and it isn't fair that I cut it short.

      So forget it. Let's see how it goes. I still disagree with RMA's speed of gaining
      technologies and the power of those technologies. I propose that the meddling
      with time area is completely avoided, and that RMA's tachyon sensor is replaced instead
      with a very long range normal sensor.

      The realm of time will only make gameplay difficult. Puppet weapon are also placed
      on a alert - by puppet weapons I mean those that can control other ships, such as Samurai's moving of enemy ships and the possibilities around with RMA's gravitational
      stuff. Tractor beams are allowed, but these things are one step closer to a flame war.

      Use them if you like, but I retain the right to deny your post.

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • NOTE: Instead of replacing what I did yesterday, I'll just do the beggining of what happened, and it'll be completed in another post. Even after the events in this are concluded, a lot more has to be done.
      The 2 half spheres arrived in the DSN-4846 system. The diameter of them being 4.8km. They moved to orbit the planet.

      The IA station insystem has been moved far away from the planet now, and is being evacuated.

      Power built up on the station, with a minimal drain on other systems, the Pulse Emitters on the station fired an intense gravitational beam. Spread out too much to damage much, it impacted the planet. The half-spheres began to charge with energy....

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-28-2001).)

    • removed till things are sorted

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • <FORGET IT>

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • Few things....
      The IA doesnt have much else apart from the stations. To compensate for the lack of materials, the IA reseraches a lot. The UE could probably build a fleet several times the size of the IA one, if it wanted to. The IA needs its technology, and while it is sharing it with its allies, it isnt just giving them everything instantly.

      It took a long time to get rid of the planet, and that was with the power of a Citadel Class station, and technology made to do it. I cant just go into a system, and get rid of a planet if I feel like it. I didnt feel like spreading it out over several posts, as the end result would be the same. The sphere wont be back for a bit anyway, things need to be done. Probably be back around when your weapon is ready.

      The basic techs are just advances of other things, and the gravitational engines where one of the first things I started. The IA only has 2 more tech planned. One is the ship, and the ohter will be around slightly before the ship arrives. I've been explaining how my techs have gone a bit better than most people ahve so far....



    • <FORGET IT>

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • <FORGET IT>

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • <FORGET IT>

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • Okay, I did try talking with Paladin(or Esponer), but he vanished before we could actually agree anything, or properly talk about anything.

      As far as I see it, the IA has concentrated on defensive techs. The only threat is if you attack a station, most of the techs dont work too brilliantly off station, as they need a massive power source. The UE has a weapon that can destroy anything, and everything it goes near. The IA doesnt have anything like that. The only way the planet was destroyed was becuase it had a Citadel Class Stations power output behind it, and power had been built up to do so!

      In terms of offensive weaponry, the IA has the Upgraded Neutron weaponry,the RIMs, and gravitonic beams(The only effective version being station based). It has stuff exchanged with the Voinains and Igadzra. Paladin seems to ahve thought that the IA has a massive fighting force that will simply go through every system, demolishing all before it. It doesnt, and the way things are going, it will have 1 Capital ship, and squadrons of light cruisers for each system and the Capital ship. If the IA attacked the UE, it'd be demolished. It'd survive an attack on it, as that's where its techs have gone to.

      Well, that's all from me for now.



      More from me....
      I tried to sort the problems out, but trying to talk didnt work. Going over the top after something has happened, does not work. I offered plenty of concessions, but I didnt seem to be heard. The fact I had defenses, instead of a mega-weapon that kills all seems to work against me. It's news to me.

      Just realised something else. It is wrong to make your supercruiser in an imaginative way, instead of just building it and saying it has fabulous weapons. Perhaps I should have just built several supercruisers from the canibilised remains of the IA stations, fitted them with massive weapons, that kill antyhing, instantly, and killed everyone. Seems to work a darn sight better than doing something defensive.

      Oh yes, it is also a sin to think of defenses to new enemy technology using technology you already have. Being penalised for having heard of, seen, or thought of yourself, weapons and tech that can counter what most people come up with is not good. I have been around Ev at one distance or another for a long while now, so I have heard of alot of things. I use it to my advantage. That, and simple common sense.


