I did the mission to get the purple eels, what do i do next? how do i get the Igadzra?
well its gonna be a while before you earn the Igadzra, but i think you just go into the bar on Igadzra...
The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success. -
I did that...but do you need a certain combat rating? or legal status? or is the purple eel thing a dead end? how can you earn the Igadzra?
After delivering the eels from Kitrak you should get a mission to disable a Miranu Freighter carrying them and bring them to Igadzra again. I'm guessing you've done that - after that the string doesn't continue immediately. Kill some other strand ships and check out bars in other Igadzra systems. You'll get a Visit Zidagar mission - then the string stalls again. Don't despair, just keep checking their bars - after another 4 or so missions you will be given the purchasability of the Igazra - no D!
what the hell are you guys talking about?!
<me all the time oh and by the way, dont shoot other strands they hate you even more, take over the other strands. I went from felon to good egg in muid by taking over fluron.
Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**what the hell are you guys talking about?!<me all the time oh and by the way, dont shoot other strands they hate you even more, take over the other strands. I went from felon to good egg in muid by taking over fluron.
What?! I took over 7 of the Azdgari systems totally, and they all utterly despise me!
Fluron is Zidagar - he means he improved his status with Azdgari by killing Zidagar defense fleets.. makes sense, although I did think defense fleets didn't count to that. Anyway it's still easier to take some human renegades and kill them. That's how I'm Role Model throughout the crescent, and for the first time I've seen: Pillar of Society in Molar, even though I was supposed to be fully against the Azdgari - did the missions for the other two. Outside Voinian space, only Yelts, Riomor and Gadzair are hostile to me. Mavs, DSN-6107 and Hrekka think I'm fine :).
im like the other way around. the only crescent systems that like me are thae azdgari and thae strandless and a few systems near the renegades. all the renegade systems except one or two are mine!
and the miranu dont count as the crescent right?
and im pillar of defense in huron