      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-27-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-27-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-27-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • Forget it, RMA. Continue the game - we'll get around this problem somehow.

      And it's not big to try and pack it all into one section that is extremely bias
      on your side. But I won't retaliate - forget all this, now.

      And some things about the Dark Matter Launcher: <and RMA, the galactic ranged version was a joke 🙂 >

      1. It has a reload of about 2 or three days.
      2. Anything but the slowest warship can evade it as long as they know what to expect.
      3. It's effect on a planet is almost non-existant - it excels against cruisers and stations only.
      4. The black hole created several days after firing it supplies you with an energy source.
      5. It's range is only slightly greater than the phase cannon - meaning it isn't a long range superweapon, whatever anybody might think.
      6. Only one ship uses it.
      7. It is not effective in large attacks as it can easily destroy allied ships.
      8. It does, effectively, kill everything. I admit it. But one on one, U.E.S Excalibur against the Odine Viper, the Viper would easily evade the DML and strike back and win. The
      only thing that makes the DML strong is the U.E.S Hades - the tractor beam works to hold
      enemies in place.
      9. You underestimate the power usage and space. It is so big only a 10km long ship can hold it - a 7km one can't, without totally stripping it bear. Power wise, I have made a new point to satisfy you. When being used, the following functions are disabled; other weapons, cloaking devices, primary engines, hyperspace drive, lighting and shields.
      10. When it is being fired shields drop for a second or two. An Odine Viper could take that moment to hit through the mediocre armour and destroy the U.E.S Excalibur completely.

      And now about the supercruisers:
      They're big, and powerful. Yes. They can take on a massive number of warships. Yes. But
      here are some little bits of information for you:
      1. The production of the first 2 and now the third has almost completely emptied UE treasuries.
      2. 50 UE Warships were scrapped for equipment for the U.E.S Paladin, and 65 for the U.E.S
      Excalibur. The U.E.S Hades is entirely new materials, as the UE can't afford to lose any
      more ships on the field.
      3. Because of this, the UE have themselves destroyed 115 Warships to make it, and 20 more
      could not be replaced due to low funds when renegades/Voinians destroyed them on raids.
      4. They don't really have a weakspot. They have a fast hyperspace, are powerful and have an excellent cloaking device/detector. So? Look at the cost. The MIRANU have a larger army
      than the UE now. The UE are only just above the Imperium Alliance in numbers because the Imperium Alliance were only formed 5 years ago, whereas the UE has had nearly a 100 years space travel to improve their fleet.

      Do you understand everything now, RMA? If the U.E lose the U.E.S Paladin and the U.E.S
      Excalibur, and the work on the U.E.S Hades is compromised or the ship is destroyed upon
      construction, the UE are dead. There forces would stand no chance against the Voinians alone. The Supercruisers ARE the U.E - they form it's only might. Beyond that, all they have are a couple of ships, a few STS arrays on planets - not all could be done due to the cost. Do you understand now?

      The U.E have gone for all out power by a route of supercruisers. They have LOST ships since the beginning, even without being in any real conflicts. Please, do not ask me to weaken these supercruisers, as if you weaken them any more my chances are non-existant. I was weakened enough by having to scrap the U.E.S Apollo.


      Paladin requests the U.E.S Paladin, which was until now a ZIDAGAR VESSEL, back from Rima.
      He gives the following reason without encryption:
      "I need it. It's big, it's powerful, and I want it back. When we attack the Odine fully - once the U.E.S Hades is ready - I want to have all my supercruisers completely ready. And I'm messaging you the technologies and construction lines which I will look into over the next few weeks:

      1. U.E.S Hades - Tractor Beam - Phased Rockets - Phased Beamers.
      2. Work into reaching the ultimate heat level - To create the Hirogen Blaze weapon.
      3. Resting - Collect money - Strengthen forces.
      4. U.E.S Silver Dragon. 5km long, sleep. Armed with a number of Hirogen Blazes and the
      Electron Mace, which hits all targets within a certain radius (1.5 of phase cannon range)
      with a fairly powerful attack. 3 hits of the Electron Mace can destroy a normal fighter.
      5. Resting - Collect money - Strengthen forces.
      6. Ultima Project.

      I'll explain this here and now. The Ultima Project is looking into the depths of black holes and especially their singularities. The project will take 2 weeks, at least, to complete, and will not begin for about 2 weeks. The result will either be:
      a) A primary weapon of mass destruction
      🆒 A secondary weapon.
      c) Some form of galactic warp.
      d) Some clue to the meaning of life, and perhaps the key to the universe's infinite energy.

      Who knows what will come out of it? It will cost a lot, and take a HUGE amount of energy. Starting it now is impossible, though.


      PS: I doubt the game will last long enough for the Ultima Project to even begin, never mind be completed. And you don't have to worry too much - it won't be madly powerful, whatever it is <galactic warp, galactic warp>

      This is Esponer reincarnated after an accident with a phased beamer and a shipment of Saalian brandy.

    • On getting Paladins message about the U.E.s Paladin, she sends back.
      Of course.I'll send it back immediately.I'm also about to start work on a new project.This one will be big. I will send the plans about it when I start it.

      Rima sends the U.E.S Paladin bak and then goes over to Vlagos.When she tells the sacientist what she wants they tell her to wait a month.(game time)By then they will have enough resources and more money.She agrees and they go back to there normal work.She now has all the U.E ships that had been sent and 20 Zidaras(including the original 10).She gives all of them cloaks,cloak detectors(they were just finished) and Phase Rockets.She also gives them all dipsy Rockets and SAD modules.And a Zidgar ECM.All except the destroyers have some kind of fighter bay.She wonders if theres a way the bays could be combined to fit both fighters.She puts that on her list to reaserch too.

      I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
      I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
      "Bless this holy hand grenade..."

    • I would like to thank Paladin for cutting down on the number of Supercruisers he has. I think he made the right choice.


      The V.E.S. Voinia is now complete. It has about as many turrets as one of the UE supercruisers (could someone tell me how many this is?), and they are Neutron and Enh. Blaze Turrets, but the ships carries Phase Turrets as well, and these are interchangeable with the others. It has many RIM arrays placed on it, and the same with Meteor Missiles. Though they are ancient technology, Salvo Rocket Turrets pack quite a punch, and in the numbers that they are on the V.E.S. Voinia, they can saturate an area of sapce with rockets. The Railgun Spacemine launcher (from the IA) has also been fitted to the ship. It carries 10 Heavy Fighter Mk.2's, but more may be added. Of course, it has a huge amount of shields and armor. Another ship using the same design is scheduled to be built at some point, but it will take longer than the V.E.S. Voinia, because it is not a high priority.


      Pokoren Station is about 1/3 to 1/2 finished. The V.E.S. Kelmaon has been stationed in Pokoren, and the minefields have been for the most part removed due to the recent accident. The new mines are still in the design stage, nobody is sure when they will be ready to implement.


      <message, Beta-8 encrypted>
      To: Thunder, Igadzra
      From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
      (Your news about Odine attacks is quite disturbing. Let us know if there is anything the Voinians can do to help. Thank you for the designs for the auto-sabotage systems. They will be installed on our ships ASAP. The cloak detector idea is a good one. I will send some scientists to our tech exchange at IA HQ and we can begin work. Maybe you could send some copies of your turreted laser, at some point?)
      <end message>


      The Voinians have realized that the Imperium Alliance, their valued allies, seem to have been low on resources and ships lately. In the interest of sustaining their allies, the Voinians are sending a large group of ships to be donated to the IA cause. Twenty-five cruisers (fitted with Igadzra shields), 50 frigates (also updated, with stronger shields and Meteors), and 50 supply ships (containing construction materials and the blueprints for Heavy Fighter Mk.2's) have been sent to IA space. They now belong to the IA, except for 10 supply ships and 5 frigates, which will be delivered to the ambassador the IA, and he may command them while at his post at IA HQ.

      "...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

      (This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 03-27-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • Sitting on the bridge of his command ship, the Azdgari emperor looks out on the voinian convoy. "I see where this is going. If only they had sent their diplomats to us...ah, well. Commander?"
      "Yes sir?"
      "Call the Hole and Insinuator (Prototype Viper and my production model, I don't know what samurai named his. PS remember my ship is the A.S.S. Insidious), tell them to assume attack position."
      "Yes, sir." He turns to the radio.
      Although he can't see them, the emperor watches them on the battle map (no, you can't have one, it was produced before the battle. only one copy, permanently in my ship.) The two huge ships move forward. He flips a switch and takes control of his arada himself.
      They are now almost in the middle of the enemy fleet. 'These cloaks work well,' he thinks to himself. "OK, give the orders." He grips firmer on the controls, then relaxes and exhales. The two giant ships and all the smaller ones around (mixed azd/odine) decloak. He pushes a button and his ship joins them.
      He flies through the battle with an expertise and calm only possessed by a skilled warrior, destroying ship after ship.
      The Vipers are a success. They completely demolish all surrounding craft, and move on to another cluster. They are faster than any large voinian ship, and so easily catch up.
      Then they finish off the fighters and frigates. What's left: cruisers. voinian cruisers. huge. powerful. and a lot of them.
      "Ready the tach beam."
      "fire at will."
      At that word yellow-red beams shoot out from the vipers. They detonate at each of two groups of cruisers. All nearby ships are vaporized instantly. The others come in to wipew up the rest.

      If you disagree, please say so, but this is a lot of ships (2 vipers, my enhanced arada, and about half the navy behind them)

      Well, It looks like the IA wont be getting reinforcements after all.

      I am anywhere, and I am everywhere. So beware, enemies, for I might end up in your back yard next.

      Is the answer to this question 'no'?
      Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

      (This message has been edited by Arada Pilot (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • BattleDoctor is sitting in his office, playing a game of solitaire on his computer. His game is interrupted by one of his staff.
      "Sir," says the Voinian, looking quite vexed. "We've lost contact with the fleet sent to aid the IA."
      "We WHAT?" exclaims BattleDoctor. "It's not exactly very far from our space to theirs, where did we lose them?"
      "Well, they were actually fairly close to their destination. We don't have much data on what destroyed them... most of the ships were gone as soon as the attack started. The cruisers got a few scans in, but the transmission we received from them got cut off."
      "So, what was it?" inquires BattleDoctor.
      "All we know is that at least one of the attackers was a very large ship, and there were lots of smaller ships there. I talked to the ambassador, and he suspects the Odine."
      "Hmm... he's probably right. Notify the Imperium Alliance of the attack."
      "Yes, sir!" replies the aide, and he leaves to begin sending the message.


      <message, Pi-9 encrypted>
      To: RMA, IA
      From: BattleDoctor's aide, Voinian
      (I have been ordered to inform you of the destruction of a fleet send to reinforce your forces. They were en route to IA HQ, when they were set upon by a large fleet of vessels that most likely belonged to either the Odine or the Azdgari. Take caution.)
      <end message>


      The new space mine variants are complete. They are stronger and larger than old space mines, and include propulsion and better targeting. They are being fitted to the Railguns, and to the new Minelayer vessels, which have begun production.

      "...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

      (This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 03-27-2001).)

    • Okay, I'll explain a bit about the tech the IA already has, and what it can do, so you know. Everything mentioned here was said when it was created, and no one complained then.

      Tachyon Sensors:
      These come in 2 version. Station based, and ship based.
      The station bases version is extremely powerful. It can detect cloaked ships insystem, and fleet uncloaked in surrounding systems. Now, due to the FTL nature of tachyons in normal space, result are generated before a scan is actually sent out, although only by a second or so in this version. This means weapon locks can be gained before enemy fleets actually enter a system, and if they are cloaked insystem.
      The ship based version acts just like a normal scan system, as it is much lower powered, with results being returned in a normal fashion. It has a much higher clarity, better range, and detects cloaks(not as succesfully as the station based version, but anything bigger than a UE destroyer will be detected if it's cloaked, or has a higher power source), compared to normal sensors. Only ships with large power cores can use these, meaning that not everything can have these sensors.

      Neutron-Blaze weaponry:
      This is the result of combining Voinian, UE, and Crescent weaponry. Really just neutron weaponry with an improved reload time, faster, and better targeting system.

      Just shards of metal, with a powerful pulse engine that brings it up to .88c in milliseconds, with no change of direction afetrwards. It can only be fitted to stations, large ships(or solidly built ones), or deployment pods. This means Their wont be fighters armed with these strafing the enemy.

      Their is more, but I've gtg now. More later.



      Here's the more...
      Gravitonic Engines:
      These allow IA ships massive speed and maneuverbility increases, as well as slight spacial distortions that allow weapons to be bent away. That bit isnt too effective, but it helps. A side effect of the engines is that they can be used as weapons. However, this doesnt work too well, and ends up with the outfitted ship being destroyed more than the target.
      Gravitonic resreach also allows the artifical creation of singularites. However, more power than is in a ship is needed, and they are on the quantum level, and expire quickly. Use for this isnt readily apparent.

      Energy Sheath:
      Originally, this allowed a form of shields to be projected. However, now, it supplements original shields. When activated, it can take almost infinate damage, for 3-10 seconds, depending on the station/ship. Then, when its time ahs run out, the shield emitters are burnt out, meaning they must be replaced, which means returning to a shipyard, and time refitting. This is designed to allow a ship to escape a battle, or let reinforcements come in and save the day.

      Light Cruisers: These are basically the new small IA ship, about 100m long, and designed for new technology, instead of just upgrading old designs. A good portion of the old IA fleet was canibilised to make these. At current, they can not operate at full power due to insuficient power cores.

      IA also has the tech its allys has.

      A form of cloak is planned(very different from current ones), and the IAS Triad. A very big ship. Only one will be built due to limitations.


      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-28-2001).)

      Oops, forgot buckyball armour. It's basically Voinian armour, layered with buckyballs. It is not yet complete, as intergration problems are many. It is being heavily researched, and will hopefully be ready by tommorrow(real time)


      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-28-2001).)

    • Okay, I've drawn the U.E.S Excalibur, but I don't know how to import it (this
      computer is a PC, using Internet Explorer - :frown: )


      Paladin smiles as he listens to a report. The U.E.S Hades is really getting on
      well, and meanwhile 10 more UE Cruisers are being constructed.

      "And the Hirogen Blaze?" Paladin asked.

      "We haven't been able to do much on that work. And anyway, getting a fire beam to
      reach the maximum heat possible will be hard." an admiral reports.

      "Once we have it, though, it will be able to increase the powers of our fighters
      tremendously. We will, of course, equip it on fighters, as it's lack of range and
      small inaccuracy mean it would be bad for a warship."

      "Yes, sir." the admiral said.

      "In fact, send a copy of our work so far to Rima. Ask her to work on a material
      capable of withstanding the heat. We'll need such material for the launcher - and
      if the material can be mass produced, it would also be a good armour against
      PHASE TYPE weapons."



      Hey Rima! How are the Zidagar these days? Good? That's great!

      Enclosed within this message is the blueprints for the massive Dark Matter Launcher
      and also the STS missiles, that are too big to fit on Zidaras. If you ever build
      a larger ship, these may be handy.

      Also I'm developing a weapon for fighters called the Hirogen Blaze - short ranged
      but a massively powerful weapon. I was wondering if you could put some small work
      into developing some armour resistant to heat. I'll need about 250m x 250m to equip
      a large number of my fighters with it. I hope it doesn't take long.


      Paladin received the U.E.S Paladin. The U.E.S Paladin met with the U.E.S Excalibur.

      "There's nothing to do with them just yet. Maybe I should break the non-violence pact
      for a day or two........ No - I'm going to do this the fair way."


      The U.E.S Hades is closely inspected by Paladin. "Hmmm....... It's going well. How's
      the production of the weaponry?"

      "The tractor beam isn't finished, but we have all the phase rockets and beamers
      ready. What should be it's optional turret weapon?"

      "Neutron turrets. Empty our supply on Paaren Station for them."

      "Yes sir."

      <Say, about, I don't know - 2 real days to completion? Less if you make me need them
      quickly. 🙂 >

      This is Esponer reincarnated after an accident with a phased beamer and a shipment of Saalian brandy.

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-28-2001).)

    • (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...s/excalibur.jpg(/url)

      In here is the visual of the U.E.S Excalibur. Please take a look. 🙂

      Oh, it has 30 turrets. Also:
      2000 STS missiles
      1000 SAD modules

      If the V.S.S Voinia has more turrets, then this has about 20% more - but not as
      good defences. That okay, Battledoctor?

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-28-2001).)

    • In the DSN-4846 system, the IA today suffered a massive setback. Its station in the system has vanished, as well as the planet. The system is littered with debris, and massive sources of gravity. What has happened, is not clear. A fleet of Light Cruisers has moved in, and RIM deployment pod coverage has been tripled, and is still increasing.

      Construction of a spine approx. 11.8km long has been started at IA HQ, inside the massive shipyards located in IA HQ station.

      OOC:If no one gathered, each IA station is about 14km in diameter across the ring, and 9km tall. They are a huge solid ring(approx. 9km tall), with 2 squashed balls above and below, connected to the ring, leaving hardly any gaps. The IA HQ station is 22km in diameter, and 14km tall. These things are big.



    • The U.E.S Hades has got slightly further in production. There's still quite a
      way to go.

      Meanwhile, the U.E.S Excalibur and U.E.S Paladin are running around with little
      purpose, doing various weapons tests. Paladin sends them up to the North Tip
      renegades to finally rid the galaxy of renegades altogether <Thunder killed south
      tips, and I killed human earlier>


      Work on the Hirogen Blaze.......

      Barely any. Resources are too few. Scientists have found that
      2x - cZp 32 alpha = 1. This generally means that to get a fire extremely hot, large
      periods of time under a certain heat won't work. To create a never before seen heat,
      and use it again and again, the heat of various stars have to be SUBTRACTED, not
      added, for some strange reason.

      To do this will take certain crystals................


      Other bits and bobs of data:

      One Omega Warship cannot match the V.E.S Voinia or an Odine/Azdgari Viper. The U.E.S
      Excalibur and U.E.S Hades together, both fully loaded, can take on ANY single ship, using
      the combination of tractor beam and Dark Matter Launcher. I invite you to design a defence, although please understand that such a defence would take some time to devise.

      I'm sure Samurai is planning on using that cool device of his to get my Dark Matter
      Launcher to hit my own supercruisers. Understand this - although I cannot set up any
      exact defences, my ships would be ready to avoid any fire after using the weapon, as there
      nature is as a hit and run group. Also, an Omega Class Warship with afterburners can outrun one Dark Matter blast.

      The Hirogen Blaze with at least double the combat ability of my fighters, making packs
      of them capable of destroying even Odine Cruisers.

      (This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 03-28-2001).)

    • In the DSN-4846 system....

      A wing of Light Cruisers orbit a massive gravitational source, and direct their engines power on it. Material starts to filter out to the secondry wing behind it, and is collected. Light Cruisers start to jump to IA HQ to deliver the material and information.

      Orbiting distant from the Light Cruisers, is a fluctuating gravity source. Dwindling to nothingness, then to a mass greater than that of a planet. It vanishes suddenly.

      At IA HQ...

      A fleet of light cruisers is assembled. It heads for Voinian space to collect supplies and deliver prototypes of the buckyball armour to seek the Voinians advice. the fleets engines are pushed to he max, heading for Voinian space as quickly as possible. Weapons are set to full automatic, ready to fire at whatever the tachyon sensors detect. They arrive at Kelmaon and slow down, heading for Svass station. A wing is sent to Isled station to install gravitational emitters and start upgrading power supplies. A fleet of Light cruisers is sent to the DSN-4386 system to start building the superstrucute of a small, compact station. One cruiser shuts down all systems except for sensors and communications, to allow a quicker response for all the other ships. Supplies from the Voinains will need to be sent here soon.

      3 diversionary fleets will be sent back with the supplies, all heavily defended, via a few routes.

